Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Shame at Notre Dame - Daily Observer Wimps Out On Dr. Rice Column - Answering Why...

So the University of Notre Dame periodical "The Observer" has again brought shame down upon the University by their decision to nix a column written by Law Professor Dr. Charles Rice. [You can read about that here: ND Observer Refuses Dr. Rice's Column On the Churches Teaching Regarding Homosexuality]

As we reported yesterday, a Dr. Rice wrote a regular column for the Observer. Dr. Rice is a distinguished member of the Notre Dame Law faculty, and his influence reaches far beyond the hallowed halls of their law school. [Read about Dr. Rice at his Law School Info Page] His column was never short of poignant and was always firmly rooted in the intellectual and spiritual teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. So then why would the new editor of the "Observer" refuse to print his column?

Well the answer may lie in cowardice. Harsh words you say? I disagree, in fact, the reasons given by the editor show that cowardice is most likely the exact reason why the column was denied. One must follow the a trail though, which starts at the reasons given for the denial of publication and leads back to the incident that supposedly created the "reason," or need to deny the column by Dr. Rice.

First, there was an incident a while back where the Observer printed a pretty horrible cartoon. It was hateful and crude; it dealt with homosexuals and created quite a stir. There were protests, apologies and resignations. Here are some links:
The Observer Cancels the Comic Strip "The Mobile Report"
The Mobile Report Apologizes
All of this occurred just over a month ago in Mid-January. Between then and now there was quite an outcry for a "change" at the Observer. That is exactly what happened.

Second, the Observer started to change their course. They changed editorial staff, and actually decided to "Right" their "Wrong" by going to the other extreme and "embracing" the homosexual causes on campus. They supported and promoted a change to the anti-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation. This showed their agenda, it also highlighted the course in which they were going to be taking over the next few weeks and months.

Finally, the new EIC and editorial staff came on board. The campus was all buzzing over this controversy and there was a perfect opportunity for the paper of the flagship Catholic University in America to lead the way in the Catechism of the Church. Instead, they punted. Actually, they didn't even show up to the game. Instead they ran and hid from the opportunity.

This is why I say it was cowardice. Not on the part of Notre Dame, but on the part of the Observer. This was what some call a "teachable" moment, but instead the Observer decided to push its liberal anti-Catholic agenda. Hopefully the independent paper on campus the Irish Rover picks up on this situation and runs with it! I'd love to seem them print the original Rice article and make the Observer irrelevant. I suggest you all take a look at the Irish Rover and see that there are good things going on at Notre Dame and that there still are students committed to keeping Notre Dame Catholic... even if none of them work for the Observer.

Please take some time to check out the Rover, and possibly support them. They run off of donations and the generosity of their readers. I once was the EIC of a paper just like the rover. In fact, when the Rover was starting up so were we. I know how hard it is to keep independent conservative papers like that going, especially on the campuses of major universities; funding is only one of the many problems they face. So if you are looking for something positive to support and a way to help "the good" consider a donation to them. If you can't afford that, check out an issue and write them some email of support. In the very least, pray for them.

-Posted by: Joe

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