Have you ever considered investing in gold? My family believes in the physical means of saving their hard earned money in solid, instead of just paper! It's not only us thinking the right way but i know other people are concerned about their savings too and would always prefer gold to any other investment plan. The metal as attractive and famous is seen is movies across the globe, so of course, who wouldn't want to own gold bullion!?
Gold is probably an important commodity no investor should overlook. The metal itself is considered a save heaven because of its high return value. As gold is hardly likely to deplete in value it is a much safer way to save and help benefit your future finances.
You may want to buy gold coins as part of a gold investment plan, so go ahead. You are on the right track :)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A Plot of Land
Thank you to all that have served, in any fashion, form, or manner... and in returned received a "plot of land."
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Quick Summer Workout and Abs Plan
This morning I decided that I was going to run ,do a bit of skipping and then blow through this amazing Resistance Workout. I actual got the idea from my friend Jamin Thompson, the creator of the 6 Pack Abs Secret...this dude is crazy ripped! - (I'm actually using his Abs Program right now)
Anyway, he also has some great Gym workouts that combine workout elements that are right down my alley. You know that my main method I like to use best is via resistance training circuits and the reason is simple. Of course resistance training allows you to increase your metabolic rate, but here’s the kicker:
Research has proven that not only do you elevate your metabolic rate when doing resistance training, but you can burn fat for up to 16 hours AFTER your workout!
If you’re like me and Jamin, you want to make the best use of your time in the gym, so you really want to try and structure your workout so that you can combine muscle building and fat burning principles together to get great results FAST.
We will be using intense resistance training. Resistance training (weight training, bodyweight exercises, plyometrics) causes your body to burn MORE belly fat AND additional calories while you are at home chilling on the couch.
We will be using total body workouts. Again, I’m preaching workout efficiency here and with that being said, there is no point in training one body part per day like you’re getting ready for a Mr. Olympia contest. Unless you are on heavy doses of steroids (which you better not be) that is a surefire way to fail.
We will be skipping the slow, boring, hamster cardio and using interval training. If you want to ever rock a cover model’s body you DEFINITELY need to start doing interval training. Not only will it take much less time, but research has proven it to be much more effective than normal cardio for burning belly fat.
Check out my morning workout and I added one of Jamin's workouts as well.
• Perform the following circuit 3 times in a row and rest for: 60 seconds between circuits. As you begin to develop more strength and endurance, you can shorten the rest period to: 45 seconds and complete the circuit 4 times. In this circuit you will perform each exercise for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest in between sets.
• For all timed exercises, maintain a good tempo for the duration of the set and try to do as many quality reps as you can within that time frame.
• Use a GYMBOSS TIMER to make sure you stay on track for the rest periods.
• At the end of your rest period you will begin your next set right away.
Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest
A Dumbbell Front Squats 1 :30 :10
B Pullups/Chin ups 1 :30 :10
C Kettlebell Swings 1 :30 :10
D Standing Calf Raise 1 :30 :10
E Mountain Climbers 1 :30 :10
F Swiss Ball Leg Curl 1 :30 :10
G Floor Dumbbell Chest Press 1 :30 :10
H Hammer Curl 1 :30 :10
F Standing Dumbbell Extensions 1 :30 :10
G Side Lateral Shoulder Raises 1 :30 :10
• Perform the following circuit 3 times in a row and rest for: 60 seconds between circuits. As you begin to develop more strength and endurance, you can shorten the rest period to: 45 seconds and complete the circuit 4 times.
• Maintain a good tempo for the entire set and try to do as many quality reps as you can without cheating.
• At the end of your rest period you will begin your next set right away.
Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest
A Power Cleans 1 8-10 None
B Bodyweight Prisoner Squat 1 25 None
C Renegade Dumbbell Row 1 10-12 None
D Dumbbell Step-Ups 1 10-12 None
E Tricep Pressdown 1 10-12 None
F Standing Barbell Curl 1 10-12 None
G Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 1 8-10 None
H Stiff Legged Deadlift 1 8-10 None
I Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 1 10-12 None
J Burpees 1 25 None
Check out Jamin Thompson's six pack abs program (shown below), to help regular guys and gals reach their potential. Not only will he cut through all of the BS for you but you’ll get a ton of workouts (plus delicious meal plans) similar to the ones shown here today that will give you practically an endless combination of workouts to use. In fact, the system is so easy to use and modify that you can practically guarantee that you’ll never get bored and that your results will just keep getting better and better.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
God-Centered Heart
Yesterday, I posted about kneeling. When I have enough time to research the theology associated with kneeling, I will try and do a "Part II" post. Until then, a question is rumbling in my heart, which needs no research only the courage to discuss it.
A lot of comments I have received since starting this blog have been written in a context that somehow insinuates or assumes that I am speaking from some authoritative position. I want to state for the record that is not the case. I did not start this blog as some sort of teaching "platform", nor do I want it to be some attempt to CONVINCE people into thinking about the faith the way that I do, or that my view is the best, or even correct, nor do I want people to read my blog thinking that I have spent hours and years pondering and researching these issues. I started it, because I wanted to further my faith, ask questions that spin in my mind, and to hopefully help others in their quest for the truth as well.
This gets back to my post from yesterday. I was talking about "what" we do at a certain part of the Mass, and I touched on the "Why" as well. I am a big believer in the "WHY." The answer to "WHY?" anything in the faith should have one answer: God. If it doesn't, we are more than likely answering the question incorrectly. (Please no reductio ad absurdum). So then, we should ask ourselves WHY do we do... WHAT we do, at Mass, in our prayer life, and also ask that same question on all things we do in life. If the answer isn't God, we are most likely off course, or better have a REALLY, REALLY good reason why the answer is not: GOD.
