Friday, May 30, 2008
MLM Online Success-How To Talk To Prospects Rejection Free, Part 4
In the previous post, lesson 3, we learned the secrets to ice breakers. In this post, we are going to learn what to say to prospects to get them to ask YOU for a presentation. I know, incredible isn't it? Them asking us! Let's find out how this works. Use all of Tom's suggestions for mlm online success!
I wish you success,
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart
Chapters 10 and 11 answered all my questions about MLM. The same can happen to you! Grab your free ebook today:
If you are looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
Lesson #4: What to say to prospects to get them to ask you for
a presentation.
Okay, we now know the secret.
First we figure out what we want our prospects to say.
In our case, we want our prospects to say:
"That's interesting. Tell me more."
So all we have to do is to choose the words or phrases
that will cause that reaction in prospects.
Now in my "live" workshops, I tell the attendees that
there are over 100 different types of "Ice Breakers" -
all rejection-free. Our job is to start learning a few
of them to get prospects to ask us for a presentation.
There are guaranteed FORMULAS where you simply "fill in
the blanks" and can create hundreds of easy-to-use,
easy-to-say, rejection free "Ice Breakers."
But in this mini-course, you just want something to say
now to start getting some presentations.
So let's learn a few.
If you sold weight-loss you could say to a prospect:
"I just found out how we can lose two pounds a week,
and we don't even have to exercise."
If your prospect wanted to lose weight, what would the
prospect say?
"That's interesting. How does that work?"
And now the prospect is ASKING you for a presentation,
If you knew how to give a "One-Minute Presentation,"
you could say this to a friend while having lunch:
"I got a good story. Takes about two minutes. Might
make you a lot of money, might not. Want to hear it?"
If your friend wanted to earn some extra money, what
would your friend say?
"Yeah. We've got time. Go ahead. Tell me the story."
And now your friend is ASKING you for a presentation,
If you were at a party, and visiting with a stranger,
maybe the stranger asks you for your name, where you
live, and what would the stranger ask next? He would
probably say:
"And what do you do for a living?"
Now, you could say, "I'm a distributor for XYZ
Corporation, the fastest-growing, environmentally-
conscious, super company with the awesome founder who
walks on water when it is frozen, with unbelievable
products . . ."
But what would the guaranteed reaction or response be
to that? I bet the prospect would say, "Excuse me a
second. I think I hear my cat calling me."
So if we knew how to do "Ice Breakers" properly, when
the prospect asked us what we did for a living, we
would answer:
"I'm a school teacher, and I also show people how they
can retire five years early, at full pay."
Now if this prospect was interested in retiring early,
what would this prospect say?
"That's interesting. How does that work?"
And now this stranger is ASKING you for a presentation,
You see, we can say the right combination of words to
get people to react almost any way we want. So why not
choose the words that will get the prospects to react
"Tell me more!"
"Ice Breakers" are necessary for your business. If you
don't have great "Ice Breakers," well, you won't have
anyone to talk to. That's not a good thing.
If you can't attend a "live" workshop where I am
teaching the "Ice Breakers" skill, you can do the next
best thing. Get a recording of one of my "live"
workshops. Just go to:
So the choice is up to you.
1. Learn "Ice Breakers" and have people begging you for
a presentation.
2. Or, don't learn "Ice Breakers" and spend the entire week
looking for people to give presentations to. :(
Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit about
"Ice Breakers" and how they can help your business.
And remember, if you want to make big money in your
networking business, you simply have to learn what to
say and do.
- Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
P.S. Don't forget to go to:
and get your copy of a "live" workshop on "Ice Breakers."
Abundance is seen in the dramatic rise in media types and units of media. The growth of media supply is far exceeding the growth of consumption in both temporal and monetary terms. The average number of pages in newspapers tripled in the twentieth century; the number of over-the-air television channels quadrupled since 1960s--supplemented by an average of about fifty-six cable channels in the average home; there are four times as many magazines available as in 1970s; 1.5 million new web pages are created daily, and created and stored knowledge (as measured by information scientists) is growing at a rate of 30 percent a year. We used to think of competition among newspapers or competition among television channels, but this media abundance has created competition not only among media but also competition between media and other leisure time activities such as sports, concerts, and socializing at cafes and bars.
The abundance has created fragmentation and polarization of the audience because people are spreading their media use across more channels, books, magazines, and websites. This produces extremes of use and nonuse among available channels and titles. In television, for example, there is a tendency for individuals to focus most use on three or four channels. Increasing channel availability does not create an equal amount of increased use. For example, if twenty channels are received in a household, the average viewed is five. When fifty channels are received, the average rises to twelve, and if one hundred channels are received, the average viewed by all members of the household is only sixteen. Advertisers understand this development and have responded by spreading their expenditures and paying less for smaller audiences. The audience-use changes mean that competition is no longer institutionally and structurally defined but is being defined by the time and money audiences/consumers spend with media, and the competitive focus is now on the attention economy and the experience economy.
