Many people are looking to use the internet to generate mlm network marketing leads.
I am one of those myself!
In today's post, we will learn from Tom, Big Al, Schreiter how to create rocking headlines that will attract mlm network marketing leads to us!
Here is what Tom has to say:
Welcome to Lesson #11 of the 'Big Al Internet
Sponsoring Home Study Course.'
Prospects skim your web pages and e-mail.
So, you have to be interesting or they will move
on to something else. And how can you make your
writing interesting?
Try this.
>>> Big Al's Cheap, Sleazy, Trashy, Four-Step
Formula For Tabloid Type Headlines
Headlines are the most important part of your ad.
Want proof?
Grab your daily newspaper. Do you read every
article in your daily newspaper? Of course not. So
how do you choose which articles to read?
By the headlines.
For instance, let's see what you do as you skim
your paper and see the following headlines:
>>> 'Conflict continues in Europe.'
(Same headline every day, I think I'll move on
and read another article.)
>>> 'Fire destroys lots of buildings.'
(Okay. That's terrible, but this does happen a lot.)
>>> 'Government proposed to pass more laws.'
(Nothing unusual here.)
>>> 'Elvis Presley's two-headed great-grandchild
elopes with two-ton alien.'
(Hmmm, I'd better read this article.)
What's happening? Why did we choose to read only
the last article?
Because it was interesting. Our lives are busy and
we don't want to waste time reading boring,
uninteresting articles. We want a little excitement.
And tabloids know this.
Check out all those cheap, trashy, sleazy tabloids
at the check-out counter in your local supermarket
or newsstand. What do they really have to sell?
A great sports section? No.
Outstanding investigative journalism? No.
In-depth business reports? No.
Interesting headlines? Yes.
That's all they have to sell - just headlines. And
they do an excellent job of selling their tabloids
because we love their interesting headlines.
What are some examples of interesting, tabloid-
like headlines that you could use for your ads?
Here are a couple of my favorites that really sell
the reader to read further:
'Atlanta Housewife Investigated And Almost
Arrested For Losing 73 Pounds.'
'Overweight Granny Loses 57 Pounds, Steals
Granddaughter's Tight-Fitting Jeans, Then
Enters Limbo Contest.'
If you wanted to lose weight, you would definitely
choose to read the rest of these ads. Why? Because
the headlines are interesting.
So what makes certain headlines interesting? Well,
when we talk about people, it's interesting.
That's why soap operas get such high ratings.
That's why People Magazine has many readers. We
like to peek into other people's lives.
And adding specifics to your headlines makes them
more believable too. That's why I include specific
odd numbers in my four-step formula.
Are you ready for the four-step formula so that
you can create cheap, sleazy, trashy (but very
interesting) tabloid-like headlines? Well here it
Step #1: Benefit
Step #2: Occupation
Step #3: Geography
Step #4: Odd numbers
That's it! It looks simple, but let's put it to
work to give us some interesting headlines.
Step 1: Let's pick a benefit for our product.
Imagine that we sell tax advice to entrepreneurs.
Our headline should include a benefit (saving
taxes), so our headline would say:
'How to save money on your taxes.'
Good headline, but it could be better. Let's go on
to Step #2, occupation. Maybe the tax advisor used
to be a bank teller. Now we can improve our
headline to say:
'Underpaid bank teller shows ordinary people how
to save money on their taxes.'
Better headline, isn't it? There is more
personality and interest with this revision. But
we can do more. Let's go on to Step #3, geography.
Maybe our tax advisor lives in Weird Falls,
Virginia. Now we can improve our headline to say:
'Underpaid bank teller from Weird Falls, Virginia
shows ordinary people how to save money on their
If you wanted to save money on your taxes, you'd
probably read this ad, wouldn't you?
We have one more step to go, Step #4, odd numbers.
Now which has more credibility?
1. 'About a thousand.'
2. '973.'
When we say '973' to someone, it has more
credibility because it is specific. So now we add
some odd numbers to our headline to get:
'33-year-old, underpaid bank teller from Weird
Falls, Virginia shows ordinary people how to save
$751 on their tax return by adding just one little
You definitely want to read this ad now to find
out which form to add to your tax return.
Want some more example of using this simple four-
step formula?
Step #1: How to stop snoring.'
Step #2: How a car mechanic accidentally discovers
how to stop snoring.'
Step #3: How a car mechanic from Wabonsie Center
shows people how to stop snoring.'
Step #4: 61-year-old car mechanic from Wabonsie
Center discovers how to stop your spouse from
snoring in only 13 seconds.'
Want to do it again?
Step #1: 'How to make more money.'
Step #2: 'Beautician's assistant shows mothers how
to make more money.'
Step #3: 'Beautician's assistant from Diamond
County shows young mothers how to make more
Step #4: '21-year-old beautician's assistant from
Diamond County shows young mothers how to earn an
extra $323 a month.'
Is this the only way to make interesting
headlines? No.
It's just an easy, four-step formula to get you
started. Once you have your Big Al cheap, sleazy,
trashy, four-step tabloid-like headline, you can
edit and fine-tune the headline for your needs.
>> Homework.
Practice this four-step headline approach. Then,
change your signature file or change your web page
with this more interesting headline technique.
-Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Fortune Network Publishing
Phone +1 (281) 280-9800
PO Box 890084, Houston, TX 77289, USA
This is great stuff, isn't it, when it comes to how to create headlines that will easily enable us to build a mlm networking marketing leads list using the internet!
To Your Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Law Enforcement- LA
Dissatisfied by the lighting products available at the time, the young men set out to make world class illumination tools ( Fenix Flashlights ). Seeking help, they organized a group of professional engineers to head their machining, electronics and design departments and together they founded Fenix Light Limited. The marriage between ingenuity and craftsmanship help create Fenix's legendary lights, tools that are held in high regard all over the world. Since appearing on the market, Fenix Flashlight Limited has produced an outstanding product line. From the first Fenix L1 produced, to the latest multi-level, processor controlled lights, Fenix Flashlights strives to produce only the most innovative products. In fact, the Fenix L1 became the standard of high quality flashlights and was voted one of the most innovative flashlights of 2005 by users and media.