There is a contemporary Christian song, by the group Plumb that is called "God-Shaped Hole" that seems to really fit this feeling I have inside of me. The lyrics are:
Well, here comes the twist...
What if this pursuit was done in a way where it brought the SPOTLIGHT on you? What if it meant in your heart that you kneeled for communion, wore a chapel veil, prayed before every meal, said the Rosary EVERY night at 7:00pm, or some other facet of the faith that brought attention to YOU? Not that your goal was this attention, but what if it was a by-product of your God Centered Heart? Now what? As it has been said, many times before, it takes outstanding courage to be a faithful Catholic.
What if our "point of view" was that everything was about our Faith and our God? (This is not an argument for relativism). What if we truly believed that everything that we do is for God and therefore he should be our number one? This would mean that much of what we do, would be very different from what most people do. What if we took a weekly Calendar and the first thing we filled in was our faith obligations and necessities? What if we started every day with prayer at our desk, prayer at lunch, and before we "clocked out" for the night we said a prayer? Then work would become about God.
What if every time we got in or on our vehicles we said a prayer, for safe travel and for the fact that whatever our destination that it would be for the greater glory of God? It would turn almost everything we "do" and "endeavour" into something FOR GOD. What if every time we turned on the radio, TV, or got on our computers we said a quick prayer, that all that we spent our time on would bring us closer to God? Not in a passive, "Dear God, please work your Trinitarian MAGIC on me, and while I watch this episode of Bikini Fashion Models on Location in the Seychelles that you would some how bring me closer to your heart" way either. What if we really took the time and effort to focus our entire day on God?
So just like any puzzle or project, we must start building this heart and filling in this God-Centered heart, one piece at a time. We must focus on the end result and realize that the work that it takes to get us there is worth it. It is hard for us as humans to realize that Heaven and God are worth the "effort." Let's not lie to ourselves... sin is appealing. The devil makes it that way, but it deforms our heart. So we must keep the pieces in place, so that the deformity doesn't occur and so that the God-centered hole in our heart can be properly filled by God.
A lot of comments I have received since starting this blog have been written in a context that somehow insinuates or assumes that I am speaking from some authoritative position. I want to state for the record that is not the case. I did not start this blog as some sort of teaching "platform", nor do I want it to be some attempt to CONVINCE people into thinking about the faith the way that I do, or that my view is the best, or even correct, nor do I want people to read my blog thinking that I have spent hours and years pondering and researching these issues. I started it, because I wanted to further my faith, ask questions that spin in my mind, and to hopefully help others in their quest for the truth as well.
This gets back to my post from yesterday. I was talking about "what" we do at a certain part of the Mass, and I touched on the "Why" as well. I am a big believer in the "WHY." The answer to "WHY?" anything in the faith should have one answer: God. If it doesn't, we are more than likely answering the question incorrectly. (Please no reductio ad absurdum). So then, we should ask ourselves WHY do we do... WHAT we do, at Mass, in our prayer life, and also ask that same question on all things we do in life. If the answer isn't God, we are most likely off course, or better have a REALLY, REALLY good reason why the answer is not: GOD.
There is a contemporary Christian song, by the group Plumb that is called "God-Shaped Hole" that seems to really fit this feeling I have inside of me. The lyrics are:
It seems that this is the case. St. Augustine once said: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you." If this is the case, then all of what we do should rest in God and be in-step with him. That means that if we are kneeling at Mass, kneeling for Communion, and kneeling at the side of our bed at night for prayer it should be for God, directed at God, and must resonate in our hearts that it is from God. If not... is our heart truly centered on God? Seems like an easy and honest pursuit though right? Focus on God, center on Him, do HIS will - Rinse, Repeat.Every point of view has another angleAnd every angle has its meritBut it all comes down to faithThats the way I see itYou can say that love is not divine andYou can say that life is not eternal"All we have is now"But I don't believe itThere's a God-shaped hole in all of usAnd the restless soul is searchingThere's a God-shaped hole in all of usAnd it's a void only he can fillDoes the world seem gray with empty longingWearing every shade of cynicalAnd do you ever feel thatThere is something missing?That's my point of view...
Well, here comes the twist...
What if this pursuit was done in a way where it brought the SPOTLIGHT on you? What if it meant in your heart that you kneeled for communion, wore a chapel veil, prayed before every meal, said the Rosary EVERY night at 7:00pm, or some other facet of the faith that brought attention to YOU? Not that your goal was this attention, but what if it was a by-product of your God Centered Heart? Now what? As it has been said, many times before, it takes outstanding courage to be a faithful Catholic.
What if our "point of view" was that everything was about our Faith and our God? (This is not an argument for relativism). What if we truly believed that everything that we do is for God and therefore he should be our number one? This would mean that much of what we do, would be very different from what most people do. What if we took a weekly Calendar and the first thing we filled in was our faith obligations and necessities? What if we started every day with prayer at our desk, prayer at lunch, and before we "clocked out" for the night we said a prayer? Then work would become about God.
What if every time we got in or on our vehicles we said a prayer, for safe travel and for the fact that whatever our destination that it would be for the greater glory of God? It would turn almost everything we "do" and "endeavour" into something FOR GOD. What if every time we turned on the radio, TV, or got on our computers we said a quick prayer, that all that we spent our time on would bring us closer to God? Not in a passive, "Dear God, please work your Trinitarian MAGIC on me, and while I watch this episode of Bikini Fashion Models on Location in the Seychelles that you would some how bring me closer to your heart" way either. What if we really took the time and effort to focus our entire day on God?