The difficulties faced by individual units of media have led media companies to create and operate portfolios of media products. This response occurs because declining average return per unit makes owning a single media product problematic. The portfolios are efforts to reduce risk and obtain economies of scale and scope. These portfolios can increase return if they involve efficient operations and joint cost savings.
Despite the growth of portfolios and large media companies, the strength of the companies is eroding. Today no basic media content companies are in the top one hundred companies in the United States or in the top five hundred worldwide. Moreover, the reach of media companies is declining, even though they have grown bigger. Each has less of the viewers’, readers’, and listeners’ attention than in the past, and their difficult strategic position concerns many investors. As a result, media companies are struggling with their major investors, and all major media companies fear they may become takeover targets.
Underscoring all of this is a fundamental power shift in communications. The media space was previously controlled by media companies; today, however, consumers are gaining control of what has now become a demand rather than supply market. And media consumers are not merely content to be passive receivers any longer, many are now participating in production through the variety of forms of interactive and user generated content. This shift is apparent in the financing of contemporary initiatives in cable and satellite, TV and radio, audio and video downloading, digital television, and mobile media, which is based on a consumer payment model. Today, for every dollar spent on media worldwide by advertisers, consumers spend three. In the U.S., that ratio is 1 to 7.
Media companies worldwide are struggling to understand and adjust to wide-ranging external and internal changes that are altering modes of production, rapidly increasing competition, eroding their traditional audience and advertiser bases, altering established market dominance patterns, and changing the potential of the firms. The need for media managers to perceive, understand, and adjust to the new conditions increases daily because such changes can lead to failure of both existing and new products and, ultimately, lead to the loss of value or collapse of firms.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
If you are planning a Moose Hunt - get cracking. Frontier is increasing Antler transport costs 33%

hat tip to the ever-lovin' Consumerist
thanks to rrogersphotos for the photo from flickr
EFT launched in Hungary and Hong Kong
While EFT is currently only available in a limited number of countries, we're working on expanding our payment options and will announce any updates right here on the blog.
UPDATED for accuracy
Posted by Elodie Bodet - AdSense Publisher Support
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Not So Pro Sports has teamed with Funk Roberts to bring you four 4-Week Session Fitness Boot Camps in Toronto. Funk Recruits can expect to burn up to 1000 Calories per workout, Increase Muscle Tone, Fat Loss, Improve Cardiovascular and Muscular Endurance, Lower Stress, Increase Energy, Self Confidence, Strength, Flexibility, Coordination, Balance and more.
4-Week Bootcamp Session
The Funk Roberts Boot Camp gets results. The 4 Week session is run once a week on Wednesday's and is 60 minutes in duration. It's conducted in an outdoor environment adding military-style progressive, innovative, and creative exercises in fitness.
Who is the Boot Camp geared toward?
Funk Roberts Boot Camp is for all fitness levels - whether you work out daily or have not worked out since high school. The activities are set up so that you can choose the appropriate intensity for your fitness level, but you still will be pushed.
The 4 week sessions are $80.00 and you must register at
Bootcamp Dates
Funk Roberts

The pinnacle of Wedding Season is just around the corner and whether you are the bride, in the wedding party or just attending you always want to look your best in that dress.
Now is also the time, says Registered Dietician and author of the Dress-Size-Reduction-Diet Jayson Hunter, for prospective brides to think about how they're going to look their wedding dress on the biggest day in their lives--not to mention for all those pictures
"Plenty of women, and men too, take a fast and furious approach as the wedding date gets closer," says Jayson Hunter. "That's the last thing you want to do. Not eating is a terribly unhealthy thing to do to your body. Plus, the lack of energy from a lack of proper nutrition will cause the stress of planning such an event to seem that much greater."
Hunter offers this advice to any woman who wants to look great in their wedding dress:
1) Plan ahead--It takes time to lose weight properly. A pound of fat per week is a realistic and healthy goal for anyone. The more time you allow for sustained loss of weight, the better.
2) Implement a muscle-building strength training program -- Muscle is the only tissue in the human body that burns fat for energy. Plus, it will give the lean, toned look that looks great in pictures.
3) Eat small, nutritious meals -- Skipping meals does nothing more than slow down your metabolism.
4) Get plenty of rest--The positive changes that occur to your body mostly happen while you're asleep.
5) Enjoy yourself--Take advantage of the extra energy exercise provides and transfers it to the planning of your event.