What's more, the Fenix Flashlight L1 series started a new era of high-quality, single AA lights. The L1 successfully integrated a bright beam, a constant current regulation circuit and low operating costs all in a very compact design, a first in the industry. Fenix was the first mass manufacturer to bring such a quality single AA cell LED flashlight to the market. The introduction of the L1 created a niche market and began to attract people's attention.
Since then, Fenix has produced many models to add to our ever expanding product line. Though challenges are ever increasing, with every new Fenix product we strive to bring our customers the highest quality tool possible.
What's more, the Fenix Flashlight L1 series started a new era of high-quality, single AA lights. The L1 successfully integrated a bright beam, a constant current regulation circuit and low operating costs all in a very compact design, a first in the industry. Fenix was the first mass manufacturer to bring such a quality single AA cell LED flashlight to the market. The introduction of the L1 created a niche market and began to attract people's attention.
Since then, Fenix has produced many models to add to our ever expanding product line. Though challenges are ever increasing, with every new Fenix product we strive to bring our customers the highest quality tool possible.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Turkeys, thanks, and taxes
This Thanksgiving weekend, we'd like to take a moment to ask our U.S.-based publishers to spend a little post-turkey time (when you're not watching football or taking advantage of those Black Friday bargains) to review your AdSense tax information.
Tax season is just around the corner and we want to make sure that we give the IRS the most accurate information. So please pay a quick visit to your AdSense account, and double-check your payee name -- that's the name that we send payments to --and the tax information you've provided, especially your Social Security or Employer Identification Number.
Does the info in your account correspond exactly to the info in your tax documents? If not, you may want to consider updating your payee name so that everything matches up.
You can resubmit your tax information by logging in and following the steps in our Help Center. Keep in mind that we'll be sending out tax forms to publishers who qualify during the month of January.
Posted by Elizabeth Ferdon - AdSense Publisher Support
Tax season is just around the corner and we want to make sure that we give the IRS the most accurate information. So please pay a quick visit to your AdSense account, and double-check your payee name -- that's the name that we send payments to --and the tax information you've provided, especially your Social Security or Employer Identification Number.
Does the info in your account correspond exactly to the info in your tax documents? If not, you may want to consider updating your payee name so that everything matches up.
You can resubmit your tax information by logging in and following the steps in our Help Center. Keep in mind that we'll be sending out tax forms to publishers who qualify during the month of January.
Posted by Elizabeth Ferdon - AdSense Publisher Support
MLM Network Marketing Leads-Five Free Methods of Driving Traffic to Your MLM Website
For those networkers who primarily use the internet to build their mlm network marketing leads list, effectively driving traffic to a website is critical. Without traffic, you cannot do things such as acquire sales for your mlm products, attain e-mail subscribers, build your newsletter list, or any other thing that you would like to accomplish with your websites.
It shall always be the amount of traffic and a continuance of a stable flow of traffic that decides the success of your website. Driving traffic to your mlm website does not necessarily mean you have to spend a dime. There are a lot of free methods you can use to drive traffic to your website. Let's take a look at 5 of them.
The five methods listed here are really excellent and proven to achieve the closest results you wish and can always be applied directly. Unlike purchasing your own advertising, these methods are free but of course, they will require the most of your attention and hard work.
1. Make sure your mlm website is optimized for search engines as far as possible. Any traffic you achieve from search engines is always free. To have your website optimized, ensure that the website contains articles with a lot of keywords. When you write articles for your website, make sure they are about 400-900 words long. Be sure to include catchy titles to entice visitors to read them. In addition, could also submit all your articles to article directories and contact publishers if they wish to use your articles on either their mailing list or website.
2. Join link exchange programs. Nowadays, there are a lot of webmasters who invite other webmasters to take part in link exchange programs. When someone's website is linked to yours, you'll have the chance of being visited by people who visit those websites. To do this, you can look out for websites that are similarly related to yours and allow the owners of these websites to exchange links. Make use of an anchor text for the link as it will aid your search engine rankings. A good strategy you could use for this is commenting on blogs related to your niche that also include do follow tags.
3. Allow joint ventures. Joint ventures are a great way to expand any mlm network marketing leads list. Joint ventures can be very powerful if done in the right way. Give your potential partners really good reasons why they should promote your site. By providing them with the right promotional tools such as e-mails, signatures, articles, etc., he/she would no doubt accept your request. To ensure that your website gets better results, look for website owners that have the capability of sending a lot of traffic to you.
4. Join online groups, forums, etc. that could help you with promoting your mlm website. For example, you may post your sites URL in your signature file for the users to see. So you can be a known member by the discussion groups you join, simply participate in discussions that interest you and contribute your knowledge and expertise to the rest of the members. Never try to pitch anyone on your product or service. Just visit, be friendly , and offer valuable input.
5. Get a free blog. Blogging is another free method that generates traffic to your mlm website. Post some high-quality information regularly, and just have fun and be yourself! Don't forget to ping all your posts as it can help in driving traffic to your website.
These are just five of many things a networker can do online to quickly build and expand their mlm network marking leads list. Pick a few and get started today!
To Your Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
It shall always be the amount of traffic and a continuance of a stable flow of traffic that decides the success of your website. Driving traffic to your mlm website does not necessarily mean you have to spend a dime. There are a lot of free methods you can use to drive traffic to your website. Let's take a look at 5 of them.
The five methods listed here are really excellent and proven to achieve the closest results you wish and can always be applied directly. Unlike purchasing your own advertising, these methods are free but of course, they will require the most of your attention and hard work.
1. Make sure your mlm website is optimized for search engines as far as possible. Any traffic you achieve from search engines is always free. To have your website optimized, ensure that the website contains articles with a lot of keywords. When you write articles for your website, make sure they are about 400-900 words long. Be sure to include catchy titles to entice visitors to read them. In addition, could also submit all your articles to article directories and contact publishers if they wish to use your articles on either their mailing list or website.
2. Join link exchange programs. Nowadays, there are a lot of webmasters who invite other webmasters to take part in link exchange programs. When someone's website is linked to yours, you'll have the chance of being visited by people who visit those websites. To do this, you can look out for websites that are similarly related to yours and allow the owners of these websites to exchange links. Make use of an anchor text for the link as it will aid your search engine rankings. A good strategy you could use for this is commenting on blogs related to your niche that also include do follow tags.