We long for this... we really do. The reason the devil is so seductive is not because of what he promises in the end, but what he promises today. You see, our end, if it be with Satan, is not pretty... in fact it is the most horrible existence possible. So how then does he have an allure over us? He does it with the present. He does it with the here and now. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You see, he tricks us into believing that one nibble here, one sin there, a lie over here, and eventually the denial of God's will seem like no big deal to us. Think about infidelity... what do we hear people say, "It was a one time thing... it was never meant to get that far." Of course not... how many people go into marriage saying, "I can't wait to the day when I am so selfish, hurt, neglected, ignored, abused that I feel the need to deny the person I swore to love forever and crush their heart, my heart, and God's heart all in one lust-filled action." I would say the number is pretty low.

Don't misread this... I am no champion of this cause, in fact just in writing it I came up with a lot of this during the production of this post. This is more aspirational than experiential ... meaning, it is more theory than practice. I do hope to implement some of this in my life... but as I said, it is quite courageous to be authentically Catholic in our world... and unfortunately, I often fall short.
This is a modified version of the classic hand to hand figure eight move. It has a static hold at the top of the movement and then a drop down in the end.
This is a great workout for young athletes, golfers, people with low back issues, knee problem. The exercise ties your glutes and hamstrings into your core. It so effective and targets the shoulders and abs (oblique) as well. I used the light weight just for this video, but you want to go heavy if you can.
Funk Tip:
When you are performing the exercise, ensure that when you are bringing the kettlebell up to the hand you have a real aggressive hip snap and pull. Keep the elbows in tight and abs tight.
Workout - Set your GYMBOSS TIMER to 45 seconds, rest for 15 and repeat for the opposite side
Look no further, The New You Crew is Here !
The New You Crew are MAN-formation Specialists, featuring Ryan Shanahan , Funk Roberts & Tiffany We demonstrate how to easily and quickly transform a man’s Body - Style - Attitude
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for How To videos for your guy to watch and MAN-form into a Successful, Strong and Well Dressed Gentlemen
Funk Roberts
This is a modified version of the classic hand to hand figure eight move. It has a static hold at the top of the movement and then a drop down in the end.
This is a great workout for young athletes, golfers, people with low back issues, knee problem. The exercise ties your glutes and hamstrings into your core. It so effective and targets the shoulders and abs (oblique) as well. I used the light weight just for this video, but you want to go heavy if you can.
Funk Tip:
When you are performing the exercise, ensure that when you are bringing the kettlebell up to the hand you have a real aggressive hip snap and pull. Keep the elbows in tight and abs tight.
Workout - Set your GYMBOSS TIMER to 45 seconds, rest for 15 and repeat for the opposite side
Get the Funk Roberts GYMBOSS work out timer available CLICK HERE!
Look no further, The New You Crew is Here !
The New You Crew are MAN-formation Specialists, featuring Ryan Shanahan , Funk Roberts & Tiffany We demonstrate how to easily and quickly transform a man’s Body - Style - Attitude
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for How To videos for your guy to watch and MAN-form into a Successful, Strong and Well Dressed Gentlemen
Funk Roberts
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Goes to Jail
It is about time.
I guess he really is... America's "Hip-Hop Mayor".
But people still donate money to him?? For what?
How about those people donate to this blog instead, I promise to buy Fr. Corapi Volumes and have listening/viewing parties with my Parish.
Please let this be the end of this sad chapter in Detroit's history... please?
I guess he really is... America's "Hip-Hop Mayor".
But people still donate money to him?? For what?
How about those people donate to this blog instead, I promise to buy Fr. Corapi Volumes and have listening/viewing parties with my Parish.
Please let this be the end of this sad chapter in Detroit's history... please?
Timeless Tuesday: Wiffle Ball
Sorry I forgot last week...
This week we have a great game... that few kids actually play anymore. The game has been "taken over" by college-kids who take the game to almost insane "levels." Case in point: Wiffle Stadium Video, Golden Stick Tourney Action Video, Wicked Pitching
But in reality it should be a game for anyone and everyone...
The benefits of storing your important documents online
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of iSigned.com - Safe storage for your important documents. All opinions are 100% mine.
I remember one of my online friends not being able to complete his projects for work because for the simple reason, he lost all his important data and documents due to the crashing of his hard disk. I can understand the dilemmas people face when things like this happen because my husband and family face the same time and time again.
I believed there is no site which can provide secure storage for our documents until a site named iSigned - secure online storage for legal and other important documents came to my rescue. Though you can register to keep your documents secure on this latest storage site for a tiny fee but one can also sign up for a free trial which i just did myself, a few minutes ago, and i got an unlimited-period 5 document free trial. Best part is that you can also share files with whoever you allow only through a commercial agreement. The individual storage being cheaper costs a few cents a day and provides unlimited storage. The business storage provides extra features like detailed reporting.
Physical storage being prone to fire, theft, and other certainties are expensive and sometimes out of reach when needed urgently. But, now you can store and make your documents accessible anytime through online storage, right?
Finally able to view blogspot blogs
Thank god i am now able to view blogspot blogs on all my browsers because earlier i wasn't able to. Though having access to my dashboard and creating/editing posts weren't a problem but then i couldn't view the resulting blog. I couldn't even view my fellow bloggers blogspot blogs and i guess they're upset with me now ;)
I tried everything like deleting my browsers cache/cookies and even scanning for any virus i thought had been the culprit but all in vain. luckily a Google forum discussing the same issue came to my aid and i guess thats why they say 'Google for solutions' and you will surely find one! ;) Anyway, i just changed my DNS address to what was suggested by someone on the Google forums and viola! The sites which peeved me to hell since three days finally did open! I always feel like a genius when i solve issues on the internet... )
I guess maybe the whole or some parts of India only faced these problems and esp the irritated Reliance customers. If you landed here searching for the same i hope Google can help you too :)
I tried everything like deleting my browsers cache/cookies and even scanning for any virus i thought had been the culprit but all in vain. luckily a Google forum discussing the same issue came to my aid and i guess thats why they say 'Google for solutions' and you will surely find one! ;) Anyway, i just changed my DNS address to what was suggested by someone on the Google forums and viola! The sites which peeved me to hell since three days finally did open! I always feel like a genius when i solve issues on the internet... )
I guess maybe the whole or some parts of India only faced these problems and esp the irritated Reliance customers. If you landed here searching for the same i hope Google can help you too :)
Monday, May 24, 2010
The GIRM, Diocesan Norms and Kneeling at Mass: Archdiocese of Anchorage
All postures at Mass are purposeful. They bring us closer to the Sacred through their purpose and proper place in the Mass. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) is the controlling document on all actions and functions of the Mass. There are in fact specific sections that concern the gestures and postures that the faithful should adhere to:
I personally find myself conflicted. After coming from an Archdiocese where the GIRM was adhered to strictly, I find myself in discontinuity with the rest of the faithful in my Parish. After researching the Archdiocesan norms, I find that in fact, if I were to unify myself with my Parish, I would be out of step not only with the GIRM, but the Diocesan Norms, which although valid and licit, are not adhered to. So what am I, and other faithful to do? This is only one example of discontinuity.