To discover the most comprehensive, simple to use, step by step system ever created for women who absolutely...positively...have to lose up to 15 lbs in 30 days CLICK HERE
Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS is a registered dietician and personal trainer with over ten years of experience. He specializes in helping people lose weight quickly and safely so they look great for any special event they want to look their best for.

When you are working out in the gym or outdoors you need to train with extreme intensity. There is no use being at the gym and just going through the motions. You are not doing your body any good and you’re wasting time. Intense training means performing the exercise to your full capacity. When you leave the gym or finish a particular workout, you should sweating bricks and pretty much out of breathe...but believe you me, it will feel good. Your weight workouts should not be more than 30 minutes.
How do you achieve this, by cutting down your rest time between sets. Forget about the social talk, you can always chat after your workouts over a protein shake. Focus on why you are in the gym and your goal. Try supersetting during your workouts, while you rest perform a set of the Funk 50, quick rest and back at it.
By raising the intensity no matter what workout you do, your results will sky-rocket and your body, mind and soul will thank you.
Join Funk Roberts for a Week of Bootcamp, Fitness Seminars and Partying in Cancun, Mexico. Mention FUNK ROBERTS and save $200.00
Funk Roberts
Don’t Rush the Beat

The Glucosamine and Chondroitin formula is extremely effective at:
· Reducing joint pain
· Increasing lubrication of the joint
· Stimulating cartilage matrix repair
· Inhibiting enzymes that breakdown cartilage
· Preserving joint space
· Anti-inflammatory actions
1. What is it and where does it come from?
Glucosamine is formed when glucose combines with an amino acid. It is a building block for cartilage. Glucosamine sulfate is a form of glucosamine that has some extremely beneficial uses, especially for healing connective tissue.
Glucosamine sulfate is a small and simple molecular building block used to support mobility and flexibility in joints. The body absorbs glucosamine sulfate quickly and efficiently when ingested.
2. What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?
According to convincing research, glucosamine sulfate may take a part in supporting lubrication and supporting sulfate uptake in particular cartilage. Research shows that it is absorbed into the body at a rate much more effective than other "joint-supporters". Because of the small size of the molecules, they are absorbed at a rate of 98%--compare that to the mere 13% absorption rate of chondroitin sulfate, and you can understand why glucosamine sulfate works so much better.
By stimulating production of additional synovial fluid, studies show that glucosamine sulfate helps keep joints in the body rolling smoothly. Recent studies have found that as a readily absorbed building block for cartilage.
3. Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?
Athletes, bodybuilders and everyday people can greatly benefit from supplementing glucosamine sulfate. In fact, nearly everybody who trains with weights may have a tendency to overuse certain joints, and consequently, glucosamine can help to cushion and lubricate joints.
4. How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?
Most studies show that supplementing a balanced diet with about 500 mg three times a day is very effective. There have been no reported cases of toxicity associated with proper dosages of glucosamine sulfate.
Republished from Clayton South's Health Facts

MLM Online Success Tips: How To Talk to Prospects Rejection Free, Part 3
I wish you success,
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart
Chapters 10 and 11 answered all my questions about MLM. The same can happen to you! Grab your free ebook today:
If you are looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
Lesson #3: The secret to getting prospects to say
anything you want.
This is easy. You already know that if you say certain
things, you get an almost guaranteed response.
For instance, let's say that you are working as a
minimum wage clerk at a clothing store in the local
shopping mall.
You have a hot date at the food court during your
upcoming coffee break.
So you go to your manager and say,
"Time for my coffee break. I have a hot date at
the food court. I'll be back in 20 minutes."
The manager says:
"You can't go. A lady just walked into the store,
and she might want to buy something."
As you are walking towards the lady, you are thinking
to yourself,
"If this lady would only say to me: 'Oh, I'm just looking.'
Then I could go on my hot date. I wonder, is there
something I could say to this lady that will get her
to tell me: 'Oh, I'm just looking.'?"
As you approach the lady, you simply say:
"Can I help you?"
And the lady's automatic, almost guaranteed response
"Oh no, I'm just looking."
You run back to your manager and say,
"I'm off to the food court for my hot date. The lady
isn't going to buy anything. She said she is just
You KNOW that if you say, "Can I help you?" - most
prospects will automatically reply, "Oh no, I'm just
Now you have the secret to "Ice Breakers."
You will simply choose phrases or word sequences that
will cause most of your prospects to react.
And how do we want them to react?
By saying, "That's interesting. Tell me more."
Lesson #4 is coming in a few days. In Lesson #4,
I will show you how you can spend your entire week
giving presentations, instead of spending the entire
week looking for people to give presentations to.
By saying some really cool "Ice Breakers."
- Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Brides, Dads, and Grads
Right around this time last year, we shared some ways to make the most out of summer gift-giving. Take a look at these extensive suggestions for ideas on how you can reach gift-givers and party planners this summer.
You may also want to check out demographic bidding when you set up your summer gift-giving and party planning campaigns. Demographic bidding is a way to help your ad reach audiences of a certain age or gender. For example, if you want your ads to be seen by young brides-to-be who might be planning a honeymoon, you could target women aged 25-35. Learn more about how demographic bidding can help you reach new customers.
We hope you'll enjoy these tips -- happy start-of-summer!
Posted by Heather Lane, Inside AdWords crew

An MMA fighter should not lift with the same frequency and intensity as a bodybuilder does. You would never be able to recover from your workouts if you did because of all the training an MMA fighter already has to go through, i.e. sparring drills, mat work and cardio.
Working out with weights twice a week will help to create and larger and stronger athlete. I recommend to the MMA hopeful that they train with free weight and kettlebells. By using free weights you will increase your range of motion, and be able to control and stabilize your body for the fight.
Here is a weight routine that can make up an entire weight program for a fighter.
Program for the MMA Fighter
1. Squats – 3 sets 15, 12, 10 reps (quads, hams, calves)
2. Bench Press – 3 sets 15, 12, 10 reps (chest, shoulders, triceps)
3. Two Handed Kettlebell Swing - 3 sets 20 swings (shoulders, back, quads, biceps, triceps)
4. Kettlebell Snatch –3 sets 10 snatches each arm (shoulders, back, quads, biceps, triceps)
5. Power Clean 3 sets of 10 (whole body)
6. Chin Ups 3 sets to failure (back, biceps)
Funk Roberts
Don’t Rush the Beat

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Roamfree "Team" link now missing from the website

Inside AdSense, now in Traditional Chinese
Visit the new Traditional Chinese blog today, and don’t forget to subscribe via email or feed!
Posted by Hailei Song – AdSense Taiwan/Hong Kong Publisher Support
The Google Mini gets a Not-so-mini Upgrade
Our small but powerful blue box has been working hard in companies all over the world, and now it works even harder so you don't have to. We've outfitted the Mini with some great new features:
- Almost all employees store files on shared servers so other employees can access them. The Mini is now able to securely crawl and serve these file shares. You'll be able to quickly find shared information across the company instead of having to ask a hundred people or, worse, do their work over.
- Many customers have told us that they want to tell us which documents are more valuable within their own companies -- for instance, published marketing collateral is more authoritative than the first draft. Sometimes, files from a certain server are less important and shouldn't clog the search results page. Source Biasing enables users to give us URL patterns and tell us if they should be weighted higher or lower.
- Two very similar documents: One from 1998, one from 2008. We're guessing you're not as interested in the one written 10 years ago. If so, you'll like our new Date Biasing feature, which gives greater (or lesser) importance to newer (or older) documents.
- Finally, in an effort to continue the rapid international growth of the Google Mini, we are adding support for six more languages (Basque, Catalan, Galician, Greek, Hungarian, and Polish) in the Mini's administrative screens and help documentation.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Branding in Hotels - why is a Days Inn in China luxury while in the US it is...well a Days Inn
But Days Inn have been in China for a few years now and have adopted a completely different model.

But here is a photo of the Beijing Days Inn (and you can find more here). The first line in the hotel amenities for this property is "5 Star Rating". Here we have a brand synonymous in Hospitality for cheap but reliable and yet the emerging market launch is all about luxury, quality and amenities. I don't understand. Either all things American are viewed as inherently better in China (which I do not thing is true for one minute) or there is a mistaken belief that you can run a global brand with vastly different DNA in two different markets. I just think it is a mistake. Inbound business travellers are not going to look favourably about staying at a Days Inn in China and Chinese travellers to the US are certain to be disappointed and surprised if they are expecting the quality of the Chinese product out of the domestic US properties.
I don't get it. Do you?
International Trade Questions And Answers
I have read through you info on this site and found it very informative.
In regards to due diligence as well as doing the checks by cold calling and checking their website, is there a pack which I should put together to ensure the least risk possible.
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated as these people can seem very trustworthy and I myself or employees of mine can have a set procedure in place to make sure we have covered ourselves as well as we possibly could.
I am not aware of a 'package' of details that you can check, except for the resources we have compiled on our company page at: which you and your employees are free to use any time - just scroll down the page until you see the "Due Diligence" sub-title.
These are not all that are available, I am sure, but if you follow that list you should be able to find any negative details on someone, if there are any on record.
I am not sure if you are in the USA or not, but the US has a program through their embassies that you can pay a couple of hundred dollars to have the embassy rep do a background check on the potential importer.