3. Allow joint ventures. Joint ventures are a great way to expand any mlm network marketing leads list. Joint ventures can be very powerful if done in the right way. Give your potential partners really good reasons why they should promote your site. By providing them with the right promotional tools such as e-mails, signatures, articles, etc., he/she would no doubt accept your request. To ensure that your website gets better results, look for website owners that have the capability of sending a lot of traffic to you.
4. Join online groups, forums, etc. that could help you with promoting your mlm website. For example, you may post your sites URL in your signature file for the users to see. So you can be a known member by the discussion groups you join, simply participate in discussions that interest you and contribute your knowledge and expertise to the rest of the members. Never try to pitch anyone on your product or service. Just visit, be friendly , and offer valuable input.
5. Get a free blog. Blogging is another free method that generates traffic to your mlm website. Post some high-quality information regularly, and just have fun and be yourself! Don't forget to ping all your posts as it can help in driving traffic to your website.
These are just five of many things a networker can do online to quickly build and expand their mlm network marking leads list. Pick a few and get started today!
To Your Success!
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving from AdSense
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Arlene Lee - AdSense Publisher Support
MLM Network Marketing Leads-3 Tips to Effectively Drive Traffic to Your MLM Website Through Article Marketing
Many networkers who build their mlm business primarily on the internet are always seeking more ways to generate more mlm network m marketing leads. In reality, there are many ways to increase website traffic. Some networkers are using strategies such as SEO practices, link buying and even subscribing to pay-for-click programs just to encourage more visitors to their sites. However, one of the least expensive ways of increasing traffic to a mlm website traffic is through article marketing.
What is Article Marketing?
For those who are not familiar with this, article marketing is a form of online advertising. Basically, a person will write short articles about anything related to what they're trying to promote with their mlm product or services. An article is never a sales pitch, but rather a ways to offer valuable information to readers. After completing the piece, a person will have to make it available for distribution and publication in place such as article directories
As a rule, each completed article contains a resource box which contains vital information such as the name of the author, a very brief background of the author, and contact information of the author, etc.
Essentials of Article Marketing
In order to generate quality mlm network marketing leads, it is important to follow these essentials of article marketing:
1. Write quality articles
Quality content is still the best way to make article marketing work. You should remember that more than a million people log on to the Internet daily; and a good percentage of them post article after article about almost any topic.
When you write an article, try to incorporate all the information your potential reader may need or want. Internet users usually seek out valuable information that can help them solve their problems. If you can, write and post articles that have the same theme or subject of interest; and write as many articles as you can. This is a way of building up your reputation among your readers. Given time, (and if your articles are interesting enough,) you just may develop a following of readers who are interested in reading what you have to say.
2. Craft the perfect resource box
As mentioned earlier, when you market your article, you should always have a resource box. Now, this is really important. This is the one place that can literally point your readers to your website. Here is how you should craft a perfect resource box:
The first thing that your readers should find in your resource box is your name and title. Also, the information should be presented in such a way that folks will be intrigued and want to visit your website. Make sure you do not forget to type in correctly your website address after your name.
After this, there is the compulsory USP or unique selling proposition: this is comprised of 1 to 3 brief and concise sentences as to what more you can possibly offer your readers.
Finally, you lead your readers into a call of action. This means that you are asking them to do one specific action: particularly asking them to visit your website.
3. Submit your articles
Obviously, submitting your article for publication is important, but where do you send them? The easiest choice is to send them to article directories or acquire article distribution services. Submission to article directories is mostly free, and these directories will allow you to add links to your website. Article distribution services have varying fees, but they allow your piece to be posted in more sites than article directories. A couple of free resources you can use Article Marketer at and
So, hopefully you are beginning to see how powerful article marketing can be to generate traffic to your mlm website which will also help you grow a larger mlm network marketing leads list.
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
What is Article Marketing?
For those who are not familiar with this, article marketing is a form of online advertising. Basically, a person will write short articles about anything related to what they're trying to promote with their mlm product or services. An article is never a sales pitch, but rather a ways to offer valuable information to readers. After completing the piece, a person will have to make it available for distribution and publication in place such as article directories
As a rule, each completed article contains a resource box which contains vital information such as the name of the author, a very brief background of the author, and contact information of the author, etc.
Essentials of Article Marketing
In order to generate quality mlm network marketing leads, it is important to follow these essentials of article marketing:
1. Write quality articles
Quality content is still the best way to make article marketing work. You should remember that more than a million people log on to the Internet daily; and a good percentage of them post article after article about almost any topic.
When you write an article, try to incorporate all the information your potential reader may need or want. Internet users usually seek out valuable information that can help them solve their problems. If you can, write and post articles that have the same theme or subject of interest; and write as many articles as you can. This is a way of building up your reputation among your readers. Given time, (and if your articles are interesting enough,) you just may develop a following of readers who are interested in reading what you have to say.
2. Craft the perfect resource box
As mentioned earlier, when you market your article, you should always have a resource box. Now, this is really important. This is the one place that can literally point your readers to your website. Here is how you should craft a perfect resource box:
The first thing that your readers should find in your resource box is your name and title. Also, the information should be presented in such a way that folks will be intrigued and want to visit your website. Make sure you do not forget to type in correctly your website address after your name.
After this, there is the compulsory USP or unique selling proposition: this is comprised of 1 to 3 brief and concise sentences as to what more you can possibly offer your readers.
Finally, you lead your readers into a call of action. This means that you are asking them to do one specific action: particularly asking them to visit your website.
3. Submit your articles
Obviously, submitting your article for publication is important, but where do you send them? The easiest choice is to send them to article directories or acquire article distribution services. Submission to article directories is mostly free, and these directories will allow you to add links to your website. Article distribution services have varying fees, but they allow your piece to be posted in more sites than article directories. A couple of free resources you can use Article Marketer at and
So, hopefully you are beginning to see how powerful article marketing can be to generate traffic to your mlm website which will also help you grow a larger mlm network marketing leads list.
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
Can You Reach Your IT Manager On Thanksgiving?

