Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lisa Murkowski: Wrong for Catholics, Wrong for Alaska

As most of you reading this are probably well aware, I have stayed out of the political fray during the general election cycle. In fact, I have stayed away from my blog for quite a while. My readership is down, and I regret that for one reason. This post is possibly the most important post I have made pertaining to Alaskan Catholics, and American Catholic Politics in general for that matter.

•°- the kingdom of man -°•
You see, here in Alaska we currently have 2 Senators. Both, list themselves as Catholic. Tragically, neither of them would ever pass a test given to Catholic public officials of whether they uphold the faith in their actions as public servants. Even more heart-wrenching, Lisa Murkowski goes not only against her party and her faith, but publicly flaunts her hypocrisy and heresy by attending Mass around the state and receiving communion, while voting for and sponsoring legislation in clear contradiction to the precepts of the faith.

St. Thomas More, one of the patrons of this blog and featured in the masthead, said famously during his trial where he faced punishment of death that "...I am the King's faithful servant, but God's first." This is how ALL Catholic public officials should live, with this as their Motto. Unfortunately, if you asked Lisa Murkowski this question: "Whom do you work for, whom do you serve first and foremost?" I am deathly - eternally, afraid that she would say, "The people."

•°- not in good conscience -°•
We know Sen. Murkowski's record on abortion. (If you dont, you can read it here: [Link]) The most troubling part, is how she explains her basic stance on it. It relates to her vision of the role she has as a Senator. It relates to whom she feels she serves first and foremost. That master is not God, that master is man and the state. She has stated repeatedly that:
As a woman, and as a mother, I believe that abortion is a very personal issue that must be left to a woman and her physician, and not to elected officials.
For those that haven't read Archbishop Chaput's book, Render Unto Caesar, I beg of you... I plead with you, please go read that book before voting. [You can buy the book here.] He puts out in print what we as Catholics need to understand as people that are engaged in society and the responsibilities placed upon us. Voting and public service are part of the highest duties we must observe. What we must not do, is ignore our Catholic conscience and operate in a manner that is pragmatic, self-serving, or that focuses on the needs of man before the will of God.

•°- we must not, we can not -°•
I prayed about this post heavily, for weeks. I obviously was a Joe supporter during the primary, mostly because of Murkowski's past record, and what Joe offered that she did not. Joe is not Catholic, although his wife was raised Catholic and still adheres to the faith, his values and principles are much more in-line with Catholic teaching than Sen. Murkowski's. Therefore, my humble little blog endorsed Joe. Not that it mattered.

At this point, not only am I endorsing Joe again, but I am pleading with fellow Alaskan Catholics that we must not, and can not vote for Lisa Murkowski in good conscience. Look, we know Joe has made mistakes in the past, and some of them seem to be contradictory to where he stands today. But all of these things were in the past, and he stands before Alaskans today with a new vision, and a new resolve. He doesn't make excuses for his transgressions.

Lisa on the other hand does. Her record on Abortion is ghastly. Her explanation is different depending on the audience and the proximity to an election. Lisa side-steps the abortion question, side-steps her faith when it is brought up, and side-steps how her faith intertwines with her duty as a Senator.
Her record on Native Issues, those in disadvantaged situations, is weak. Her stance on spending, taxes, and jobs is that of a statist. Combined with her apparent socio-political philosophy, she is the furthest thing from a More-ian or Chaputian Catholic official. She was over the top in last nights debate when she disagreed with teaching Creationism in schools, in any way shape or form, although she did want to note that "God gave us our souls, but..." I won't even get into how she essentially asserted the Albigensian Heresy, I think you get the picture.

•°- this isn't about politics... -°•
I don't want to mention the economy, jobs, spending, the deficit, Obama-care, or anything of the sort. I want to mention one thing... when we get to Heaven, every single action or inaction that we make in our lives will be weighed against us. I pray that I will be convicted of being faithful to God and choosing him above all else. That is why, I must compel you all to vote for Joe Miller and not vote for Lisa Murkowski. Scott McAdams is so anti-life, pro-Obama Care, anti-family that he shouldn't even enter the equation.

This is about life. This is about God. This is about family, country, freedom, and eternity.

A Catholic in good conscience can not, and must not vote for Lisa Murkowski. There is no sound, valid, or legitimate argument that a person can have that could justify a person to vote for her. If you think you have one, I ask you to email me, and plead your case. I am confident that based on CATHOLIC TEACHING, and not my own opinion, I can convince you otherwise.

This post isn't about her as a person, or her heart. I cannot judge her in that way, and I shall not. I have had limited personal interaction with her. (I was hoping to see her at the Red Mass this fall, but she was absent although she later that day had a RALLY only a couple of miles from the Cathedral where she invoked the "Yes We Can" rally cry of Barack Obama.) This post is about her as an elected official, one that calls herself Catholic.

Lisa Murkowski is the closest thing to a modern day Richie Rich.
It profits a Senator nothing to trade their soul for the whole world, but for Alaska?

Lisa Murkowski is wrong for Catholics and wrong for Alaskans. 

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