Another thing you can do is ask for references of other businesses they have dealt with and then actually contact those references. I know of one supplement manufacturer who would not even bother following up a lead if they would not provide them with at least one reference.
You will want to cross reference the reference also to make sure you aren't calling the guys brother or brother in law who is in on the deal with him.
Last, confirmed letters of credit (LOC) are about the safest way to go when it comes to payment, but they are often very difficult to get and much more expensive than regular LOC's.
Ultimately there are no guarantees of keeping you from getting ripped off. I have personally talked with several exporters and importers who had worked for some time with their buyers/sellersin smaller quantity orders. Then a larger order comes in and they end up never getting paid for it or if they are the importer, they send the money and never receive the merchandise.
This last type of deal is the old confidence game where they use small orders to gain your confidence, pay for them up front or shipthem right away and then hit you with a big order which is never paid for and you can never seem to find the person in their office at any time.
It is an unfortunate fact of business life (and personal) that you have to approach every transaction as if it is a fraudulent one and be very firm in your requirements of the other party.
Fraudsters are everywhere - in every country - unfortunately much of the scams come from the very countries that need legitimate trade the most and they are in Africa.
Many (not all) people have come to realize Africa is the main origin for the fraudulent activities so many of the fraudsters have now resorted to faking emails and other correspondence with actual names of legitimate companies in China or India.
The fraudsters will use the actual graphics or letterhead from a legitimate company but place their (the fraudster's) email or phone number (which is usually forwarded) in the correspondence.
Another fraudster technique is to use a color copier to duplicate an actual money order or cashiers check from a legitimate bank. Looks legit, you deposit it, have the goods shipped only to find out about 3-4 weeks later when you get a call from the bank telling you it has been returned. Guess what - it isn't the bank's responsibility and they will take you to court, if necessary, to get the funds from you.
Your qualification requirements have to be so firm that most fraudsters will consider them not worth the effort and crawl back under the rock from which they came - these strict requirements may cost you a real transaction from time to time but it is better to walk away.
Fraudsters know most companies and individuals are desperate to make a sale and they use this against you. If a deal seems too good to be real - it is. If you ever run into a deal that you just can not seem to resist but would like my input, feel free to call me and tell me the details without revealing who the party is and I will be happy to give you my opinion.
In most instances, you will probably not like my recommendation but you always have the final decision.
Hope this has helped and I wish you the best.
MLM Online Success Tips: How to Talk to Prospects Rejection Free Part 2
Following Tom's advice can help you find mlm online success as well as offline. Lesson 3, the secret to Ice Breakers, will follow in the next post.
I wish you success,
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart
Chapters 10 and 11 answered all my questions about MLM. The same can happen to you! Grab your free ebook today:
If you are looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
Lesson #2: What not to say to prospects.
Do we hope our prospects will just say: "Hey, have you
joined any new businesses lately that you would like to
tell me about?"
If we do, we won't have many presentations for our
We have to take control of the conversation and get our
prospects interested in our product, service or
opportunity. And we have to get their interest high
enough to voluntarily ask us for a presentation.
I have a rule for my business.
"I only give presentations to prospects who ask me for
a presentation first."
Now, before you think I am going to starve, consider
this. I simply say things that will motivate the
prospect to ask for a presentation.
Currently, most distributors say things that motivate
the prospect NOT to ask for a presentation. They say
things like:
* "Boy, do I have an opportunity for you."
* "Do you keep your financial options open so that you
can enhance your lifestyle options?"
* "Let me tell you about a ground floor opportunity
that takes advantage of the buying power of Generation
X, Y & Z."
* "I am currently looking for business partners with a
fast-growing public company with extreme upside
* "How about coming to an opportunity meeting tonight
at the Holiday Inn? It only lasts 90 minutes and shows
you how to own your own life."
You have probably tested these sentences and noticed
that most prospects say:
"Run! Run! Save yourself!"
"I'm busy."
"It's a pyramid!"
"I'm not a salesman."
This isn't the reaction we want from a prospect. We
want our prospects to lean forward and ask us for a
If we want different results - we should say different
things. :)
Lesson #3 is coming in a few days. In Lesson #3, I will
show you the secret to getting prospects to say anything
you want.
- Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Last minute model is on hiatus - but is it dead? Wotif to go 365 days

I have been thinking about this for the last few weeks and wondering if this is an indication of a wider trend that I have been watching. I had been noticing that's hotel growth was coming from its secret hotels, not last minute purchases. I could not help but read about's continued growth in Europe - the sense I get (no data to back it) is that there is nothing particularly last minute about this non-stop growth. Other players have been extending their booking windows also. Finally - despite softening in the US economy and high oil prices it is still boom time for hotels. With occupancy rates so high, hoteliers seem less and less interested in seeking help for last minute distribution. Bring these together and it looks like until we see another change industry dynamics there is at the very least a hiatus in the last minute model. But I am not convinced that the model is dead, another shift in demand (read continuing economic downturns) and hotels will look to last minute again and the distribution houses will be right there to pick it up. Meanwhile - look for the Wotif goes 365 press release very soon.