As Thanksgiving approaches on November 27, many U.S. companies are heading into an extended four-day holiday weekend.
If you're an executive or CIO ask yourself the following question: If your web servers, databases or network infrastructure failed over the holiday weekend who would you call for help?
Despite the proliferation of smart phones and ubiquitous network services, many IT staff members are impossible to reach over holiday weekends.
And commuting into the office for an IT or network emergency is the last thing most employees have in mind when they sit down for Thanksgiving turkey.
Secure, Safe and Sound
On the other hand, I will rest easy this holiday weekend because our company depends on multiple managed service providers (MSPs) -- a group of companies that remotely monitor, manage and troubleshoot our Web servers, databases and network systems.
In most scenarios, our MSPs mitigate an IT or network issue before it becomes a major problem. We pay a flat monthly fee to our Web host and MSPs for those proactive services.
As a result, my business partner and I will relax with our respective families this holiday weekend -- even as thousands of readers across the world continue to visit our corporate and media Web sites.
Through our MSP relationships we've purchased peace of mind -- which is actually priceless.
Sizing Up the IT Management SaaS Market

Our prior commentary on SaaS and Managed Services: Big Service Providers Plug In does a good job pointing out how various service providers are attempting to deliver a widening array of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions and managed services.
This trend is being driven by two major forces. First, the commodization of traditional transport services. Second, the shift in customer attitudes regarding IT management.
Service providers can no longer differentiate themselves based on the quality of their transport services. As a consequence, service pricing, customer loyalty and profitability of this mainstay business continue to decline.
To compensate for this erosion of their traditional transport business, service providers are seeking to deliver a new generation of value-added services which can give them greater 'stickiness' with their customers.
It's a Win-Win Scenario
At the same time, customers are seeking to offload, or out-task, a broader assortment of IT management responsibilities so they can improve the reliability of their systems and software, reduce their operating costs, and focus their limited resources on more strategic and/or innovative corporate initiatives.
THINKstrategies uncovered the growing level of interest and adoption of IT management SaaS solutions among IT professionals in 2007 as a key finding of annual survey with Cutter Consortium (download a complimentary copy of "SaaS Penetrates the IT Department").
Forrester recently published a report entitled -- "How Big is SaaS in IT Management Software?" -- which suggests that SaaS solutions only represent 1 percent of total IT management software sales today, but will grow to 10 percent by 2013.
Given that 25 percent of IT professionals who responded to THINKstrategies and Cutter Consortium's survey a year ago said they were already using SaaS solutions to address their IT management requirements, Forrester's forecast is probably low.
Multitude of SaaS Solutions
Smart vendors, service providers and VARs are recognizing this trend and seeking to win a share of this rapidly growing market. The good news for IT professionals is that they will have plenty of SaaS solutions and suppliers to chose from.
As always, the best choice will be selecting the supplier that you trust the most to meet your particular business needs and requirements.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My ppp is down! what could be the reason and the solution?
Dear friends, nothings right out here for me:(. I cant access PPP anymore from my PC, since i bought a new one. Its been 1 week now and the sites doesn't seem to move into the homepage of the site from the google index page itself. Why is it happening, and what could be the reason? Some months ago, i had recently moved to new place in the same city i live, but then the site worked well on the old PC till i got this new one. It even worked well on the new one for a few days, and then gave in. I don't know if its because of the IP change. Could it be because of that or some other reason!..
I don't think they banned me for i haven't done against which is against the TOS, and if they did, i would have got a warning before. My sign in and home page can be accessed from my sisters PC and the paid and pending payments are still there. So i don't think its a ban.. or could be??? My minds going blank!!.. I am very worried, as most of you know, how important the site is for us bloggers. Most of us moms, throughout the world, we make huge amounts from PPP and it definitely helps towards our families.
I've heard that one can unblock sites blocked to a PC. Could i do that? maybe it will be clear if its a ban or just a block! I am in a mess, for many other reasons and what is this? Another reason to worry about? Hope all works well for me and hopefully the ticket i sent to the IZEA customer care will be answered positively.. End here with crossed fingers! Moms and others we still have lots to work on, thanks to the G-adsense, and others:) But this just isnt fair!!
I don't think they banned me for i haven't done against which is against the TOS, and if they did, i would have got a warning before. My sign in and home page can be accessed from my sisters PC and the paid and pending payments are still there. So i don't think its a ban.. or could be??? My minds going blank!!.. I am very worried, as most of you know, how important the site is for us bloggers. Most of us moms, throughout the world, we make huge amounts from PPP and it definitely helps towards our families.
I've heard that one can unblock sites blocked to a PC. Could i do that? maybe it will be clear if its a ban or just a block! I am in a mess, for many other reasons and what is this? Another reason to worry about? Hope all works well for me and hopefully the ticket i sent to the IZEA customer care will be answered positively.. End here with crossed fingers! Moms and others we still have lots to work on, thanks to the G-adsense, and others:) But this just isnt fair!!
Wifi in the air - early reports on the experience on GoGo on Virgin America
I am not looking forward to the roll out of Wifi on aeroplanes. There is something safe and calming about getting on a plane and knowing that I am out of contact and can either focus on clearing old emails and work projects or simply taking a bit of time off before a busy week (or after a busy week). But the push to Wifi on planes is now inevitable.
Virgin America has just rolled out GoGo Inflight on its flights. If you are interested in hearing about the experience and feed back (which has all been positive). Check out the top ten things you need to know on Gizmodo or listen to the first 12 minutes of epsiode 170 of Twit where Ryan Block of gdgt talks about his experience.
thanks to blinder.donedat for the photo from flickr
Virgin America has just rolled out GoGo Inflight on its flights. If you are interested in hearing about the experience and feed back (which has all been positive). Check out the top ten things you need to know on Gizmodo or listen to the first 12 minutes of epsiode 170 of Twit where Ryan Block of gdgt talks about his experience.
thanks to blinder.donedat for the photo from flickr
Display ad builder best practices
Last week, we posted about recent improvements we've made to the display ad builder. Now we'd like to share some best practices for using the tool. Hopefully these tips will help you get off to a running start with your new display campaigns:
Customize your ads to make them stand out. Here are some ways you can do that:
Posted by Emel Mutlu, Inside AdWords crew
- Choose the color scheme of your ad, like the background and font color, to align it with your unique product and brand.
