Friday, July 30, 2010



The Caribana Festival celebrates its 43rd anniversary in 2010, it is the largest Caribbean festival in North America.

Caribana was created in 1967 as a community heritage project for Canada's Centennial year. Based on Trinidad Carnival, the Festival now also includes the music, dance, food and costumes of Jamaica, Guyana, the Bahamas, Brazil and other cultures represented in Toronto - the world's most culturally diverse city.

I thought it would be fitting to help those revellers look good while they dancing and prancing through the streets of Toronto tomorrow.

I have two great workouts; one for the guys that want to have the big arms and ripped chest when they take off those shirts in the hot sun.

For the women I have an awesome butt workout to ensure you have the tight behind, while they jiggle and dance to the music.

Now you are ready to FETE, have a great Caribana Weekend!

Biceps and Chest Workout

Do this workout before you leave for the parade and your arms will be ripping through your shirt.

Tight Butt Workout for Gals

If you are looking for this tight booty, perform this workout before you hit the streets and butt and men will thank you.

Funk Roberts

TMZ: Cathy: "All your brain are belong to us."

Found this pic floating on

It is true. Cathy can control our brains to make us behave like Terry, SwissMiss, possibly even Poprah Poprah?

Will it work on Belinda's Brain?

What? It's friday.

Edit: Don't know why I said I found this on TMZ. I don't read TMZ. It doesn't fit into this satire in anyway. It isn't an inside joke. I thought maybe it would give "credibility" to my story. I am a liar, and for that I am truly sorry.

Re-Edit: "All your brain are belong to us." Is a weird internet/90's meme reference. This might help. It was a non-sequitor as well. Blogging is hard.


I know my posts have been odd lately, maybe even a little cryptic. I wondered why, and blamed it on Adoration. I did a LOT of praying and contemplating there last night.
Some could even say I have changed my blogging style as of late.
It seems some of my posts have been of a different flavor. I was quite unhappy with my posting lately.

I felt as if my posts weren't really news, weren't really reflections or devotional, but were more random news-bitlets and rants. Nothing very exciting to read or spiritually productive. Although, occasionally I would put something in there more worthwhile to read.

So I prayed and decided to get back to my roots, rekindle that flame of passion and get back to being a spiritual warrior. Therein is the genesis of my style change. Maybe I am channeling Terry of Abbey Roads. What is even more possible is that Terry has a mind control device, as it seems I am not the only one that feels Terry running through my veins.

I guess that isn't a bad thing. I would just like to know where he got such a device? Could it really exist? Maybe it is Cathy, she could be controlling us all? Don't believe me...Amentior?

When will this ‘gold rush’ be over?

The gold rush will never be over if you are imagining so, and will continue to be a fascination for ages now just as it was ages ago! Gold is known to retain value and therefore, investors give a lot more importance to gold. The metal is a safe haven for people worldwide and is so useful for the futures security.

When gold prices fell some time ago to $300/oz, mining companies decided to cut expensive in order to cut costs and keep revenue. But gold sored once again and mining companies are back in the game and moving at full speed exploring 20-30 year-old deposits with new technology as well as exploring untouched deposits.

India and China lead in the countries that buy gold. Indians exchange gold as gifts during special occasions. So i guess you should buy gold coins and save up for the future.

Not alone at nights, anymore!

I'm referring to none other than my new Flat screen... these days am back to watching my late night movies and serials/soaps which i used to watch back at the old home, before moving to my in laws for a few days, prior to moving to this new place few days ago. Staying at my in laws was tough as we had to abide by the rule they set! haha.. actually it was a good idea to switch off the television earlier than usual so that the kids slept early and are able to wake up better for regular school. But here the new place is huge and so i think after the kids and hubby are sleeping in the bedroom i get time to complete my online work as blogging or face-booking, and watching my favorite movies which i'm not able to during the day. The TV keeps me company at nights at least! and oh yeah, not to forget mentioning my late night snacks which i am not supposed to be eating, due to my treatment i'm still undergoing but, i still do anyway! limited amount though ;)

I Seem to be wallowing in the newest things offered to me in life and am loving every moment of my freedom if only i wasn't tied up to my treatment which includes medicines and harsh tests etc... but okay i should not complain, and don't even want to complain and keep let my happiness derive from my kids laughter and our new home :)

Why are *you* Catholic?

Can you answer the question?
Why aren't you protestant? Or are you?
Isn't Catholicism an all or nothing belief? Isn't it?
What have you done lately to defend the faith?
Can you explain the Sacraments to a 7 year old? Can you explain the Mass to a newcomer? Do you know why you do what you do at the Mass?
What does apostolic mean? Why do we look for the resurrection of the dead? What is contrition? What does venial mean? Why do we go to confession? Do you go to confession?
What is the Assumption? The Immaculate Conception? The Ascension? The Transfiguration? All Saints Day? Ash Wednesday?

How many excuses have you made while reading this? Are you ashamed? I am ashamed of myself.  What is the text in the picture? Can you read any of it? Do you think english should be spoken in America? Does that make you a hypocrite if you can't read the above?

Will you do something about this?



Our Fit Firm N Fab Weekend Getaway for Women will give you all the tools you need to get that healthy lifestyle for you and your family.