What do you think? Am I right in sensing a movement away from last minute distribution of hotels? If so do you agree that its just due to the economic environment or there a more fundamental shift here.
UPDATE - thanks to a reader that sent through an ASX filed presentation from Wotif. From 8 May this presentation is an update given to brokers. It includes on slides 9 and 31 commentary that 365 day inventory is "in development" and "coming". Also updates on and AsiaWebDirect. You can find a copy here
BOOT Recommends - stayed at and love the Luton Hoo Hotel Golf & Spa

But I now have a new clear and unambiguous winner of the BOOT's top choice award. Last month I spent an amazing weekend at The Luton Hoo Hotel Golf & Spa in Bedfordshire England.
The first thing that strikes you about this hotel is the arrival. A long drive up an entranceway lined with green fields, trees and (I'm serious) wandering pheasant. The approach is rounded out by the building itself. A magnificent example of your ideas of a what an English country estate should look like. A beautiful front view on a water feature, side areas with manicured lawns and fountains, an entrance way with high arches, columns and waiting attendants. Beautiful. The hotel conversion has only just be completed so the facilities are all near perfect and new. High ceilings, large rooms, huge bathtubs, period but comfortable furniture...everything you could need to sink into the world of a luxury weekend in the country. Facilities are rounded out with a top class swimming pool, fair sized gym, near perfect croquet lawn (what a view) and a number of bars, high tea lounges and dining areas.
I looked for some areas to imperfection and found only one. The restaurants and food service areas (like the rest of the hotel) are new. As a result they have a few teething problems around getting good out one time (and accurately). This was annoying at meal times but did not detract from an amazing experience and would expect it to improve as the staff get used to the new set up. The prices are not cheap and this one was on my own dime. But it was a fantastic experience and re-defined in my mind the whole concept of spending a weekend in Luton.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Airline Industry - NPR Style - Interview with Scott McCartney of the WSJ's Middle Seat

Saturday, May 24, 2008
International Trade Questions And Answers
In your import course do you offer a CD so we can modify forms like letters, invoices, etc with our own company name?
Answer 1:
The import course materials do not.
We, Coble International and, do provide an unadvertised Bonus that will be sent to you via email after you advise us that you have received your course - these bonus resources include Word formatted, easily modifiable agreements, letterhead and some recommendations on business resources that can save you up to $500-$600 a year (actual resources we use in our business).
Microsoft Word contains Invoice formats, it is of little use taking up valuable CD Rom data space putting something on it that your computer most likely already has available within programs like Word or other word processing program.
If you do not have Microsoft Word on your PC, I strongly urge you to get it - best word processing program around.
Question 2:
Do you offer any money back gurantee in case we are not 100% satisfied with your products?
Answer 2:
I could go into a "long" dissertation about why we do not offer refunds but I will try to keep it short.
1. We outline "exactly" what you are getting with our materials, when you make a purchase from our web site, you have already made a conscious decision that you are happy with what is listed there.
2. We have experienced well over $350,000 in fraudulent orders in the last 7 years - I got tired of keeping inventory on hand and dealing with the credit card companies and about 3-4 years ago decided to take "less" money and let our publishers deal with the credit card company issues. Our publishers do not offer refunds, therefore, we cannot, and do not offer refunds.
3. Last, I will close out my reply by providing you with the comments from one of the oldest marketing experts that I have known now for nearly 20 years and his response to the question of a money back guarantee or option - his name is Jim Straw and with over 40 years of business experience under his belt, I firmly believe and agree with his stated case against offering refunds:
Here is Jim Straw's Comments on refunds:
Since I sell "information" ... not "opportunities" ... nowhere in any of our sales material do we offer any kind of Money-Back option.
Why? ? -- Because...
(1) We are not a lending library. -- If you want to borrow a book, we recommend a visit to your local public library. We do not lend our publications.
(2) We cannot erase your memory. -- Once you have read and made mental note of the information provided in our publications, there is no way you can return it to us. Even if you return the printed material; or delete the PDF file from your hard drive, you still have the information in your memory for your ultimate use.
By not including a Money-Back option; of any kind, in our sales material, we intentionally discourage people who are seeking a ‘guaranteed’ existence from buying our publications.
Over the past 40 years, I have literally made millions, upon millions, of dollars "doing" the things I have written about - and - other people have made millions, upon millions, of dollars doing what I teach in my materials.