- Ensure text and images are a proper fit. Review all available ad sizes for each template to ensure that the text displays properly and images fit the ad slot. Upload images and logos that fit the recommended specifications we display as you create your ad.
- Try out different templates. You can see which one yields the best performance and optimize accordingly.
- Consider transparent PNG graphics. They can make your ads look more professional by matching the background of both the image and the ad.
Consider separating your display ads into their own ad group. This will allow you to:
- Set unique bids for your display ads. For example, you may want to bid more competitively for you display ad, since it has to rank high enough to place above the other ads competing for the same spot.
- Use unique keywords for your display ads, without impacting the performance of your text-only ad groups, especially those running on search as well as the Google content network.
- Your display URL should be visible. If it's the same color as the ad's background color, it won't be visible to the user.
- Uploaded images should be less than 50KB. Otherwise your ad won't be eligible to run.
Posted by Emel Mutlu, Inside AdWords crew
Are Your Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales Ready?
Have you planned one-day sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday for your eBay store or other online selling venue? If you haven't, you may be missing out!
Many of the major retailers have already started pre-Black Friday sales this week (think
) and online shoppers already have the opportunity to pick up some great deals. It's only going to get better between now and Cyber Monday, so don't be left out!
Have a mailing list? Get a newsletter out now, then a reminder the day before wouldn't be a bad idea either. Someone I follow on Twitter announced her Black Friday sale this morning and is taking pre-orders for her etsy store. Great idea, and a great way to advertise!
If you're planning to do some shopping on eBay, check your homepage for a coupon. There's a 10% off coupon on my eBay home page and that's something I need to take advantage of soon, before it expires. Bet you have one, too.
With all these sales popping up, seems to me that it would be just as productive to stay home on Friday to do your bargain shopping online. Unless, of course, you just love those crowds and, oh my, that Black Friday traffic.
Happy Thanksgiving, and happy selling (and shopping)!
Many of the major retailers have already started pre-Black Friday sales this week (think
Have a mailing list? Get a newsletter out now, then a reminder the day before wouldn't be a bad idea either. Someone I follow on Twitter announced her Black Friday sale this morning and is taking pre-orders for her etsy store. Great idea, and a great way to advertise!
If you're planning to do some shopping on eBay, check your homepage for a coupon. There's a 10% off coupon on my eBay home page and that's something I need to take advantage of soon, before it expires. Bet you have one, too.
With all these sales popping up, seems to me that it would be just as productive to stay home on Friday to do your bargain shopping online. Unless, of course, you just love those crowds and, oh my, that Black Friday traffic.
Happy Thanksgiving, and happy selling (and shopping)!
Franchising a good move to start a business?
Is franchising the best move to start your own business??
Monday, November 24, 2008
SaaS And Managed Services: Big Service Providers Plug In

Quick: Name the world's most successful software as a service (SaaS) companies. Most readers will likely mention ... then perhaps NetSuite, two key players in on-demand CRM (customer relationship management) and accounting software, respectfully. and NetSuite certainly have momentum in their markets. But consider this: Big service providers and broadband providers like Cablevision and Verizon Business may be the best-kept secrets in both the SaaS and managed services markets.
With each passing day, I notice big service providers launching more and more SaaS and managed services offerings. Increasingly popular options include:
- Managed and hosted unified communications
- Hosted Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes
- Managed routers, switches and network infrastructure
When Big Meets Small
Still, I'm frequently skeptical when big service providers strive to offer PC-like services and support to smaller organizations.
Conventional wisdom says small businesses are best served by VARs and solutions providers -- the folks who provide on-site consulting, integration and support services. Big service providers, critics claim, don't really have their fingers on the pulse of small business.
I think that's changing. Over time we'll see hybrid business engagements surface, where service providers and VARs outsource business engagements to one another.
In some scenarios, the service providers will host customer applications. In other scenarios, the VARs will continue to build and maintain network infrastructure for customers.
In all scenarios, small and mid-size businesses will seek predictable, steady IT costs by marching toward SaaS and managed services. Similar to how voice and IP came together in the late 1990s, SaaS and managed services are now inseparable.
Cyber Monday is next Monday
You may not know it, but the busiest shopping day of the year, Black Friday, is shortly followed by the biggest online shopping day of the year, Cyber Monday. This year Cyber Monday falls on December 1st, and a little preparation can help you make the most of the day.
Here's a few tips to help you prepare:
- Check your budgets, and consider increasing them. You're likely to see increased traffic and you won't want to exhaust your budget early on a day when there are so many potential buyers.
- Give customers peace of mind about shipping times. One of the most stressful parts of online holiday shipping is not knowing if a present will make it in time. Be up front about delivery dates and let customers know ordering deadlines for gifts to make it in time for the holidays.
- Promote any special offerings in your ad text. If you have a holiday special that differentiates you from the competition, be sure to showcase it in your ad.
The holiday shopping season continues beyond Cyber Monday, and we hope all these tips can help you attract more customers this winter.
Posted by Trevor Claiborne, Inside AdWords crew
Innovation: It's in the Genes

This Google logo, initially created to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Understanding DNA, is a great representation of what happened when Genentech turned on Google Calendar for its 12,000 employees last month. Located in South San Francisco, Genentech is a leading biotech company focused on discovering, manufacturing and delivering medicines to patients with unmet medical needs. Genentech recently decided to adopt Google Apps and wanted to make a sure the migration went smoothly. The company deputized "Google Guides," promoted Google Apps as superheros called the "Google Squad" and built out great training materials amongst other innovations. And even though Genentech expected a record number of helpdesk tickets to flood its "war room" given the size of the deployment, to the surprise of everyone, including Todd Pierce, the CIO of Genentech, the staff hardly heard a peep.
Dec. 4, 10 AM PT: Lessons from Genentech's Google Apps Deployment
John Nanninga, Sr. Project Manager at Genentech, shares his 7 steps for planning and executing a cloud computing initiative, including evaluation, migration and launch recommendations. Open Q&A with John and Google product managers to follow. Register here.