Check out the video clips from last year’s Fit Firm N Fab Weekend and then sign up to get the Early Bird Pricing that ends August 31 at 11:59PM. We have about 10 Women that have taken advantage of this weekend and this pricing already so hurry!



Fitness Bootcamp Class

Yoga & Stretch Classes

Butt & Core workouts

Fitness Seminars

Fit, Firm & Flat Abs Workout

Nutritional Seminar

Healthy Cooking Workshop

Meditation Class

Weight loss Seminar

Wellness Seminar

A Weekend with 3 Personal Trainers

6 Healthy & Nutritious Meals

Great Accommodations

Great Camaraderie



A few posts back I asked for your prayers of discernment. Knowing where one will live, and the type of employment one will have is a nerve-racking thing. It can drive the most faithful man to despair and doubt. That being said, what scares me the most is the idea that I will slink from God. That I will somehow pick my own selfish and filthy desires over God's will. I am afraid I will sneak into the silence, and hide myself from God, for I will be ashamed. (Gen. 8:3)


What causes fear? What is the sin? Is it pride? What causes good men to be fearful of doing what is right? How can leaders, priests, bishops, and the faithful turn their minds, hearts, and eyes away from God and distort His Word? Was not pride the catalyst of original sin? Did not the devil merely question the surpreme  authority of God just prior to his expulsion from the presence of God and Heaven?


Do they not crucify and martyr the loud? Are not the quiet safe and offered reprieve? It is the loud, the boisterous, the brave that are struck down. The gallant and the bold become lion food, and willing martyrs. The quiet gain earthly reward, and eternal torment. The quiet gain the entire world, but lose their life. (Mk. 8:36)

Why are so many Catholics today wanting to keep quiet? Why is audacity and bravery cast aside in all instances in the name of "charity, prayer, and patience?" Why do we allow ourselves and those we trust to deny God? Why has the will of God been replaced by the will of men? Why do we search for peace when we are told that we should expect a sword? (Mt. 10:34)


God says kneel and we sit, he says bow and we stand. Why do we deny God, simply to make peace with our brothers and sisters? When will we take up our Cross? Why does God sit upon the altar, alone, naked and cold? When will God become more important than our jobs, homes, and even our family? (Mt. 10:37). How come a "quiet and kind" priest is seen as pious, but one that teaches and instructs in the way of the lord is condemned and persecuted? Why will we follow any man who will lead us, wherever he may go? When will we stop being quiet and raise our voices?

I never intend, God being my good Lord, to pin my soul to another man's back, not even the best man that I know this day living; for I know not where he may hap to carry it."
Saint Thomas More ~ To his daughter, while in prison - 1534

(N.B.: Check out the synchronicity...Cleansing Fire)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm confused...

So I am trying to figure this out...

Federal courts have said it is wrong for government entities to essentially "kick out" people for being a certain race or nationality...


it is it is ok for a similar government entity to "kick someone out" of a college program for being a certain religion or because they didn't think a certain way?

I am not condoning or indicting either decision, just trying to figure it out...


At least we still have our health! Good thing they haven't made any laws concerning that...

Personal Intentions

Folks, I really need some prayer support.

As some of you may know, through keeping up with my somewhat cryptic posts about my vocation as a husband-father-attorney, my current position of employment expires here in the next few weeks. We moved up to Alaska last August, following an opportunity, really the only opportunity God threw at us.

We prayed, trusted, believed, and jumped.

Every step of the way God has had his hands out, guiding us. We really want to be the vessel and not the captain of this journey. We know in the end, we must trust that God will provide... but that doesn't mean we should commit to  blind and passive "waiting on God." It means that we have to do our part; prayer, penance, and committing our hearts to have faith in God's will.

That being said, we need your support. Please pray for us, possibly a Rosary.

We are looking for an opportunity, something that shows us the direction we should take. Is it Michigan, to be with family, where I have taken and passed the bar, where there are some opportunities, although few and difficult ones, yet where there is a more diverse and accessible Catholic faith structure? Or Alaska, where we have gained a faith circle of friends and loved ones, although the Catholic "infrastructure" is somewhat primitive and small, and where I have not taken the bar and we are committed to one specific are, yet a place where our family would prosper and where our lifestyle and faith life would certainly benefit?

We by no means want to make this a single factor decision. We also don't want to "weigh the options to find the most ____________(fill in the blank) place to live." We want to listen to God, we want to thrive as a family, as Catholics, and in our vocations. Unfortunately, the world works on "Worldly Time" and God's time is a little more... well, patient? But that doesn't mean that it doesn't cause us to worry and stress. Believe me, I know that I am contradicting myself... but I believe sometimes God presses us like this, so that we commit ourselves to prayers and faith.
We have desires, but we are trying to align those desires with the path God desires for us. It is difficult, in our culture to focus on what is important, but we really are trying. We are willing to sacrifice "career opportunities"; "comfortable living"; "a great place to live"; "friends"; "career fields"; etc... and are willing to risk, and venture out again if that is what God asks.

We know I went to law school for a reason, we know that God has afforded us experiences so that we will be prepared for what he has for us down the road... we just need some help discerning that path. We know this appeal is all too common nowadays, and is by no means specific to us alone. We know that many are in difficult and even in dire situations, and compared to our plight, are quite poorly off. That being said, in a few weeks time we might be in just that type of situation.

