Friday, October 29, 2010

Catholics can not and must not vote for Lisa Murkowski

The following is a story that is running in the new edition of the Catholic Anchor. The paper asked the Senatorial candidates a series of 10 questions most closely connected to Catholic doctrine and teaching. For us Catholics all we have to read is number #1 and know how we can and can't vote. There are non-negotiables we must adhere to as Catholics, regardless of our ideas about government. Some will try and paint the positive law as the highest law of the land, but it is not. Natural Law is supreme, and in fact guided the positive law our founders used as the philosophical basis for the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and federal statutes. We must not be confused and tricked by political rhetoric.

The following excerpt from the Senatorial profile in the Anchor is more than enough information to read to know that as a Catholic it would be WRONG and Anti-Catholic to vote for Lisa Murkowski. I challenge ANYONE, lay or religious, to debate me on this. I will accept that challenge publicly if need be. 

At the Red Mass held at the Cathedral in Anchorage a few weeks ago, I was violently assaulted while going up to receive the Body and Blood of Christ when I saw a woman with a Scott McAdams button on. I was assaulted in the same way when watching the recent KAKM debate and Sen. Murkowski espoused what essentially equates to the Albigensian Heresy. We can not and must not elect officials like this, especially ones like Sen. Murkowski who stand behind the banner of The Faith.

Alaska U.S. Senate candidates answer questions about abortion, immigration, ‘gay marriage’ and capital punishment

Lisa Murkowski (R)

Joe Miller (R)
The Catholic Anchor asked each of the Alaskan candidates for U.S. Senate to respond to a list of questions related to the issues of abortion, immigration, religious freedom, embryonic stem cell research, school vouchers and capital punishment. Candidates Joe Miller (Republican), Lisa Murkowski (Republican), David Haase (Libertarian) and Ed Gianoutsos (Non-affiliated) responded below. Candidate Scott McAdams (Democrat) did not respond to the questions.
1. Do you support overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade, which asserted the existence of a federal constitutional right to abortion?
LISA MURKOWSKI: No. As a life-long Roman Catholic, I am personally opposed to the practice of abortion. As an elected official however, I am required by the Constitution and my oath of office to uphold the law of the land.
SCOTT McADAMS: Did not respond.
DAVID HAASE: Life begins at conception; life is given by God to the woman carrying it to care for it, not the federal government. Government needs to get out of God’s business. I would do everything in my power to persuade a lady not to have an abortion. However, to call in the government to stop and or punish her, that is past standing in the way of a sinner.
TED GIANOUTSOS: I support replacing Roe with a “Prevention first, abortion last” law that is more restrictive. Preventing unwanted pregnancies is the only practical way to dramatically reduce abortions.

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