Movements and PostureOne of the most discussed and misapplied postures is that of kneeling. The confusion usually occurs after the Agnus Dei because there is a Diocesan option available, that when used, is often misused and even abused. The GIRM states:
42. The gestures and posture of the priest, the deacon, and the ministers, as well as those of the people, ought to contribute to making the entire celebration resplendent with beauty and noble simplicity, so that the true and full meaning of the different parts of the celebration is evident and that the participation of all is fostered. Therefore, attention should be paid to what is determined by this General Instruction and the traditional practice of the Roman Rite and to what serves the common spiritual good of the People of God, rather than private inclination or arbitrary choice.
A common posture, to be observed by all participants, is a sign of the unity of the members of the Christian community gathered for the Sacred Liturgy: it both expresses and fosters the intention and spiritual attitude of the participants.
43(c) : In the dioceses of the United States of America, they [the faithful] should kneel beginning after the singing or recitation of the Sanctus until after the Amen of the Eucharistic Prayer, except when prevented on occasion by reasons of health, lack of space, the large number of people present, or some other good reason. Those who do not kneel ought to make a profound bow when the priest genuflects after the consecration. The faithful kneel after the Agnus Dei unless the Diocesan Bishop determines otherwise.The final clause in this section is where confusion and abuse generally set in. Bishops do have the ability to change the posture for this period, so we have to look to what the Bishop directs in this instance. In Anchorage, the Bishop has opted to diverge from the GIRM:
- Upon completion of the Holy Holy until after the Great Amen: KNEEL
- From the beginning of the Lord's Prayer and continuing as each receives Holy Communion (may bow head to venerate the Holy Sacrament) STAND
- Upon return to pew following reception of Communion: STAND
- After all ahve [sic] received Communion during sacred silence following Holy Communion: SIT or KNEEL
What is confusing is that in most Parishes that I have been to in Alaska, no one actually kneels during the Sacred Silence, if in fact there is a Sacred Silence. So the question becomes whether a person should adhere to the GIRM, which isn't the norm for the Archdiocese and therefore against the norms; or should the faithful adhere to the Diocesan Norms which aren't adhered to by the faithful?

Hopefully, with the introduction of the New Missal, as Parishes will necessarily undergo the need to provide Liturgical Catechesis, these problems will be addressed and rectified. Although I am under no illusion that unification of posture and gestures at Mass will themselves create an authentic Catholic community, it is in fact impossible to have such a community without continuity and unification as to the GIRM.
Cardinal Arinze on Kneeling, Communion, and Reverence
If you want a quick little lesson on such things... head over to Cleansing Fire.
The Cardinal explains what is appropriate regarding such topics...a CARDINAL.
The Cardinal explains what is appropriate regarding such topics...a CARDINAL.
Really Pro-Life
While reading Shoved to Them today, I came across a little anecdote that made me smile and chuckle a bit:
"What is your profession? Breeding?" He asked sarcastically.When my wife and I got married, we were required to take an NFP class. The class was... well it just was. I have some very confused thoughts and feelings about NFP. I understand that there are those that use NFP as a family planning method, while others use it in a way to try and help conceive. My wife and I have always used the phrase, "We want as many kids as God blesses us with." It really throws people for a loop. My wife grew up in a house of 4 kids and I in a house of 2. I would say both of us also grew up in lower middle class, or upper-lower class socio-economic situations. That is to say, both families may have had more children if we lived in higher tax brackets.
"No," I told him. "I've chosen to be the Mother of Nations. We will populate the Earth."
I could tell he didn't get it, so (being the nerd I am) I did a little math for him. "If our children have babies at the same rate that we do, you will have 4 grandchildren and I will have 36. If we keep it going you will have 16 great-great grandchildren and I will have 1296. A few more generations and my decedents can touch every corner of the globe."
There was a long pause on his end, then he wistfully replied, "I would have liked to have had a little girl."
My wife and I had our "Monkey" 11 months and 1 week after we were married. We don't know how many we will have, but we are friends with families that run the entire spectrum. What is interesting though, is that at our parish we are friends with folks that have quite a few kids. In fact if you took our 10 closest friends at our Parish and added all our kids together, there would be 44. That's 11 families (including us) with an AVERAGE of 4 kids per family. This includes several families that have only 1 child and/or are newly married. Only 1 these families is officially "done" having children. In fact, only one family even has teenagers, the rest are 12 or younger. This is a lot of kids, and in reality when things are said and done, if you gave each family the average amount of kids, the number would grow from 44 to 56. Our parish has a couple hundred families in it, I honestly don't know if there is an exact count. But theoretically, using the same argument as in the above example, we would be a majority in the Church in one more generation. Meaning in about 25 years, there could be 170 - 224 kids, just from our group of 11. Let's just cut that in half - 80-110 new people in the parish in 20 years. Add to that all of us, and you have about 200 people, just from 11 families.
