Luis Galarza - Affiliate Marketing Secret Training Guide Blog.To Start Your Internet Home Business You Need To Know The Basics Of An Internet Marketing Plan For Beginners That Will Help You Start Promoting Your New Business Online With Little or No Money What's Over!
First before I continue with the basic step-by-step Internet marketing plan for beginners, you need to understand that to make the huge Adsense and affiliate commission checks, you will need to put some money into your business in order to help it grow smoothly, which little by little will turn into an online money making machine.
So, always save money to invest in your online business to keep it growing...
Many beginners always make a lot of big Internet marketing mistakes, and I don't want you to fail in the online marketing myth traps.
Here are some of the myth you should avoid:- No researching the profit potential of the niche market they decide to monetize. This is suppose to be the first step you should make before even creating a web site or blog.
- Not writing a good strategic Internet marketing plan that will help you keep your strategies focus on your business goals.
- Spending too much money in web site design, development, and hosting. Now you can have a nice web site create for about $100 and even for nothing if you use free site builders.
- Thinking they need a top domain name to build a good reputation online.
- If you build it they will come... Without marketing your site you and whoever created your site are the only people that know about your site.
- Thinking they need their own product to start their own Internet home base business.
- Leaving
SEO or
search engine optimization for last... This is one of the worth mistakes you can make, you need to start optimizing your web site right from start.
- Thinking you need a lot of money before starting using Internet marketing strategies for your business. The Internet is an excellent communication channel that have many free and low cost marketing tools that you can use to test your idea, before investing a large amount of money.
- You need to learn how to use each of the elements and advertising tools that you have point in your Internet marketing plan. So, don't jump into PPC or pay-per-click advertising if you don't know how to use this marketing tool. PPC can eat your bank account if you're not careful.
- Join blogs, forums, and online clubs to learn more about the industry. And to find networking partners... Remember that running an online business is just like running an offline business, you need to take advantage of every networking opportunity you come across, and online is even easier to find a large amount of partners in your niche.
OK, now that you know some of the Internet marketing myth and mistakes many beginners fall in, we can start talking about the marketing plan.
First you will need some of the following tools:1.- A free professional web site: You can get a Free Microsoft Live Basic Web Site, they will give you a free site with a free regular domain name (www.your-site.com). Yes, it's free, you only need an email account with Hotmail or MSN, and a credit card to verify your age, and done...
2.- A free Blogger blog or Wordpress: If you have a little investment you can get a low cost hosting account which includes free domain name to host your blog on your server. I recommend you to start with a free one so you can test how profitable your niche really is, and then go from there.
3.- A free Squidoo account: Squidoo is an excellent web 2.0 social media tool that has a lot of love from Google... And you can use this to gain more exposure for other top search keywords and you can make extra money at the same time.
4.- A need free classified ads and article directories: You are going to use this to attract more visitors to your site and blog... If you decide to use only a blog, it's OK. Just send the traffic to your blog.
OK, I hope this is not to many things to do, but the marketing strategy will work better if you have all this tools working passively for you.
Here is the
step-by-step Internet marketing plan for beginners that you can use to start promoting your new Internet home business, plus you can make money online from multiple streams of income. This system work if you follow it the right way.
Step 1.- Use the free web site as your main company site where all your products or services sales landing pages are going to be. Then you are going to add at least one article per week and then re-write those article and submit them to the article directories. Also, you are going to link to your blog using the main keywords that you want your blog rank for on the search engines.
Step 2.- Your blog needs to be updated at least once per day, you will not link to your main company site from the homepage of your blog, instead you are going to create a blog post with all your contact information, on this post you will have a link back to your main website. What you doing is giving a higher rank back link to your main site, because you will add a link to this post on the homepage of your blog.
Step 3.- You will add a direct one way back link to your
Squidoo pages or lenses, and your Squidoo lenses will have one way back link to your main site. The more Squidoo pages you create the better. But, you are going to do this only with the ones with content that it's relevant to your main site niche market.
For example: If your main site is going to be optimize for the keywords "Weight Loss", and your blog can be optimize for a combination of the main keyword and some lower traffic keywords like, "Weight Loss Story". Then your Squidoo lenses will be optimize for as many lower and high traffic keywords (per lens).
How Will You Make Money Online With This Internet Marketing Plan?Step 4.- If your web sites are targeting a niche that has digital information products or ebooks, regular books, software, membership sites, services, and physical products. You have a larger list of monetization opportunities that range from: Adsense, Affiliate Programs, CPA Networks, Clickbank, Amazon, Zlio, Contextual Ad Networks like Adbrite, Commission Junction, etc... Plus, your own products or services.
Test what's better for you, but here is a little strategy to get started:
Step 5.- Add Google Adsense at the top and bottom of your article on your main site. Don't put adsense on the main page, only on the article pages. You can add a little recommendation section on your main site's homepage for some affiliate product and link to pre-sell or review post on your blog.
Step 6.- Add Adsense to your blog on the top and on the left side of your content. Also you can use other contextual ad networks or CPA networks like Azoogle. Also put a widget from Amazon below the Adsense, and AuctionAds widget at the bottom of each post, you can also try this ads at the top of your posts.... Just test what works better for you.
Step 7.- With affiliate programs, don't link directly to the merchant, link to your pre-sell or review post pages this way you have double chances for visitors to click on Adsense or see something else they are really interest in.
Increase Your Web Site Traffic.Step 8.- Now you need to write articles at least once or twice per week or more at the beginning, and post free classifieds ads for your affiliate reviews or pre-sell pages, and for your own products. Then Digg and StumbleUpon each article, and blog posts. Also, use Autopinger to ping your blog post right after you post it. And when you Digg or add them to any social bookmarking site, make sure you ping your RSS feed from each of those sites.
Step 9.- Because of the back linking strategy and the one way back links from articles, classifieds, and social bookmarks, your site will start getting a lot of traffic from the top search engines. And this traffic will increase by the month, then by the week, and then by the day.
I recommend you to check
Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business Online 2008 Version. This is the number one Internet marketing training for over 10 years.
In Conclusion: This
Internet marketing plan for beginners will not work if you don't provide high quality content on each site. Then test and track everything... You can check my post about
Split Testing to learn more about advanced techniques and free resources.
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To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant Massachusetts.
About Author: Luis Galarza is a respectable Internet Marketing and Small Business Consultant in the area of Leominster and Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Also, he had teach 100's of entrepreneurs how to make money online and offline without their own product.
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Luis Galarza,
Online Marketing,
Internet Marketing Myth,
Internet Marketing Mistakes,
Marketing Plan,