We are also pleased to host CEO Vinny Lingham from an Internet start-up called SynthaSite. Vinny is a true fan of Google Apps after he recently moved his headquarters from South Africa to San Francisco simply by putting his people on a plane. With no hardware or software to maintain, SynthaSite has relied on Google Apps to help them scale their business and access their key information from anywhere.
Innovate with Google AdWords and Apps. Learn how SynthaSite uses Google AdWords and Apps to innovate in its industry on Thursday, December 11th, 10AM PST. Talk with CEO Vinny Lingham on using AdWords to grow revenues and Google Apps to achieve rapid scale. Register here.
We hope you can join us for these two guest speakers. We devote half of the time to Q&A so this is your chance to ask current customers your most important questions. Thanks again for your interest in Google Apps!
Serena Satyasai, Google Apps Marketing
Google TV Ads program targeting enhancements
Today, we announced new improvements to the Google TV ads program targeting feature. With program targeting, you can reach more customers when your message is most relevant, which means you're more likely to see better results.
Simply enter a keyword related to your product or service, and we'll provide you with a list of relevant TV programs to choose from. You can access this feature during the 'Target Campaign' step when setting up a TV campaign.
To learn more about how this works and to watch a demo video, check out the blog post on the Traditional Media Blog.
Posted by Emel Mutlu, Inside AdWords crew
About Young Entrepreneur's Mind
What can Young Entreps' Mind do for you?
-sponsored posts
-direct advertising
-web promotion
-link building
-social media marketing
-free reviews
Redefining Vendor/Customer Relationships

My colleague, Joe Panettieri, reports that Dell has won its largest managed services agreement ever with the state of Georgia.
This contract illustrates how Dell, and other technology vendors, are shifting their go-to-market strategies to respond to customers' changing IT management needs.
Anyone who follows the technology industry knows that Dell has been struggling to keep pace with HP when it comes to computer sales. What few casual observers have recognized is how Dell has amassed a new set of remote management capabilities via a series of acquistions over the past year and a half.
Why Managed Services Matter
During that time, Dell has acquired SilverBack Technologies, Everdream, EqualLogic and MessageOne to serve as the foundation for a new portfolio of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and managed service capabilities.
Dell understands that it will have a difficult time outpacing HP and other technology vendors on the strength of its products alone as laptops, desktops and servers become more commoditized.
Instead, Dell and other vendors must differentiate themselves on their ability to help customers generate the greatest value from their systems. This means redefining their services to help customers, and their channel partners, better manage these assets to optimize their performance.
Redefining the Meaning of Support
The most cost-effective way for vendors to monitor these devices and proactively administer them is via managed services. The best way for them to offer these capabilities to their channel partners or customers is via SaaS solutions.
These 'on-demand' services redefine the nature of vendor/customer relationships. Customers no longer have to assume the responsibility for managing their systems and software, and wait for their vendors to respond to their problems when something goes wrong.
Now, they can shift the burden on their vendor to ensure the uptime and performance of their systems and software. By the same token, vendors can no longer boast about their customer support response times. Instead, they must demonstrate their willingness to take on this greater responsibility.
Big boss2 winner declared, Ashutosh. Rahul, Raja left out!
Finally the grand finale of big boss came to an end on Sunday and the winner was none other than Ashutosh Kaushik, which almost got me raging with anger. Its like a story from rags to riches! He was just small Town owner of a dhaba in Sharanpur, and now he'll be considered a man worth a crore, at least.. Second in line to the prize was Raja who should have won, i felt. Very sad.
The saddest thing that happened last week was the end of the show on colors, as i used to be a dedicated viewer of the show.. all the moments spent with each other was also shown deeply on each of the voted out participants face when they landed up for the finale.. now that they knew who voted, who back stabbed and who criticised each other.
Rahul Mahajan won the bada dilwale(big heart) trophy because he was a pretty big player in the house who knew who should be his next step. The fact, that he decided to leave the house when asked to do a vote out between the last four, for breaking one of the biggest rules(ill come to that later.. ).. of the house, proved that he is a stunning politician with great planning abilities.
Few days before the finale, the four boys left in the house tried to escape due to hunger. There wasn't food for them to eat, it seems.. so as a punishment, big boss asked them to vote against each other which wasn't acceptable to a clever rahul and he opted to move out himself. He got his fame and won the hearts of his new fans in India and abroad!
I felt Raja should have fun because he was witty, smart and very entertaining. That's all for now.. see you against next year when the 3rd season begins;)
The saddest thing that happened last week was the end of the show on colors, as i used to be a dedicated viewer of the show.. all the moments spent with each other was also shown deeply on each of the voted out participants face when they landed up for the finale.. now that they knew who voted, who back stabbed and who criticised each other.
Rahul Mahajan won the bada dilwale(big heart) trophy because he was a pretty big player in the house who knew who should be his next step. The fact, that he decided to leave the house when asked to do a vote out between the last four, for breaking one of the biggest rules(ill come to that later.. ).. of the house, proved that he is a stunning politician with great planning abilities.
Few days before the finale, the four boys left in the house tried to escape due to hunger. There wasn't food for them to eat, it seems.. so as a punishment, big boss asked them to vote against each other which wasn't acceptable to a clever rahul and he opted to move out himself. He got his fame and won the hearts of his new fans in India and abroad!
I felt Raja should have fun because he was witty, smart and very entertaining. That's all for now.. see you against next year when the 3rd season begins;)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Yahoo sells Kelkoo for Euro 100mm to Jamplant (UK investment firm)
Network Marketing Recruiting-How to Create A Rocking Sponsoring Campaign
Network Marketing Recruiting-How to Create A Rocking Sponsoring Campaign
So far in this internet mlm sponsoring series, Tom Schreiter has given us some amazing network marketing recruiting tips when we are looking to build our business over the internet.
Today, he will share how to get a rocking sponsoring campaign going!
Welcome to Lesson #10 of the 'Big Al Internet
Sponsoring Home Study Course.'
Let's put together a prospecting and sponsoring
campaign with what we've learned so far. We
want our campaign to:
1. Find new prospects.
2. Have these prospects know, like and trust us.
3. Send these prospects to our web page.
Go to any tourist location in your area. You
will see the tourists taking pictures of their
friends and family with the tourist location
as the background.
