This post was written in response to an inquiry someone had regarding Blog "tipping." I DID NOT INTEND FOR IT TO BE AN APPEAL. I really just wanted to know why people "tipped" bloggers and it was written out of sincere curiosity.
So I have a question for readers. "Why do you give/tip the bloggers that you do?" This isn't meant as a complaint or whine about those who give graciously to bloggers, it is an honest question.

You see, I know that bloggers like: Fr. Z, Mark Shea, and others get a lot of what they "earn" from their blogs. I know specifically those two gentlemen deserve such gracious and charitable gifts, but I wonder what encourages you to give?
I know for example, that when I started my blog, someone suggested that I put a paypal tip button as well as an Amazon Wishlist button on my sidebar "just in case." I felt really odd about it, because it seemed awkward. The argument for such a thing was that if someone really enjoyed the blog, it would be the equivalent of them buying me a cup of coffee, a drink, or a meal. I know that I publish this blog for my own enjoyment, and the enjoyment of anyone who takes a liking to it. Sure there is a little bit of "ego" which spills into it, but the same as any "labor of love."
I was just curious if folks out there had a METHOD to the madness. I don't usually make any appeals for my tip jar or wishlist, because I don't depend on those for any type of subsistence. [I guess I could start especially with a baby coming- I might actually get some new books :) ... ooo I wonder if I can figure out a way for readers to donate FIREARMS to me; hmm... maybe some posts on such a thing!] I just wondered if it was the APPEAL? The purpose to which the funds/gifts would be used? The quality of the blog? ETC?
I know that when I give to a charity I really look into who I am giving my money to, and how it will be spent. I guess in that regard giving to a religious blogger seems to be a safe endeavour. How about "gifting" things? Is it the item you like or the persons "need" for it?
I don't think I will start any "appeals" only because I would rather have others receive the kindness of the blogosphere readers out there because I am pretty content with my station in life. [Yet, for those wealthy readers who need a tax shelter you can always give to the Joe Likes to Read Catholic Books and Shoot Guns Foundation of Goodness Charity :)] I just wanted to know what "encourages" or "gets" people to give. I think it is a neat thing that there are those bloggers out there that receive such charity and kindness from people, on a regular basis and in substantial enough amounts to make life a little easier.
So let me know your rationale! And for those that give GOD BLESS!!!
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