Now if you take 11 families with 2 kids each...using the same math, the number of people stemming from those families will be around 60.
60 v. 200... that is a BIG DIFFERENCE. That is what being REALLY pro-life is all about.
News and latest trends from niaomoshoes.com
During my pregnancy i was adamant to wear Fashion Footwear which i knew wasn't the right thing but you know the hormonal changes during pregnancy play a very important role in compelling us to have our way! If you are pregnant or not, but you fancy the latest trends in the shoes category, niaomishoes.com can keep you to date with the latest gossip, trends and shoes. Niaomi who is obsessed with shoes, shares her ideas and other news on this blog. If you street style shoes which most people love, you can find it all here on the blog with images.
Moms, aunts, teens, and even grand moms love slipping on their favorite pair of stilettos or pumps to parties and shows, so i'm sure you would find lots of new trends for a change on the blog. You can also gift your daughter or grand daughter a pair on her birthday! So take a look yourself :)
Moms, aunts, teens, and even grand moms love slipping on their favorite pair of stilettos or pumps to parties and shows, so i'm sure you would find lots of new trends for a change on the blog. You can also gift your daughter or grand daughter a pair on her birthday! So take a look yourself :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
First Alabama Agriculture... then Washington D.C.!!
Seriously... one of the best campaign ads I've seen in a long... long time!
Sword-Tip: Lair of the Catholic Cavemen
Maybe the Catholic Church should hire this guy to produce some PR ads for the Church? Maybe some concerning the switch to the New Missal Translation?
Sword-Tip: Lair of the Catholic Cavemen
Maybe the Catholic Church should hire this guy to produce some PR ads for the Church? Maybe some concerning the switch to the New Missal Translation?
MusicMonday - ♫ Miley Cyrus - When i look at you ♫
The picturesque scenes in this video are so pleasant to the senses, i really felt my heart soaring while watching it... have a happy MM :)
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!
Please mark June 14, 2010 in your calendar as the offical start date.
Two of Canada's top Fitness Trainers, Fenley Fearon (Getmyassinshape.com) and Funk Roberts (Fitfirmandfab.com) have combined to bring you the greatest online fitness bootcamp ever!!!
For FOUR weeks, join Fen, Funk and Guest Trainers as they put you through weekly body changing workouts and take you on a journey to a complete body transformation.
For years Fen and Funk have help hundreds of women transform their bodies and habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle. NOW it’s your turn!!! You ready for this? Fen and Funk have put together a 4 week online bootcamp program to do at home, gym or outside that will help jump start you in your quest to achieve a bikini body for the summer.
Not only do you get weekly home workouts and videos, but we'll add nutrition and meal plans, wellness and much more!!! You will have a Certified Fitness and Personal Training Professionals, Fitness Expert and a Registered Nutritionist for 4 weeks to ensure that you are successful in your lifestyle transformation.
The Fen vs. Funk Bootcamp Program consist of 4 weekly workouts brought to you from Fenley, Funk and one guest trainer and you get to choose one of the workouts each week. The workouts will be accessible online at the Fen vs. Funk Official Website, Facebook and through a weekly email.
The Fen vs. Funk program will have everything you need to change your body, increase your energy, gain muscle tone and accelerate fat loss, all while acquiring the tools to make this a permanent lifestyle change.
Go to http://www.fenvsfunk.net/ and sign up for FREE by putting your name and email address in the sign in box. You will be sent a confirmation email.
You MUST confirm your address by clicking on the link in this email. This quick extra step is to ensure that no one else is signing you up to receive information without your knowledge. We take your privacy very seriously.
Once you confirm your address by clicking on the link in the email, we'll immediately send a follow up email with Laura Discepola’s Nutrition Guide and Fit Firm N Fab Supplement Guide.
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Friday, May 21, 2010
Renovation Manipulation
Anyway, I picked up this little gem and began to read. I was not un-happy with what I had stumbled across.

Although I only got through the first 2 chapters before I had to leave, I was quite intrigued. Certainly, the relatively new movement of post Vatican II minimalism in our Catholic Churches, is not only eerily Protestant, but it is also shamefully secular. The book proposes that the faithful must step up when faced with Parish Councils who are misguided, or worse yet, intentional on removing masterpieces and holy objects directed at the praise, worship, and thanksgiving to the creator of the universe.
Since I haven't read the entire book yet, I can't give a critique or synopsis, but I will get those posted once I get through it. In the mean time, if you have read the book, feel free to give your impressions in the comments!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Ave Maris Stella
Ave, Maris Stella,
Dei Mater alma,
Atque semper virgo,
Felix coeli porta.
Sumens illud Ave
Gabrielis ore,
Funda nos in pace,
Mutans Evae nomen.
Solve vincia reis
Profer lumen caecis,
Mala nostra pelle,
Bona cuncta posce.
Monstra te esse Matrem,
Sumat per te preces
Qui pro nobis natus,
Tulit esse tuus.
Virgo singularis,
Inter omnes mitis,
Nos culpis solutos
Mites fac et castos.
Vitam praesta puram,
Iter para tutum;
Ut videntes Jesum
Semper collaetemur.
Sit laus Deo Patri,
Summo Christo decus,
Spiritui Sancto,
Tribus honor unus. Amen.
Hail, thou Star of ocean,
Portal of the sky !
Ever Virgin Mother
Of the Lord most high !
Oh ! by Gabriel's Ave,
Uttered long ago,
Eva's name reversing,
Stablish peace below.
Break the captive's fetters ;
Light on blindness pour ;
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore.
Show thyself a Mother ;
Offer Him our sighs,
Who for us Incarnate
Did not thee despise.
Virgin of all virgins !
To thy shelter take us :
Gentlest of the gentle !