May I suggest that you "use" the information in the materials you purchased to achieve the success you have been seeking ... and ... I am always here to assist you in your efforts anytime you run into a situation you don't understand. -- REMEMBER, I have done it ... not just written about it ... so I can steer you in the right direction.
If I were to give you a refund, I would only allow you an excuse to quit ... delaying your success, again.
*** end of Jim Straw's comments on refunds ***
In closing, you now know why we do not offer a money back option and if that keeps you from ordering, well, so be it. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Internet Marketing Tip For E-tailers or Online Retailers That To Boost There Campaigns
This Internet Marketing Tip Is For All Entrepreneurs That Own Or Looking To Make Money As E-tailers or Online Retailers, Where Boosting Profits Per Advertising Campaigns Is Really Important!
So, after doing the right brand marketing and provide high quality products you need to do everything you can to increase your sales and profit, plus you need to keep your eye in your ROI(Return On Investment) and response conversions. One thing you need to know about online retail conversions is that the average rate was no more than 2% till 2006, but in 2007 this rates to a new level never seen in the e-tail industry. The percentage level increased from 12.3% to 31.7%, but before making any conclusions you need to know that these rates very by industry. Maybe you can get similar results with your internet marketing campaigns, remember is all on your strategy and landing page sales optimization, here is an article that shows some of the best rates from 2007 title "Top Online Retail Conversion Rates As High As 31% - See The List".
Note: When searching for "Online Retail Conversions" on Google, don't go to a site call Online Conversions because it have nothing to do with retail sales or anything like it.
Boost E-tail Conversions With These Top 2 Internet Marketing Tips:
1.- First online retailers or e-tailers need to have an integrated merchandise searching system or "searchandising" that can help your visitors find what they need easy and fast.
2.- Another thing that you need is the implementation of the right analytics strategy that can give you the power to become more responsive to your customer demands.
Recommended Resources.
- Coordinating Online Marketing To Maximize ROI.
- Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business Online.
- Why You Must Use Adword Conversion Tracking.
- Conversion Rate: The Key Factor Of Distribution Online.
In Conclusion: You need to have the right mix of searchandising and analytics strategies which will help you e-tail or online retail store increase response conversions from your traffic and give you the opportunity to generate larger web orders.
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant Massachusetts.
About Author: Luis Galarza is a respectable Internet Marketing and Small Business Consultant in the area of Leominster and Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Also, he had teach 100's of entrepreneurs how to make money online and offline without their own product.
- The International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs
Technorati tags: Luis Galarza, Online Marketing, Internet Marketing Tips For Retailers, Etailers,
Process Imple-Mentor
I've long been a True Believer in Process Driven Design (PDD)... and that's why I chose to work in the BPM arena. I truly believe that "The Process" should "Drive" most of the Application Development Efforts that are carried out on behalf of Businesses and Government Agencies.
My strong belief that PDD is "the way to go" stemmed largely from what I experienced while acting as a Technical Architect for a business that facilitates Loan Oriented interactions between Individuals, Private Companies and Federal Agencies... What transpires at that company was not unique, so rather than singling out the company by name I will refer to it as "QGC" (Quasi-Governmental Corporation).
QGC was (and is) doing a great job in accomplishing its mission, but developing and maintaining the software to support the mission was an ongoing herculean effort. The company had been in business for several years, and over time they had acquired a diverse mix of Mainframe applications, Java EE applications, and Packaged Applications to support the business. The business revolved around the Life-Cycle of Loans... Apply for Loan, Disburse Funds, Collect Payments, Arbitrate Disputes, etc.
All of QGC's "core" software in one way or another supported Loan Oriented Business Processes. Some applications directly supported the Borrowers, some applications supported Lenders, some applications supported Government Agencies. An underlying "System of Record" maintained the integrity of the Data common to all parties. Lots and lots of details spread over multiple systems... working together to implement the Processes of Applying for Loans, Disbursing Funds, Collecting Payments, etc.
QGC's "core" software assets functioned together as a finely-tuned machine... But that machine was incredibly hard to tune and it required a large team of highly skilled mechanics and technicians to keep the machine tuned and running well. Their business is not simple... but the complexity of the software was not proportionate to the complexity of the business.
I came to believe that there was one root problem with QGC's Software Architecture... The Business was centered on Process, but the Process Definitions were not central to the Software Architecture. The Software Architecture focused on specific audiences... Borrower, Lender, Agency. The code to implement the Processes of moving information between these Participants was scattered across Stored Procedures, cron jobs, daemons, etc.
The Process Definitions were not centrally managed... so any time we needed to change a Process (perhaps in response to a regulatory change), we'd have to comb through numerous systems to figure out "What Has To Change Where". Change is a very hard thing to accomplish when you have to track down a dozen programmers to figure out where a specific detail of a Process is implemented.
