Sunday, September 30, 2007

Free MLM Tip: More Creative Headlines Just for You!

Here is a great free mlm tip for you today: always make sure you use hypnotic headlines!

I have received more headline information from Art Jonak. I consider him an outstanding marketer! Here we go:

Here are headlines #26 through #30 from the . . .
''Top 50 Greatest Network Marketing Headlines List.''

26: ''In one hour I learned a plan to wipe out
my credit card debt.''

27: ''It's just like being a rock star. You write
a hit song and collect royalties for life..''

28: ''Retire with dignity and with a full-time paycheck.''

29: ''Live like a millionaire in just 12 short months.''

30: ''How a 29-year-old housewife stays at home and
still receives a full-time paycheck.''

To learn how to create great headlines that are specific
to your company, product and compensation plan, visit:


Here's a Bonus Sponsoring Tip

===> Do you think a part-time job would be better
for you instead of a part-time business?

(Most prospects will immediately attach themselves to
wanting a part-time business. Hey, working a part-time
job until age 65 doesn't sound like much fun.)

===> Starting your own business would cost a lot of money
. . . and is pretty risky, isn't it?

(Most prospects will agree and say that's why they
haven't tried. Now they are open-minded toward a
business if it doesn't require a lot of money and is
not risky.)

===> Would a $300 a month raise make a big difference?

(Gee, that's $3,600 a year which would pay for a really
nice vacation, a better car, an occasional weekend
getaway, or the minimum payment on the VISA card . . .
This question is rejection-free. Even if the prospect
says, 'No' - that means the prospect is looking for
some serious money. And you know your prospect can't
get this kind of raise from his or her boss.)

See you at the TOP!

-Art Jonak

I'll pass on more info as it becomes available. These are great free mlm tips for you to start using right now!


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Looking for free mlm tips and free mlm resources to build your work at home business? If so, visit

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