Chaste and gentle make us.
Still, as on we journey,
Help our weak endeavor ;
Till with thee and Jesus
We rejoice forever.
Through the highest heaven,
To the Almighty Three,
Father, Son, and Spirit,
One same glory be. Amen.
Burn belle fat with the right fat burning foods

Owning tons of belle fat has been one of the biggest dilemmas of men as well as women. I've seen it in my own family and around me so am very concerned. I dont think strenuous bodybuilding alone works or even expensive and useless diet pills, as these methods will unfortunately only land up being a slow killer in your life. Having said that, also just going on a strict diet wont help you lose belle fat so easily either, but psychical activity (exercise strictly included!) and eating the right foods are vital to help you succeed, to whatever extent. Here are some calorie burning foods to help you through your journey.
Low fat and rich in protein foods are natural fat burners.
Egg: contain the vitamin B12 needed to metabolize fat. Eggs yolks can be avoided for cholesterol concerns.
Nuts/Almonds: have the ability to make you fuller for extended periods. This way you eat lesser and maintain your intake of high calories.
Citrus Fruits: The vitamin C in citrus fruits are known to dilute fats present in the body. lemons, limes, oranges, grapes are some citrus fruits.
Olive oil: contain mono saturated fats that help to satiate hunger quicker and keep cholesterol under control as well.
Chilli's: helps in lowering cholesterol levels and speeding up the metabolism rate through a compound known as capsaicin present in hot peppers. Your body has to burn plenty of calories to digest the capsaicin!
Beans: rich in protein and fiber help in toning up the body by replacing saturated fats with fiber.
Soybean: helps to break down fats deposited in the body, and protects fat accumulation in the first place!
Apples: is rich in fiber which limits food intake due to its ability to fill you faster.
Green tea: A low calorie health drink which helps prevent fat absorption by the body and helps to speed metabolism.
Other foods are asparagus, carrots, yams, oatmeal, berries, lean meat, garlic, ginger, pulses, whole grains, Fish, etc...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
When I bring up Mass in the usus antiquior, many people make an argument against it where they same something like this:
Maybe I should just print this out and say:
Why would you want to go to a Latin Mass and not understand what is going on? It's all in Latin, you can't understand anything.
"Oh yeah, explain this:"
Nmeda- national mobility equipment dealers association
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.
Do you have an elderly or disabled person at home who cant even make it to the road? NowNMEDA, a qualified mobility equipment association, can help them independently get back on the road! The association also educates consumers on buying products from a qualified NMEDA dealer, and the advantage to buy from a qualified dealer is their on-site conduction evaluation service to custom fit vehicles of your choice, and additional training. A personalized “in-person” evaluation can help you ensure you are getting the right driving solution customized to your specific lifestyle and needs.
I would love to recommend a custom made wheelchair to my relatives, who have dependant elders at home. Also, Nmeda would do a good job on their vehicles for other beneficial purposes. They'll be glad as Nmeda's association not only comprehends dealers, but Quality Assurance Program dealers too. Both are individual services and (QAP)is the only nationally recognized accreditation program for the Adaptive Mobility Equipment Industry. It focuses on systematic and documented approach to quality in order to gain satisfied customers.
So once you decide you are letting NMeda help you assist your elder's independently moving about on the road, come back here and let me know if you already found your nearest qualified dealer. Go to the homepage of Nmeda and type in your zip code to find out.
He must increase; I must decrease.
"John answered and said, "No one can receive anything except what has been given him from heaven.I have been feeling quite perplexed lately. Struggling really. Not with God, not with my faith per se, but with what to DO with my faith. The Parish I attend has a lot of issues, and I am trying to answer in my heart and in my head what *I* am supposed to be doing. But the whole time, I feel like nothing I can do will help. Many of my friends feel helpless, as if we are in a situation that is almost insurmountable.
You yourselves can testify that I said (that) I am not the Messiah, but that I was sent before him.
The one who has the bride is the bridegroom; the best man, who stands and listens for him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. So this joy of mine has been made complete.
He must increase; I must decrease." John 3:27-30
So I have been listening to some Podcasts of Fr. John Riccardo. Fr. Riccardo was the pastor at the Novus Ordo parish that my family used to attend before we moved up to Alaska. He was amazing. (That parish is also where Fr. Acervo and Fr. White, are priests. Can you believe we left there?)
The church is huge - auditorium/concert hall style, has thousands of people, has a k-8 school, and was modern beyond belief. No statues, a huge amazing organ, but no tabernacle. Rarely did people kneel, but they did have a LIFETEEN mass with guitar, drums, electric bass, and lots of... well... whatever that sort of thing brings. The second Fr. Riccardo got there though, things began to change. People kneeled, the tabernacle came INTO the sanctuary smack-dab behind the altar. Then came the statues, 3, then 4, and who knows how many now. He came in and started ministries and apostolates like RCIA for Catholics, Catholicism for Cradle Catholics, a great mens group (Not just KofC), and he went to Theology on Tap.
Many people made it about him, he is a very charismatic person. He made it about God. He frequently quoted John 3:30: "He must increase, I must decrease." So as I was struggling last night, I was praying, and I thought about listening or reading something that will nourish me. So I remembered Fr. Riccardo had his podcasts online, and I went and downloaded some... and then I heard this and it nailed me:
"We must decrease, and HE must increase, if we are in this for our own glory...we are going to be really let down, because they nailed Jesus to the Cross and he had no sin, they would have a field day with me... or you..."Wow... he is right. We must act and think in a way that allows God to INCREASE, while we decrease. As he goes on, Fr. Riccardo explains, that when we strive to do things for God, we must do them for GOD, and not for US. Everything.... EVERYTHING we do, should be to increase the GLORY of GOD, and reduce our own glory.