We know that God will guide us, we just want to do our part. So we ask you, to join us in pleas for intercession and prayers for guidance. I know that many of you take these requests seriously, and I can't thank you enough. In the end, the most important thing to me is the faith and safety of the souls of my family. I know that only God can secure such things for us, s we humbly turn to him, for all that we need.

Please pray for us...

St. Joseph, the worker ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Therese, the Little Flower ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Thomas More ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Jude ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Lucy ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Rita ~ Ora Pro Nobis
Our Lady of Perpetual Help ~ Ora Pro Nobis


Do You Want to Lose Weight

DO NOT pollute your body with processed foods, packaged foods; take out like McDonald's, junk food, soda/pop, alcohol and frozen microwave meals.

I actually use the Lean Body Cookbook to help keep me lean and ripped

If you love food AND you love losing fat, you absolutely must get this recipe book here:

The Lean Body Cookbook <= 207 delicious recipes to help you get lean.

It's the biggest and best healthy lean body cookbook I've ever seen.

Plus, you get lean body meal plans for fat loss to help you get the body you want without living on boiled chicken and broccoli every day. Get ready to eat delicious food while losing fat.


Alaskan Catholic Humor

Don't mess around in Bethel:

From there Elisha went up to Bethel. While he was on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him. "Go up, baldhead," they shouted, "go up, baldhead!"

The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the children to pieces.

II Kings 2:23-24

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Todays answer to health-conscious lifestyles

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Haws. All opinions are 100% mine.

Switch on the television and you are shown hundreds of advertisements that make us want everything we watch on the idiot box, but then, we are also made aware of the latest and useful products in the market. Even though we keep switching between our choices, one always don’t come across great products like Hydration Station, which is a touch-free, filtered water dispenser for reusable bottles and containers! This unit perfectly fits for making people stay hydrated at schools, offices, airports, gyms or any other public places and has the ability to process tap water into great tasting pure water. It comes with easy maintenance and is user friendly. The hidden magnetic ‘lock’ only opens when the magnetic ‘key’ is applied in the right location. It is sensor operated, which means, placing a bottle or container below the nozzle allows the hydration station to automatically stream tasty, clean, and clear water into the container/bottle. Not meant for homes though, but it is perfect for green projects which eliminates the need for expensive plain bottled water or awkward five-gallon office water jugs.

Very often we get ill because of the lack of proper water arrangements at public places, like the gyms or workplaces. Dehydration can be really harmful, so be responsible for everyone's good health and if you are thinking of purchasing bottled water for your school or office, go ahead and try hydration station which is today’s answer to health-conscious lifestyles. Moreover, installation of the unit at public places will help save spending on useless one time use, bottled water.


Visit my sponsor: Hydration Station Product Review

Lovers of the world

Adulterers! Do you not know that to be a lover of the world means enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wants to be a lover of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
-James 4:4
I wait on Wednesdays to do my "Wondering Wednesdays" post until Maggie at "From the Heart" does hers, because she is the originator of those posts. Well, I was surprised today when she posted, but it wasn't a WW type post.

Instead she talked about the ups and downs of pregnancy. (She is 33 weeks btw.) What really struck me is that she wrote this in her post:
Yesterday was a horrible day. It started out by reading a beautifully written blog post from Femininity Revisited. She wrote that her dreams of being a stay at home mother were literally too late to be fulfilled. The post broke my heart and of course I bawled my little eyes out. I felt so bad for her, but also was afraid that her dilemma could be my fate. As much negative criticism I get for wanting to be a SAHM and have more than 2 kids, I get a lot of positive feedback as well (mostly from you lovely folks in the blogosphere.) "You can do it! Trust God! Budget well! If we can do it, you can do it!" Unfortunately at this point I have this big fear that we won't be able to manage it. Maybe it isn't God's plan for me to stay at home. But I have the strongest pull and desire to be a SAHM. It isn't because it's what other people do or because I'm lazy and don't want to work or because I want to be one of those crazy, smothering mothers who end up having spoiled children. I feel it in my heart.
I was appalled. Negative Criticism... for wanting to be a SAHM and have more than 2 kids? I am not naive, I don't live in a bubble where I think the world is accepting of the idea of mothers staying home, having large families, homeschooling, homesteading, etc... I get that the tables have turned, and the fact that my wife can make bread, sans any electronics aside from the oven is freakish. I get that our friends down the road that have enough kids to field a baseball team is freakish by today's standards. I get it.

What I don't get is how people will go to the other extreme and advise against it. It doesn't logically add up. These people aren't speaking from experience, they aren't speaking from the same philosophical or theological perspective, and they sure as heck are speaking from the same family mindset. So why do they offer their advice? From what basis are they offering these ideas?

Most often we are advised against big families from someone such as a mother of 2, that had child one at 29 and child 2 at 34, whom has worked her entire adult life at various jobs, lives in a house with more bedrooms than people, owns a vehicle for every licensed driver, spends more on clothes in a month that some people do in a year, uses birth control, doesn't have the same religious beliefs as the person she is advising, went to public school and thinks that it is an OK option because it is cheaper than the Catholic school that is further away and VERY expensive, spent more time researching her day-care than she will spend instructing her children morally, has absolutely no basis from which to give advice to her "friend" that simply wants to live out the whispers in her heart.