One problem.
The person holding the camera is never in the
You walk up to a young couple and say:
'Would you like to have your picture together?'
They will smile, thank you, and pose for the
But . . . you take the picture with your
digital camera!
When you finish, say:
'Where do you want me to e-mail your picture?'
The young couple gives you their e-mail address.
When you get home, send an e-mail to the young
couple and say:
'Hi. Here is the picture of you I took today.
Hope you enjoy it. You look great!
In case you don't remember me, click here to
see a picture of me . . . '
Guess what?
They will open your e-mail.
They will know, like and trust you because you
did them a favor.
They will click on your link and will be taken
to your web page. And your web page can do its
Simple, wasn't it? And how much did it cost?
A friendly lead at no cost.
Now, how many pictures could you take in one
>> Homework.
Go take some pictures! And get your downline to
do the same.
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Fortune Network Publishing
Phone +1 (281) 280-9800
PO Box 890084, Houston, TX 77289, USA
These tips are very easy to use. So, why not get started today!
Happy network marketing recruiting!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
So far in this internet mlm sponsoring series, Tom Schreiter has given us some amazing network marketing recruiting tips when we are looking to build our business over the internet.
Today, he will share how to get a rocking sponsoring campaign going!
Welcome to Lesson #10 of the 'Big Al Internet
Sponsoring Home Study Course.'
Let's put together a prospecting and sponsoring
campaign with what we've learned so far. We
want our campaign to:
1. Find new prospects.
2. Have these prospects know, like and trust us.
3. Send these prospects to our web page.
Go to any tourist location in your area. You
will see the tourists taking pictures of their
friends and family with the tourist location
as the background.
One problem.
The person holding the camera is never in the
You walk up to a young couple and say:
'Would you like to have your picture together?'
They will smile, thank you, and pose for the
But . . . you take the picture with your
digital camera!
When you finish, say:
'Where do you want me to e-mail your picture?'
The young couple gives you their e-mail address.
When you get home, send an e-mail to the young
couple and say:
'Hi. Here is the picture of you I took today.
Hope you enjoy it. You look great!
In case you don't remember me, click here to
see a picture of me . . . '
Guess what?
They will open your e-mail.
They will know, like and trust you because you
did them a favor.
They will click on your link and will be taken
to your web page. And your web page can do its
Simple, wasn't it? And how much did it cost?
A friendly lead at no cost.
Now, how many pictures could you take in one
>> Homework.
Go take some pictures! And get your downline to
do the same.
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Fortune Network Publishing
Phone +1 (281) 280-9800
PO Box 890084, Houston, TX 77289, USA
These tips are very easy to use. So, why not get started today!
Happy network marketing recruiting!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Funk Roberts Fitness has teamed up with to give you great savings on everything at the website.
Just type "funkroberts" in the code section when purchasing and you will receive an extra 10% off everything at – This includes items that are already on sale.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Back at Gate 64 in Hong Kong Airport
My flight from the US to Sydney is going through Hong Kong (don't asked). The LAX to HKG leg landed at Gate 64. Brings back some very disturbing memories.
Managed Service Scenarios: Choosing the Best-Fit Solution

Are you puzzled about how to choose the best-fit managed service solution for your particular business needs? As a basic guide, the following are three typical high-level scenarios for deploying managed network services.
Scenario 1: Customer Owns Network and Shares Management Responsibility
Companies that already have an internal IP network can continue to manage it while out-tasking the management of onsite equipment -- usually known as customer-premises equipment (CPE), used for the managed service (see Figure 1).

The Roles and Responsibilities are as follows:
Managed service provider -- Sets up, maintains, and administers the equipment needed for the managed service, including company-owned equipment such as servers.
Company -- Managed service customer maintains and administers its internal network.
Scenario 2: Service Provider Owns the CPE; Customer Can Share Equipment Management with Service Provider
Some companies do not own a LAN, either because the location is new or the company already out-tasks its LAN services. In this situation, the service provider can manage the equipment needed for the corporate network as well as the managed service.
Many large enterprises like this arrangement because they can maintain physical control of the equipment while relying on the service provider for 24-hour network operational support (see Figure 2).

The Roles and Responsibilities are as follows:
Managed service provider -- Sets up, maintains, and administers the equipment for the managed services as well as the corporate network.
Company -- Monitors its corporate network through a Web interface provided by the service provider, receives regular reports on the network status and managed services, and is notified in case of a defined emergency.
Scenario 3: Service Provider Owns Equipment in its Own Facility; Customer Monitors Service Provider's Management of the Equipment
The difference between this scenario and the previous one is that most of the equipment is physically located in the service provider's "hosting" facility instead of on the customer premises.
The Roles and Responsibilities are as follows:
Managed service provider -- Sets up, maintains, and administers the corporate network and related managed services; most of the network equipment is physically located in the provider's computing center; the exceptions are the equipment for the LAN and network connections, as well as gateways for computers and IP telephony.
Company -- Monitors performance of its systems through a Web interface provided by the service provider, receives regular reports on the network status, and is notified in case of a defined emergency.
Summary: each of the three basic scenarios can be customized to meet your particular requirements. In upcoming posts, we'll identify some more specific application examples.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Display ad builder: Wider availability and improvements
We recently announced the launch of AdWords display ad builder, and now we've made it more widely available and easier to use. Display ad builder is a tool that lets you create and customize display ads, allowing you to easily expand your AdWords campaigns beyond text advertising. We've had an overwhelmingly positive response from our advertisers so far, so we're happy to announce that the tool is now available to advertisers in the UK, Ireland, and a number of other countries.
In addition, based on your feedback, we made improvements to the display ad builder to enable greater customization and make building display ads even easier:
Next week, we'll post best practices to help you build effective ads with the display ad builder. In the meantime, you can view our tutorial video or visit the display ad builder site to learn more.
Posted by Emel Mutlu, Inside AdWords crew
In addition, based on your feedback, we made improvements to the display ad builder to enable greater customization and make building display ads even easier:
Image picker: You can now choose from previously uploaded images when creating your ads.We think these improvements will help you more easily and efficiently create engaging display ads. As always, we welcome your suggestions on how we can improve the display ad builder.