"If we want to be faithful disciples of Christ, what we should strive to do, is to Conform to His mind. We should try to think with the mind of the Church... We should be in-step with the Lord. And if we are in-step with the Lord, we can expect the shrapnel to start flying. This is not going to be easy to be his disciples. The faith is ANYTHING but for the weak, it takes incredible courage. We shouldn't worry about fitting in, because we won't fit in, if we are following him."
So it became clear, and this energized me. Don't worry about me... worry about HIM. He will give me what I need, and guide me on my journey... just follow Him, be in-step with Him, and get ready for the shrapnel to come-a-flyin! Oh, and the guy that said that whole decrease-increase thing... he didn't quite get shrapnel, but well... it didn't "end" so well for St. John the Baptist, but it still was worth it! It is better to die for the Faith and for Christ, and then to die for one's self.
From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent are taking it by force. Matthew 11:12
Why people DON'T leave the Church
There are a lot of reasons why people leave the Catholic... but I would bet quite a bit of money that the reason is rarely, or if ever, that a person studied the scriptures, studied the Catechism, read the Church fathers, read encyclicals, and then came to the belief and analytical conclusion that the Catholic Faith is somehow wrong within the larger context of Christianity. I got this idea from Fr. John Riccardo, who mentioned this idea in one of his "RCIA for Catholics" talks. Fr. Riccardo was my pastor at my Novus Ordo parish back in Michigan.
This argument is based on the idea that many people that leave the faith, or "fall away" do so because they either don't have a good understanding of the faith, and (or) have been a part of a parish that did not resonate in them. Many also leave, because those around them either lacked in the way they understood the faith or lived the faith. For example, how many times have you heard lapsed Catholics espouse incorrect doctrine or describe "Catholics" in a way that isn't necessarily true of Catholicism, but may be more specific to a certain group of people that profess to be Catholic?
Therefore it is vital that we learn our faith, that we learn it CORRECTLY, and that we live it both in word and in deed. We don't know who is watching us, or how it is affecting them. People rarely leave parishes or the Church because their experience includes a welcoming and warm parish, a tight night community of like minded individuals and families, and people that not only know their faith intellectually but also "live it." Instead, folks abandon their faith because of cold and disconnected parishes, individuals that make no attempt to form a Catholic community, and people that espouse their own personal notion of the faith and live contrary to the precepts of Catholic thinking.
If we want the American Catholic Church to survive we must educate ourselves in the faith, we must live out the teachings of the faith, and we must reclaim the truth - one that includes an authentic liturgical and prayer life that leads the community closer to the Truth that is Jesus, the same Christ our Lord Whom leads us to the Father in unity with the Holy Spirit.
This argument is based on the idea that many people that leave the faith, or "fall away" do so because they either don't have a good understanding of the faith, and (or) have been a part of a parish that did not resonate in them. Many also leave, because those around them either lacked in the way they understood the faith or lived the faith. For example, how many times have you heard lapsed Catholics espouse incorrect doctrine or describe "Catholics" in a way that isn't necessarily true of Catholicism, but may be more specific to a certain group of people that profess to be Catholic?
Therefore it is vital that we learn our faith, that we learn it CORRECTLY, and that we live it both in word and in deed. We don't know who is watching us, or how it is affecting them. People rarely leave parishes or the Church because their experience includes a welcoming and warm parish, a tight night community of like minded individuals and families, and people that not only know their faith intellectually but also "live it." Instead, folks abandon their faith because of cold and disconnected parishes, individuals that make no attempt to form a Catholic community, and people that espouse their own personal notion of the faith and live contrary to the precepts of Catholic thinking.
If we want the American Catholic Church to survive we must educate ourselves in the faith, we must live out the teachings of the faith, and we must reclaim the truth - one that includes an authentic liturgical and prayer life that leads the community closer to the Truth that is Jesus, the same Christ our Lord Whom leads us to the Father in unity with the Holy Spirit.
Blog Update
Wanted to mention a couple of things:
- I feel as if I have strayed from the MISSION of this blog, or at least I had been straying. I was too caught up in the "Catholic Blog World" and felt I lost my way a little bit. I am trying to get back on track. I know that everyone reads certain blogs for certain reasons. I hope that I can blend a mix of thoughts, prayers, catechesis, and news in a good way. If you particularly like something, have suggestions, or want to let me know what you would like to see more of just drop me a line: angelsdefendus@gmail.com.
- I have added various things to the sidebars; blogs, prayer sites, resources, etc... I usually make a post about blogs that I add, eventually. I will be doing so in a few days, just check it occasionally.
- Feedburner/RSS feeds: It appears that my feedburner count fluctuates between 25 & 83ish. I don't know why this is. I don't know what the real number is, but the main reason I have the counter on there is that it lets me know when there is a problem. If you are having an issue with the RSS feed please email me: angelsdefendus@gmail.com, it will let me at least zero in on the issue.
- I have tried to post lest pictures and extraneous things because I was informed the blog takes a long time to load on phones and handheld devices. I really appreciate input so if there is anything that would make your blog reading more enjoyable, let me know and I will take it into consideration.
- The "LINK WITHIN" feature at the bottom of the posts. I know this adds some clutter and chaos to the posts, but I think it also helps people go back and read some old posts. If you have a particular feeling about it, either positively or negatively, please let me know.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Timeless Tuesday - Nuns: Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles

My little "Monkey" can sure grow up to be a Benedictine of Mary, Queen of Apostles. It sure beats being Miss USA.
See Also: Kansas Catholic
Get your omega-3 fatty acids from walnuts during pregnancy

During both my pregnancies i would eat plenty of dry fruits, esp walnuts. I heard eating walnuts which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial to mother and her baby as these fats help to develop brain and heart health. The infant brain grows more rapidly in its gestation stage and omega-3 fatty acids which is supplied through the mothers diet to her baby, is essential for its growth. So while you are pregnant or breastfeeding, eating just a quarter cup of walnuts daily will provide you that 90% of your omega-3 fatty acid requirements. Having walnuts raw instead of roasting them is a better option.