As an example, if I owned only Chevy pickup trucks my entire life, and told you: "whatever you do, don't buy a Toyota sedan" you would look at me and say, skeptically, "why?" And I wouldn't have an answer. Now if I said, "Chevy pickups are awesome, and here is why you should buy one..." that would be a different story. But that isn't what happens.

Instead, people like Maggie are faced with criticism and anger directed towards them and about their desire to be a "natural mother." The worst is that it comes from women that have NEVER experienced what it was like to be a mother of a large SAH family. Why? [NB: I wrote a much longer post originally, that answered this question, but for brevity, and sanity's sake I edited it down].
To Maggie, her critics: The WORLD HATES Catholics and followers of Christ. Hates us. I wrote about this in a post called: The World HATES you. So when we, who take our faith seriously, are open to life and love our spouses and children in an attempt to perfect our love for God, we are criticized. We are looked at funny, and we are marginalized as weird and freakish.

People love the world, and they are worldly. They want heaven, but they want it here on earth.
"There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.."
-Stairway to Heaven by: Led Zepplin

Sleep deprived by my internet connection

I had made few posts to update on my blog and my internet connection disconnected! i tried and tried but in vain so i fell off to sleep sitting on my chair itself. Suddenly i was awakened by a thud from somewhere in the room and saw that Aryan banged his head against the beds head board. He slept off after a cry and i remembered i had work to complete so i continued to fidget with my connection settings and my broadband+ modem. I was adamant to complete my tasks and wasn’t going to hit the sack until i did so but my connection remained stubborn, so i took a quick nights nap resting my head on the table. Thank god i am now able to settle into bed for the rest of whatever is left of the night... Gn world! Gm too! :)

Vatican and Russia: Relations Upgraded to Full Diplomatic Ties

Holy See Sends 1st Nuncio to Russia

Relations Upgraded to Full Diplomatic Ties

VATICAN CITY, JULY 27, 2010 ( Archbishop Antonio Mennini, until now the Pope's representative to the Russian Federation, is now the Holy See's first apostolic nuncio to the country, the Vatican is reporting.

The archbishop presented his letters of credence to Foreign Affairs Minister Sergej Lavrov on July 15 in a ceremony that was followed by a "cordial" meeting, reported the Vatican press office.

Last December, Benedict XVI and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed to upgrade relations between the two sides to full diplomatic ties, which raises the level of representation to apostolic nuncio and embassy.
The two sides have maintained representation below the rank of ambassador since 1990.

In an address to the new nuncio, Alexander Krusko, the vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, reviewed the development of bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the Holy See. He noted that the relations between the two were "characterized by a growing understanding and spirit of collaboration," reported L'Osservatore Romano.

Krusko also assured Archbishop Mennini, on behalf of the Russian president, of "a fruitful collaboration in the great moral and ethical challenges posed to man today."
For his part, the archbishop transmitted the Pope's greeting to the Russian president, assuring his "collaboration for a further reinforcement of relations with the government, as well as for the spiritual and moral growth of the Russian people."

This ceremony brought to an end the exchange of embassies, which began on June 26 in Rome with the presentation of the letters of credence of the first Russian ambassador to the Holy See, Mikolaj Sadlichov.

Source: Zenit

No TV until AUGUST

I have a challenge for you all: Don't watch TV until August. My wife doesn't know it yet, but we will participate in this as well.

Why this challenge? Well aside from the fact that before we got to Alaska we didn't really watch TV (we had a TV with rabbit ears that was used for MOVIES only we never bought one of those digital antennas, so we didn't get regular TV). There is also the fact that a few of our friends don't watch TV, and I ran across two interesting blog posts. One talks about the issues with modern film, while the other talks about TV.

I am so frustrated because we pay for cable, and it is awful. I really have turned it on, scanned the channel menu and thought: "There is literally nothing good on, but I need to watch something because I am paying for it." Why are we paying for it? Well, my wife was pregnant with our little bear cub this winter, and it was our first winter in Alaska. You know, the place where it gets dark at 4pm and doesn't get light again until 10am the next day? Yeah, well we also got it because you can't get unlimited Internet without getting the TV package as well. So we thought, "What the heck, what can it hurt?" It is so frustrating... paying for the garbage that we get. So I am instituting this challenge to show you how great it can be without TV.

This isn't one of those: "Holier than thou" messages. This is... I don't watch a lot of TV as it is, I have friends that don't even have TV, and we aren't missing anything. Sure TV is great for some things. Sports... sometimes. But guess what... the playoffs are about the only thing you HAVE to watch. (I know many will argue that isn't even necessary... but there really isn't any necessity in watching ANYTHING.)

So here are the rules:

1. NO TV until August 1. That means no news, no cartoons for the kids, nothing. Actually TRY... no excuses.
2. Watching one movie is ok on your TV or computer. Between now and Sunday, 1 is more than enough.
3. Watching HULU, Netflix, etc... is not OK, That is cheating.
4. YouTube is ok, as long as you don't sit and watch 48 videos in a row.
5. Sports... I thought about this... looked at the schedules and there really isn't anything super important on. We are in the midst of JULY baseball, and Canadian Football. Don't watch sports either.

