Friday, March 11, 2011

And I did yoga yesterday afternoon without anxiety

I was feeling sleepy, (whereupon I usually crawl into bed for a couple of hours and avoid the world), so I had a quick power nap for five minutes, got up and made lunch. Then I did some yoga, for the first time in about a year.

I usually avoid doing anything too active unless my anxiety is way down simply because I always felt short of breath and had weird tingly feelings pop up in my chest or arms. Hated it. Often activity would actually bring on feeling of disassociation too, where I felt disconnected from my body, again a feeling I interpreted as a kind of panic attack. Best way to avoid feeling like that is to not get active.

Yesterday morning I decided I was going to follow along with one of the tv shows, and when the time came I just did it without fear of anxiety. Lovely to be able to express myself physically, like I did when I was younger, without feeling anxious, or like I'm going to faint.

I do credit the YJ because my muscles feel strong, like they can take in the oxygen and use it, again that the nutrients I put in my body are getting used. Vitamins in pill form could not come close to accomplishing this. With my muscles strong I am not fearing falling over from weakness and therefore am not feeling insecure and getting anxious from that. Wonderful.

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