You can find omega-3 fatty acids in other food sources like fish, etc... but be careful to take it in moderate amounts daily.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Amazing dis-Grace
Wow... I am quickly becoming a Vortex with Michael Voris fan.
This latest one... pretty much tells it like it is.
It isn't soft.
It isn't cuddly.
This program is from RealCatholicTV.com
This latest one... pretty much tells it like it is.
It isn't soft.
It isn't cuddly.
This program is from RealCatholicTV.com
Why isn't this on the front page of the New York Times?!
Q. Health Care Reform Bill = Stupid? Nancy Pelosi = Marxist Socialist?
A. Yes.
How can this woman continue to claim that she is Catholic? There is NOTHING... I REPEAT nothing in approved Catholic teaching that says, "Focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations... while someone else supports you financially." Usually if you do that sort of thing, you go in debt until you are 40, paying the bill back, at around 9.9% interest. I pray for her... but at the same time, she might need some tough love. An excommunication until she repents might do the trick.
You can read the full Moonbattery craziness here: Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care with Video Yummy-ness!
A. Yes.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said this week that thanks to the new health-care reform law, musicians and other creative types could quit their jobs and focus on developing their talents because taxpayers would fund their health care coverage.Um.. I am a hunter. Can I quit my job and just hunt? Not only would I be focusing on my talent, skill, and passion but I would also stay healthier eating good food, and would be getting exercise thereby cutting down on my health care costs.
“We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said, “a bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care.”
How can this woman continue to claim that she is Catholic? There is NOTHING... I REPEAT nothing in approved Catholic teaching that says, "Focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations... while someone else supports you financially." Usually if you do that sort of thing, you go in debt until you are 40, paying the bill back, at around 9.9% interest. I pray for her... but at the same time, she might need some tough love. An excommunication until she repents might do the trick.
You can read the full Moonbattery craziness here: Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care with Video Yummy-ness!
I have received a lot of great success stories of people losing weight using my 4 Week Spartacus Workout Challenge, but Awat was one of the first people to tell me about how he gained some weight and became more muscular incorporating the Spartacus Workout , supplements and good nutrition.
Awat is one of my closest friends; in fact I was the best man at his wedding in Costa Rica last month. Awat, a former professional volleyball player, has always been in shape and active, but knowing that he was getting married in Costa Rica and would be travelling throughout the country, he wanted to look the best he has ever been.
He called me about 6 weeks from the wedding and said, “Funk, Kim and I want to be in the best shape of our lives for our wedding, can you please give us a workout and nutrition plan.”
But Awat mentioned to me that he wanted to gain more muscle and still be ripped, and Kim wanted to lose some weight and look toned. I wanted to make sure that supplementation was a big part of Awat’s plan, because with the stress of planning the wedding and putting the body through these intense workouts, the supplements that I suggested were to help build strength, add muscle, recuperate and detoxify.
Enter the 4 Week Spartacus Workout Challenge. I told him to use the challenge and stay close to the supplements and nutrition plan. The one supplement that made an incredible difference in adding size and strength for Awat was Silver Bullet (Kre-Alkalyn). Awat told me that from day one when he started taking Silver Bullet, he could feel and notice a difference, In fact he even mentioned that the Spartacus workouts seemed to be getting easier for him, even though they were getting more challenging.
Awat has taking creatine supplements before with no success, but Silver Bullet, had no negative side effects like bloating or upset stomach, and before long, Awat was uber-impressed. I also use Silver Bullet and it makes a noticeable difference from the start. It is the best supplement I have ever used.
Fast forward to the day before we left for Costa Rica – I was excited to see the gains that Awat made so as soon as I got to his place, I told him to show me the goods.
Holy S*^%!!!!!!!.....That was all I could say.
Awat looked incredible, the best I have seen him in 20 years. Absolutely ripped and the muscular. He told me he did the Spartacus Workout Challenge, added some of his own exercises, took the supplements I suggested, and stuck to a clean nutrition plan. Kim looked amazing as well. Just check out the pics.
Congratulations Awat and Kim on all your hard work and Wedding!
Hey guys, if you want to add some muscle while doing the Spartacus Workout, include the Silver Bullet supplements and stick to the nutrition plan. It works...Awat is living proof.
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Sportlab Milky Whey
INTAKE TIME: AM, Post Workout, Bed
Remember—no protein—no growth. Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. In the morning it immediately feeds your muscles. After your workout, your body needs whey’s fast absorbing proteins to feed your muscle’s increased and immediate protein requirements. Protein at bedtime is essential as that is when your body grows and repairs.
Sportlab BCAA
INTAKE TIME: Post Workout
MUSCLE REGENRATION - After every workout BCAAs help rebuild muscles - Amino acids, their most easily assimilated form, are essential for maximum muscle regeneration. they also play a key role in normalizing moods, concentration, aggression, attention, sleep, and sex drive.
Sportlab Glutamine
INTAKE TIME: AM, Post Workout
L-Glutamine, the purest pharmaceutical grade to help boost recovery and stamina.
Silver Bullet 1500, 750mg
INTAKE TIME: AM, Post Workout
This is by far the best supplement I have ever used in my life. Use this for increased strength and muscularity throughout the 4 week challenge. No side effects whatsoever.
Synergy RX Omega 3, 1000mg
INTAKE TIME: With meals.
They are essential to human health but cannot be manufactured by the body.
Acai 1000 Acai Berry, 500mg
INTAKE TIME: AM, Post Workout, PM
You've taken care of the outside of your body Acai 1000 takes care of the inside to Detoxify and Cleanse.
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