We are talking 3 and 1/2 days. You can do it. Your brain and soul will thank you.

Read the Bible. Read a book. Read a blog. Bake a Cake. Write a Book. Go fishing. Play with your kids. Build a fort. Build a Rocket. Wash your dog. Go for a walk. Knit, Perl, Knit. Clean your rifle, hunting season is coming. Adjust your bow, hunting season is coming. Go to the library.


Try it... just til Sunday, then report back and let me know how you did... and what you did.

Netflix, Blockbust, Hulu, etc... these things can be used in a responsible way. In fact, if we could get rid of our cable, I would use just those things, and would consider that very different from TV. There is a difference between watching something intentionally, setting aside the time for it, and doing it as leisure. That is very different from having the TV be the focal point of your living room.

Vatican getting serious about their dress code

This post is for LarryD of Acts of the Apostasy.

VATICAN CITY, July 27 (UPI) -- The Vatican is enforcing a longstanding dress code, with Swiss Guard officers pulling aside tourists and others to tell them when they're showing too much skin.

The Italian news agency ANSA reported Tuesday the rules on modest dress, previously applied only to those visiting St Peter's Basilica, are now being invoked at the official customs point between Rome and the walled Catholic enclave.

Men in shorts and women with exposed knees or uncovered shoulders were all stopped by the guards and asked if they knew "how things worked here," ANSA said. Even locals were caught off-guard, assuming some new edict had been issued.

"This is the Vatican City and for reasons of respect, you are not allowed in with uncovered shoulders or wearing shorts," was the standard explanation, the news agency said.

The change in enforcement sent women looking for shawls and scarves, and men looking for trousers.

One woman in her late 70s, identified only as Maria, didn't take kindly to being told her calf-length flowered dress was "inappropriate" because her shoulders were uncovered.

"Given all the scandals the church has been involved in, what possible right can it have to be preaching about the morality of sleeveless dresses?" ANSA quoted her as saying loudly after the guards relented and let her pass.
Link: Vatican enforcing new rules on Dress Code


Genuflecting is important. Why? Well as Father Hardon once said:
“If you cannot bend the knee to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, you cannot bend your will to God's will.” 

•Source: Badger Catholic

Want to know more about genuflecting, read: New Advent - Genuflecting

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thomas More College Establishes: Catholic Medieval Guilds

Authentic Catholic Colleges exist. They might not have huge names, Bowl Series football programs, or appear as often in pop culture as some other, allegedly, Catholic institutions, but they do exist. One of them is Thomas More College in New Hampshire.

On top of traditional curricula, and student bodies that exemplify the teachings of the Church, these authentically Catholic schools are known for uniquely implementing traditional methods into their pedagogical philosophy in order to make their educational platform relevant in today's world. Yes, I said that right, they are using traditional methods in order to make their educational offerings more relevant. (Funny how that works eh?)

In that vein, Thomas More College has recently announced that they are establishing: Catholic Medieval Guilds.
The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts announced that it has established a series of medieval-style Catholic guilds that will enable its students to gain skills and experience from master craftsmen in areas such as woodworking, sacred art, music, and baking.

Thomas More College’s guilds will take its spirit from the associations of men and women who advanced their trades and responded to the needs of their local communities in the Medieval Age.

“Catholic guilds flourished during medieval Europe, but by the Nineteenth Century they had all but disappeared,” said Thomas More College president William Fahey. “Guilds in its earliest form were developed out of man’s natural spirit of association. The Catholic Church took medieval guilds under its tutelage and infused into them the vivifying spirit of Christian charity.”

Thomas More College’s guilds will operate with the same level of community and charity.

“Not only will students learn skills they can use throughout their lives,” said Fahey, “they will have an opportunity to bake bread for the homeless, produce icons for local churches, create chairs, cribs, and other projects for the poor and needy in our community, and bring music to nursing homes and hospitals.”

Thomas More College also expects that its guilds will enhance religious life on campus. This fall, for example, students in the woodworking guild will build a new altar for the College’s chapel, while students in the sacred art guild will produce religious art that will hang on the chapel walls. Students in the music guild will be trained to chant and produce sacred music for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The newly established Catholic guilds at Thomas More College will also play a key role in the development of its students.
What a cool idea? Is this a gimmick? No... not anymore than what some colleges forward as legitimate educational paths. In fact, in an economic climate such as ours, a more practical and applied educational model makes sense. Rather than dealing solely in the theoretical during the students educational period, the practical application of their education, and the work product that it creates, places their energy, effort, and the college's resources back into society in a tangible way.

Source Link: Thomas More College - Medieval Catholic Guilds

Contemporary and traditional style home accessories

Just hooked up our ceiling fans and wondering whether i should change to more decorative ones like those that i viewed on a website. These Minka Aire Ceiling Fans are known for superior performance, progressive engineering, and innovative design. I think i could also look for better ways of lighting my new home from the Hubbardton Forge range of wrought-iron lighting fixtures. Their collection includes chandeliers, pendants, table lamps, bath and vanity lights, wall sconces, and post lamps. As i'll need these lightings for multiple purposes at home i would love to bank on the range from Artemide, which offers the perfect light performance characteristics needed. Lumens also showcases the work of studio glassmakers, like Bacchus Glass, and artisan lamp-makers, like Babette Holland Design and offers designer lines of modern home accessories, like Alessi, Modern Doorbells, and Nelson Clocks.