The Architectural approach towards Processes at QCG was one that I would now call "Process Implementation Through Discrete Integration". Build all of the Activities that are needed to perform a Process, and then use the most expedient technologies to Integrate each individual Activity with it's "neighboring" Activities. End result... the company has a Managed Business Process, but there are many "managers" and they are scattered all over the place and hard to coordinate (when the inevitable change is necessary).
My reaction to having to deal with the perils of this Integration focused Software Architecture was to loudly proclaim "There Must Be a Better Way!"
My search for a "Better Way" was timed perfectly: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) was gaining mind-share, and the "Open" software technologies that had been spawned by "The Web" had ripened to the point where it was no longer necessary to build everything from scratch. The ability to build "Composite Service Oriented Applications" was finally at hand.
For me, the first key to PDD enlightenment was to start talking about "Services" instead of "Objects". In Business, you care about getting something done (getting a Service performed) more than you care about "Who" does it (the Service Provider). Objects are Service Providers, and should ideally be interchangeable... The Design Focus should be on the Services themselves.
The second key to PDD enlightenment was to surrender my creative freedom to the constraints of a Process Engine. To heck with preserving creativity and flexibility... As the saying goes: "Mussolini made the trains run on time in Italy", and process software absolutely positively must "run on time".
(Those of you who follow the above link will learn that Mussolini's claim was false, so I really shouldn't use it because it implies that claims by Process Engines are also false... but it's just such a great analogy (even though flawed) that I can't resist)
Those two keys, "Services" and "Process Engine", unlocked my awareness of "The Better Way" to architect process Software (and to implement Managed Business Processes). I'd arrived at the architectural approach for what's now commonly known as BPM (Business Process Management).
My belief in the value of BPM led me to quit my job and go to work for a BPM company, Lombardi Software. Lombardi's slogan is "Process Driven"... so the attraction was obvious (and they let me keep blogging).
Lombardi's BPM tools are great, and I'd hate to be without them... but from working with many clients on many BPM projects I've learned that tools, even great tools, are not enough. The Development Process is as important as the Tools, and the two must complement each other or the projects won't succeed.
The Process of Implementing a Process is equally as important as the Tools that you use to Implement a Processs.
Object-Oriented Design and Programming was as much about Philosphy and Mind Set as it was about OO Languages like SmallTalk, C++ and Java. Learning C++ and Java didn't make you an Object Oriented programmer, learning to "think in Objects" did. Process-Driven-Design is the same.
Those of us who develop Managed Processes will still build many of the same things that we've always built, but we are changing the way that we think about those things, and the way that we build them.
So that's why I keep sharing my thoughts about how to implement BPM solutions with developers... I want to help you start "thinking in Processes".
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Will Travel 2.0 work in Asia? Yes - just as soon as the ad dollars flow faster

I was asked in an email this week about whether or not social networking sites will work in Asia. The question referred to a range of players such as Tript, triptouch, tripwiser and WAYN.
I have spoken before on the criteria for what makes a successful content (read Web 2.0) company in online travel. You can see that post here. I also did a post that discussed a lot of different approaches to content called "Content, content everywhere but who is getting the traffic". However this question asked me to think about this from the basis of the consumer market from a regional perspective rather than from a product and traffic perspective.
Content/Web 2.0 companies need two market based environmental factors to succeed. They need lots of containers and lots of advertisers.
Containers - this is a phrase I have adopted from Adam Healey. He used it to describe social networks, news readers and other web based products that capture a lot of user time and interaction. Critically these are the places that users build integrated online experiences with widgets, applications, social interactions and user generated content. This is needed because it shows that consumers are moving to the next level of interaction online and are open to product based web companies.
Advertisers - because they have the money. They are the business plan.
In Asia we have the containers. Friendster all but died in the West but is alive and kicking in Asia. MySpace and Facebook are fighting back against Friendster's early lead. Finally we cannot discount Asia's home growth social networks such as Cyworld in South Korea, Mixi in Japan and in China (Richard MacManus has some interesting analysis here). Naturally to hit these local players then local language is critical.
However in Asia the online advertising lags the West. This is just a matter of time but it means that the market for Web 2.0 is a few years behind. The US online advertising market for 2007 in the US was $21.1bb according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (via TechCrunch). In Australia 2007 was US$1.2bilion. The UK reached GBP2.8bb in online advertising spend in 2007. Japan is clearly a global power-house in online advertising (one estimate put 2007 online advertising market at $5.5bb). But other parts of Asia are a little bit behind.
So in the case of Containers the pieces are all there but in the case of online advertising the pieces are almost there but not yet.
thanks to JayMoney in flick for the photo