Thursday, July 29, 2010

Personal Intentions

Folks, I really need some prayer support.

As some of you may know, through keeping up with my somewhat cryptic posts about my vocation as a husband-father-attorney, my current position of employment expires here in the next few weeks. We moved up to Alaska last August, following an opportunity, really the only opportunity God threw at us.

We prayed, trusted, believed, and jumped.

Every step of the way God has had his hands out, guiding us. We really want to be the vessel and not the captain of this journey. We know in the end, we must trust that God will provide... but that doesn't mean we should commit to  blind and passive "waiting on God." It means that we have to do our part; prayer, penance, and committing our hearts to have faith in God's will.

That being said, we need your support. Please pray for us, possibly a Rosary.

We are looking for an opportunity, something that shows us the direction we should take. Is it Michigan, to be with family, where I have taken and passed the bar, where there are some opportunities, although few and difficult ones, yet where there is a more diverse and accessible Catholic faith structure? Or Alaska, where we have gained a faith circle of friends and loved ones, although the Catholic "infrastructure" is somewhat primitive and small, and where I have not taken the bar and we are committed to one specific are, yet a place where our family would prosper and where our lifestyle and faith life would certainly benefit?

We by no means want to make this a single factor decision. We also don't want to "weigh the options to find the most ____________(fill in the blank) place to live." We want to listen to God, we want to thrive as a family, as Catholics, and in our vocations. Unfortunately, the world works on "Worldly Time" and God's time is a little more... well, patient? But that doesn't mean that it doesn't cause us to worry and stress. Believe me, I know that I am contradicting myself... but I believe sometimes God presses us like this, so that we commit ourselves to prayers and faith.
We have desires, but we are trying to align those desires with the path God desires for us. It is difficult, in our culture to focus on what is important, but we really are trying. We are willing to sacrifice "career opportunities"; "comfortable living"; "a great place to live"; "friends"; "career fields"; etc... and are willing to risk, and venture out again if that is what God asks.

We know I went to law school for a reason, we know that God has afforded us experiences so that we will be prepared for what he has for us down the road... we just need some help discerning that path. We know this appeal is all too common nowadays, and is by no means specific to us alone. We know that many are in difficult and even in dire situations, and compared to our plight, are quite poorly off. That being said, in a few weeks time we might be in just that type of situation.

We know that God will guide us, we just want to do our part. So we ask you, to join us in pleas for intercession and prayers for guidance. I know that many of you take these requests seriously, and I can't thank you enough. In the end, the most important thing to me is the faith and safety of the souls of my family. I know that only God can secure such things for us, s we humbly turn to him, for all that we need.

Please pray for us...

St. Joseph, the worker ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Therese, the Little Flower ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Thomas More ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Jude ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Lucy ~ Ora Pro Nobis
St. Rita ~ Ora Pro Nobis
Our Lady of Perpetual Help ~ Ora Pro Nobis

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