Now that i found a place which offers a great variety of contemporary and traditional style home accessories, its time to convince my hubby! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010



Do you want to know what is hands down the single most important physical attribute you need as a mixed martial artist? Frank Shamrock summed it up nicely when he said “Conditioning is your best submission hold.” When it comes to MMA, conditioning is definitely King!

There’s no question that strength, flexibility, power, and explosiveness are all important for mixed martial artists. However, they all take the back seat when it comes to conditioning. Your MMA workout must have a heavy emphasis on conditioning because once your gas tank is empty, your strength, flexibility, and power don’t mean a whole lot.

Try this workout before you train, on its own or end of a session with it. This workout is very labour intensive and requires a lot of energy expenditure. I would start with a 3-4 km run before starting this with a good stretch afterward.

10 Total Rounds

Purpose of this workout is to jump over 4 hurdles off two feet and immediately sprint for 45-50 yards

10 Rounds
Plyometrics Hurdles followed by 40 yard Sprints (walk back to the hurdles and explode!!!!!)

Hurdle Jumps
Set up 4 hurdles (Lebert Equalizer) so that you have enough room in between to continuously jump over each one. You will jump over each hurdle one of three ways:

Beginner - Jump over the hurdle. Stabilize the body and then proceed to jump over the next hurdle.

Moderate - Jump over the hurdle then take one or two double hops and jump over the next hurdle.

Advance - Continuously jump over the hurdles...

Funk Tip - Make sure you use your arms to help you explode over the hurdles


Running plays a great part in MMA and Thai boxing training, however its benefits are gained though an array of different running methods in order to develop leg strength, speed, endurance, stamina and develop good cardiovascular health.

Sprints develop explosive speed; it produces fast twitch muscle, which is good for executing fast kicks and reflexes

When sprinting, your breathing pattern should be rapid and deep so getting large volumes of oxygen into the lungs and the carbon dioxide that causes the lactic acid to be produced, out.

Now you have a new dimension to add to your MMA workouts. Apply this workout to your regime and you can have tremendous explosive conditioning as your ally every time you step into the ring or on the mat.

Your Friend and Coach
Funk Roberts


The other day I had the HONOR of helping two young Catholics participate in "Firsts" in their life.

The first was a sister of a friend. She is visiting her sister here in Alaska, and they came and visited us. They said they wanted to go fishing because although our friend lives here, her sister is currently studying Theology in Europe, and grew up in the Midwest. She had never caught a fish.

So we went down to a fellow parishioner-friend's place, that lives on a river, and decided to do a little fishing before Eucharistic Adoration. And what do you know... she caught her first fish, and a Red [Sockeye Salmon] at that. The technique for this type of fishing is a little tricky and awkward at first, but she quickly got a grasp on it, and was able to pull one in. I was geeked. She caught it on my pole, wearing my waders. Shortly there after we had to pack up and head to Adoration and they had to head home... to eat some Salmon.

I was pretty happy, and felt blessed. You could say it was a great way to spend the afternoon with fellow Catholics. (As a side note, the instant I met her, my wife told her to as me a question she had discussed in one of her classes regarding the Tridentine Form of Baptism. Talk about a way to instantly get on my good side).

I thought that my day was pretty good, I could have gone to bed and chalked it up as a good day. But then...

...something even cooler happened!

As we were leaving for Adoration, packing up our fishing stuff, I asked one of the young daughters of our friend, at whose place we were fishing, if she wanted to come to Adoration. (NB: Adoration is fairly new thing in this area.) She said, "Sure, I've never been." It was a pretty loud and resonating YES in my heart.

While we were there, we all prayed and talked a bit. I know that Adoration is about us and Jesus, but I don't think He minded the conversation, since it was about Him. It really was a moving experience for me... and hopefully for our guest as well. I have worked with teens since, well, I was a teen and I am always excited to hear their perspective on life and their faith.

So I was pretty blessed the other day, getting to experience firsts. That is the great thing about really surrounding yourself with people of your same faith and values... you get to experience life together in a deep and meaningful way. When experiences present themselves to you, their relation to the faith is easy, when you and your friends share the same theological and philosophical base. It makes life easier to digest, and it allows simple things like fishing to have a deep spiritual impact. It also allows deep spiritual events like Adoration, to be spread and shared to everyday friends.

Deo Gratias!

Abortion advocates spending big money to defeat Alaska Prop. no. 2

It seems that Abortion advocates are spending BIG DOLLARS to defeat Prop. 2 in Alaska. By big dollars we mean a 10:1 ratio. Here is the story from Spending Big to Stop Parental Notification Vote

(An excerpt):
Planned Parenthood is bringing in the big bucks in its campaign to persuade Alaska voters that they should not support a ballot measure in August that would allow parents to know when their minor daughters are considering an abortion. Jim Minnery, the chairman of Alaskans for Parental Rights, is battling back.

