Friday, July 30, 2010


A few posts back I asked for your prayers of discernment. Knowing where one will live, and the type of employment one will have is a nerve-racking thing. It can drive the most faithful man to despair and doubt. That being said, what scares me the most is the idea that I will slink from God. That I will somehow pick my own selfish and filthy desires over God's will. I am afraid I will sneak into the silence, and hide myself from God, for I will be ashamed. (Gen. 8:3)


What causes fear? What is the sin? Is it pride? What causes good men to be fearful of doing what is right? How can leaders, priests, bishops, and the faithful turn their minds, hearts, and eyes away from God and distort His Word? Was not pride the catalyst of original sin? Did not the devil merely question the surpreme  authority of God just prior to his expulsion from the presence of God and Heaven?


Do they not crucify and martyr the loud? Are not the quiet safe and offered reprieve? It is the loud, the boisterous, the brave that are struck down. The gallant and the bold become lion food, and willing martyrs. The quiet gain earthly reward, and eternal torment. The quiet gain the entire world, but lose their life. (Mk. 8:36)

Why are so many Catholics today wanting to keep quiet? Why is audacity and bravery cast aside in all instances in the name of "charity, prayer, and patience?" Why do we allow ourselves and those we trust to deny God? Why has the will of God been replaced by the will of men? Why do we search for peace when we are told that we should expect a sword? (Mt. 10:34)


God says kneel and we sit, he says bow and we stand. Why do we deny God, simply to make peace with our brothers and sisters? When will we take up our Cross? Why does God sit upon the altar, alone, naked and cold? When will God become more important than our jobs, homes, and even our family? (Mt. 10:37). How come a "quiet and kind" priest is seen as pious, but one that teaches and instructs in the way of the lord is condemned and persecuted? Why will we follow any man who will lead us, wherever he may go? When will we stop being quiet and raise our voices?

I never intend, God being my good Lord, to pin my soul to another man's back, not even the best man that I know this day living; for I know not where he may hap to carry it."
Saint Thomas More ~ To his daughter, while in prison - 1534

(N.B.: Check out the synchronicity...Cleansing Fire)

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