On behalf of the innocent...
I lay crying and i was dieing
No cries they heard, from that distance
They neared and had me speared
And they painted me, in vengeance!
Sare jahaan se achha, Hindustan hamara? It means... Better than the whole world, our India... If we have India first in our hearts many questions come to my mind, like why do we allow demonic actions to overpower us and hurt our very own India? Why kill the innocent and sacrifice peace instead of instilling it between ourselves and others. Have we killed humanity for religion? Why cant we just respect each others religious beliefs, stop religious violence and stand united forever. But it is a matter of time... i guess... when we will be a really united country as we are known for... Too much to think of... but if only people settled religious issues without violence, Hindustan (India) would be surely best and popular for everything just as we are, for our colorful traditions, cultures and values...
It rips my heart open to think about all the violence in our country as a kid in 1992. Those memories still haunt, how the riots in extreme brutality, had almost 2000 peoples lives during the time. Apart from just watching it all on TV or hearing it spread from mouth to mouth, to believe, each state in India experienced curfews which were imposed in the cities to prevent further violence and because of that life seemed all up-side-down sometimes having nothing to eat! i remember the scarcity of food staying at a boarding school. I remember how scared we used to be hearing all the news from the other girls who weren't boarders. It was vacation time in dec and how we went through the tough, and scary phase and even in the safety of my home i dreaded the gunned police men!
As a human i feared history would repeat itself today when the verdict of the ayodhya case would be ruled out... You can read it HERE and HERE!