Nearly 50,000 Alaskans signed a petition distributed by Minnery's group saying Alaska voters should be able to vote on parental involvement.
"Planned Parenthood, the $1 billion abortion corporation, is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to deceive Alaskans through radio and television stations statewide," Minnery said today.

"Currently, they are outspending us roughly 10 to 1. Their message is inundating the airwaves and there is a very real chance that they will defeat us at the polls on August 24," he added.

Alaskans for Parental Rights is fighting back and has just released a hard-hitting television to share the pro-life side of the debate with Alaskans across the state.
As Catholics, this is a MUST VOTE. Also, if you can spare a little money, you might think about donating to help the cause. When you are going up against a Goliath like PP, you need all the money you can get.

You can donate to Alaskans for Parental Rights here: Donate

MusicMonday - ♫ Lady Gaga - Paparazzi ♫

Moved to our new place finally and we're still unpacking our stuff while the kids explore their new huge house. There are very happy as they get to see open skies from the windows and below the building, lots of cows! One of Alisha's favorite animals is the cow and so shes really so excited here. I can tell by my kids and hubby's faces they're all too excited and happy to be living in such a pleasant environment, and for me, where there is peace along with my families smiles, there is where my happiness derives from... :)

So here is Lady Gaga and shes singing for you, 'paparazzi'... a video i love watching for the weird things she's doing in it but it does have a story to tell.. enjoy and have a happy music monday folks :))

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava’s Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.


PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you! [/textarea]

Douay-Rheims Confirmation Bible (Review: Tiber River)

Note about purchasing a Douay-Rheims Bible:
When searching for a Bible, most people either know what translation they are looking for or have no idea what the differences are. In fact some people don't even realize that there is a difference between Catholic Bibles and  Non-Catholic versions. (There are books that have been EXCLUDED in certain Bible 'translations'; these are the bibles used by Protestants.) This translation of the Bible is CATHOLIC and is in fact often regarded as the most LITERAL translation of all the versions out there. I once heard a priest say that on the spectrum of literal to 'expressive' the Douay-Rheims "is a prime example of LITERAL." In other words it would be at the far end of that spectrum. He compared it to the New American Bible, or NAB, which is what the USCCB and Catholic Churches use. He said the NAB would be a '5', or smack-dab in the middle of the spectrum. A balance of literal translation and expressive or interpretive wording.
This Bible's Appearance and Box:
This Douay-Rheims Confirmation Bible is beautiful and comes in a nice storage box. The purpose of this Bible is as a gift, and it does a good job at that. The Bible's cover is 'hard-cover' and gold embossed. The pages are gold-leaf and even comes with a golden ribbon. This is the type of quality that you are looking for when giving a "gift bible."
The "extra" pages:
Before getting to the Biblical text, there are several gift pages to write on for keepsake purposes. Aside from that, this is a Confirmation Bible, so included are three sections of extra, colored picture pages. The first is the presentation or name-title page where you can write the name of the owner and your own well wishes. Following that are stories of Saints important to confirmation and information about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The next section contains Moral Questions that teens face, and Biblical and Catechetical answers to those questions. This is perfect for the child receiving this Bible, because it allows them to have those types of answers in something as authoritative and important as the bible. Along with these Q&As, there is also a section on Vocational Discernment. Again, appropriate for this Bible because of the target age-range of the recipients of this bible and their need for contemplation on vocational discernment.
Finally, there is a section dedicated to prayers. On top of the fact that this is most helpful in the bible, these prayers are duplicated in LATIN, which is a wonderful addition, especially since many who buy the D-R translation are attracted to the more traditional aspects of the Faith.
The Bible Books -translation, pages, and "look & feel":
Translation/Reading Level:
The D-R translation is a very literal translation from the Latin Vulgate. Because of this, the words used and sentence structure are a little more advanced, but are completely within the reading comprehension level of a child that has received Confirmation.
"Look & Feel":
This Bible is certainly a "gift" Bible. With the gold embossing, the ribbon book mark, and the hard-cover & gift box presentation, it is surely a keep-sake item. Strong enough to withstand years of use, but elegant enough to display on a bookshelf or desk.
Overall Opinion:
This Bible, and the others in this collection have become my new "go to" gifts for Sacrament Celebrations. The translation is authentic, orthodox, and literal. The presentation is elegant and beautiful, making it "gift-worthy." The price seems right, although you may be able to find other Bibles for less, you really get what you pay for with this Bible. Little else is needed for this gift, not even wrapping paper or a card, since the inside has a dedication page. If you know someone being confirmed this year - this gift is perfect. As a special note, for those worried that "everyone gets a Bible for confirmation" that may be true, but how many get Bible's as nice as this, and how many get a Douay-Rheims translation? If you need a Confirmation gift... this one is perfect. It is a great gift even for those teens that have been confirmed and are in need of a quality Bible with an orthodox translation.
You can purchase this Bible here.

I wrote this review of Douay Rheims Confirmation Bible for the Tiber River Blogger Review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods, your source for First Communion Gifts. For more information and to purchase, please visit Aquinas and More Catholic Goods.

Tiber River is the first Catholic book review site, started in 2000 to help you make informed decisions about Catholic book purchases.

I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.

Gone Fishin'!

Sorry that the updates have been few and far between the last week... is RED SEASON! (Sockeye Salmon for you lower 48'ers).

Put in 9 hours today... with fellow parishioners, not to mention just about every other day this week.

Things should be getting back to normal in the next little bit as I have gotten quite a bit of fish, and the run is starting to head up river.

Will try and get a few good posts in this week... as I have had plenty of time to contemplate some things.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Regency beauty institute

Looking for an expertise job training institute for better jobs? If beauty is your interest in this field, consider Florida cosmetology School which is a campus in the Regency beauty institute. This is the fastest growing beauty institute which was founded more than 50 years ago in Minneapolis, and their graduates remains popular and most sought for even today throughout the US. Their graduates also come from other different networks from salons to cruise ships and runways and these are also part of growing networks of campuses and placement relationships by regency themselves. As part of training from regency, students provide high-quality, discounted salon services to the public under expert faculty supervision.

Almost packed and stressed out too

We are already done packing and the kids are really too excited. I can already image the fun we will be having at our new home but am just too stressed out to move a finger right now, even as i sit here and type! I can just about manage to move these hands for anything while sitting though! Clever me, ha?

Moving home is always a headache and moreover, adjusting to new home will be challenging job later once we are there. But i think i shall the get the kids to help so that our things are unpacked quickly, plus they will also find it fun while i asked their opinions on placements and this will help them to remain excited so that they adjust faster.

Deception by your eyes- a fun post!

The imaginations that flowed to your mind when you saw this is something so similar to mine, and i know it so well.. hehe.. Well this is what i call deception in love and, love alone! But, is its really love alone that deceives us?? Heres a couple arm in arm and another hand in hand, but the only difference is the couples share one female partner! You can already see that but deception can be caused by everything even your eyes and no wonder you're viewing a photo-shopped image and already imagining and wondering if you're in the same situation! Ahh.. but thats just a fake image for now ;)

TransUnion lawsuit

How one would feel if they were illegally invaded of their confidential details is not a big question that arises in our minds, as companies been illegally selling our confidential information, and for your information, one of those is TransUnion who have also been selling credits to targeting companies in the US. A large segment of the American population was effected by this illegal action is entitled to monetary damages from a pre-established $75 million fund.

If you have applied or received any type of credit between 1987 and 2000, a TransUnion Lawsuit is the best thing you can do now taking into consideration all the damages caused by them to you. These companies should be punished to the core because according to me, invading or disclosure of personal information is nothing less than a crime and is also a direct violation of the Federal Credit Reporting Act. Take a free consultation by filling up your form and McCollom & Demerath's expert skilled attorneys will handle even the most complex TransUnion claims by you and, for you.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Holy Family Cathedral Visitation: CANCELED

Holy Family Cathedral Parish in Anchorage, Alaska will no longer be receiving a VISITATION.

Yes, it is canceled. I have received SEVERAL messages in various forms, from very reliable people that this is the case, so I feel confident in posting it.

Apparently the Archbishop has canceled the visitation, and the process of moving forward and the reunification of hearts and minds can begin.

This is not a sign that prayer can, or should, cease, instead it is a sign that the hard work has just begun.

I am sure that there will be and OFFICIAL notice of some type sent out by the Archbishop in the coming days. Until then, and especially once the full picture is before us, I urge everyone to remain charitable and prayerful in their response to any information that comes forward.

Pride and ego should not rule the day, but instead we should be humble and grateful that God was able to conform the hearts and minds of many to HIS WILL. There will still be a need for many people to do likewise, and to turn their hearts and faces towards God in an effort fulfill His will and not their own.

Deo Gratias!

HFC Rosary - a time of unity and prayer.

***UPDATE*** (4:30ak):
I don't want to spread rumors, as I have mentioned several times in previous posts: rumors are hurtful and uncharitable at any time and especially in this situation, but I have been asked to let my readers know that the fruits of the Rosary that was prayed by parishioners of HFC last night, have already begun to show.

Therefore, everyone is urged to continue their unrelenting prayer in support of HFC Parish. Organizers of last nights Rosary wanted to thank everyone for their commitment and support of the Cathedral Parish Community, the Archbishop, the Dominicans and Holy Mother Church.
***   ***   ***   ***   ***

I have been told over 100 people joined together for the Rosary that was prayed at Holy Family Cathedral last night. That is a humble and powerful amount of people joining together, under the banner of Our Lady's Crown of Roses.

As I stated in my post the other day, the Rosary is a weapon, and when it is used in a manner that unites and draws into the heart of Our Lady and Our Lord, it fulfills its purpose and we fulfill our calling. I am glad to see that people are doing good prayer as well as good works in an effort to live out true authentic Catholic life.

Ora et Labora.

A group Rosary is great. Hopefully the requirements for indulgences were conducted, and hopefully the contemplative prayer of the faithful bring them closer to the will of God.

Regular prayer and regular works must continue for the HFC Parish community. PRAYER, FASTING, and ALMSGIVING must be the battle cry of the faithful as we storm heaven with our intentions. Catholic life is not a passive lifestyle. We are called to be spiritual warriors.

Continue to pray for HFC, the Dominicans, and the Archbishop. Think about committing yourself to regular prayer for Archbishop Schweitz and other Bishops: ROSARY FOR THE BISHOP