Real-time editing: See what your text and other customization edits look like, automatically -- without having to click the 'update preview' button.
Quicker way of seeing available ad sizes: You can see which sizes your ad can run in for each ad template without having to complete the ad creation process. You can also preview how your customization choices affect each size.
Additional templates: Choose from even more templates for customizing your ads.
Next week, we'll post best practices to help you build effective ads with the display ad builder. In the meantime, you can view our tutorial video or visit the display ad builder site to learn more.
Posted by Emel Mutlu, Inside AdWords crew
Findability without the complexity
As information continues to pile up behind the corporate firewall, companies and executives are fast recognizing that effective findability is more than a nice-to-have -- it's a must-have for their business. In fact, in a recent survey by AIIM, 62% of respondents saw findability as "imperative or significant" to their overall business goals and success, while only 5% reported that it wasn't a factor.
Findability is a complex problem, and our goal is to provide businesses with a simple solution. That's why we've put together 'Enterprise Findability Without the Complexity' - a look into our philosophy and approach to search for businesses. We've noticed that approaches to findability can vary dramatically, which can have a significant impact on subsequent results. For instance, a traditional architecture, as demonstrated in this video, might include a plethora of servers, such as front-end web servers, index servers, query servers, database servers, and SAN storage. Not to mention load balancing servers, identity servers, disaster recovery servers, patch deployment servers, and volume license management servers. What a mouthful!
On the other hand, there is the appliance based model - i.e., one box that does it all. The Google Search Appliance can search 10 million documents with just one box, and pull information together from across a business - whether it lives in a database, intranet, business application or content management system. Not to mention it looks pretty snazzy too.
You can read the full document here. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Posted by Vijay Koduri, Product Marketing Manager
Findability is a complex problem, and our goal is to provide businesses with a simple solution. That's why we've put together 'Enterprise Findability Without the Complexity' - a look into our philosophy and approach to search for businesses. We've noticed that approaches to findability can vary dramatically, which can have a significant impact on subsequent results. For instance, a traditional architecture, as demonstrated in this video, might include a plethora of servers, such as front-end web servers, index servers, query servers, database servers, and SAN storage. Not to mention load balancing servers, identity servers, disaster recovery servers, patch deployment servers, and volume license management servers. What a mouthful!
On the other hand, there is the appliance based model - i.e., one box that does it all. The Google Search Appliance can search 10 million documents with just one box, and pull information together from across a business - whether it lives in a database, intranet, business application or content management system. Not to mention it looks pretty snazzy too.
You can read the full document here. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Posted by Vijay Koduri, Product Marketing Manager
The Nokia Test (6): Estimates created by the Team
Another installment on the Nokia Test.
Before we begin, a quick mention that Jeff Sutherland has done an improved scoring on the Nokia Test. See here.
So, the next item on the test says: "The Product backlog has estimates created by the Team."
Why is this important and what does it mean? Meaning first.
So, normally in Scrum estimates mean estimates of relative size/complexity in Story Points. See Mike Cohn's book:
Each story (or at least any story in a Release Plan or Product Roadmap) needs a story point estimate. You can't bring into Sprint Planning any stories without Story Points. No, no, no. (If the Story is discovered in Sprint Planning, that's a bit different.)
And these estimates are created by the Team of implementors. Those who will do the real work.
Well, estimating my own work gives me much more motivation. And responsibility. And a reason (well, another reason) to appreciate how my work interacts with the work of others. If the Story Points come from some other person or group, they don't have the same feeling.
Yes, there is a downside. Not every Team is equally good at estimating. Yes, it's true. But we are convinced that the negatives are more than offset by the positives.
Another key reason for this test is how we will, later, use Story Points to know velocity. And how we will use velocity for many things, from which I will highlight three:
Before we begin, a quick mention that Jeff Sutherland has done an improved scoring on the Nokia Test. See here.
So, the next item on the test says: "The Product backlog has estimates created by the Team."
Why is this important and what does it mean? Meaning first.
So, normally in Scrum estimates mean estimates of relative size/complexity in Story Points. See Mike Cohn's book:
Each story (or at least any story in a Release Plan or Product Roadmap) needs a story point estimate. You can't bring into Sprint Planning any stories without Story Points. No, no, no. (If the Story is discovered in Sprint Planning, that's a bit different.)
And these estimates are created by the Team of implementors. Those who will do the real work.
Well, estimating my own work gives me much more motivation. And responsibility. And a reason (well, another reason) to appreciate how my work interacts with the work of others. If the Story Points come from some other person or group, they don't have the same feeling.
Yes, there is a downside. Not every Team is equally good at estimating. Yes, it's true. But we are convinced that the negatives are more than offset by the positives.
Another key reason for this test is how we will, later, use Story Points to know velocity. And how we will use velocity for many things, from which I will highlight three:
- Tell some managers: "Look at our velocity. We are going at 20 work units per Sprint. Stop hoping and dreaming that we will go at 40 work units. It's magical thinking and it ain't happening. And your trying to make it happen is just making things worse."
- Tell ourselves: "Folks, we're going at 20 Story Points, but we need to do better. Let's identify a top impediment and FIX IT. So that we can go 22 or 25. Now! (But not by working harder.) "
- Face the truth. Velocity is a way to help us all face the truth. And take action. (Ex: If you name an impediment, someone is going to ask: "Ok, what do we do about it?")
Kayak CEO Steve Hafner on PhoCusWright Center Stage

"Kayak's traffic was three times Sidestep when they bought them"
"The jury is out for the media model on retail sites"
"Bartels at Travelzoo has $80mm of revenue in their P&L. I want it. Of course they are a competitor"
"brought out a great mobile product a few years ago. Was used by 1000 people"
"next year will be talking about consolidation in OTAs (online travel agents), new faces at the top of some, cost cutting and site improvements. Can't believe how cluttered OTA home pages are"
Help Alex find Nats mojo back! also watch their live chat on tv
Hello everyone! Operation Mojo, premieres on November 22 at 8:00 PM Eastern on Nick. They're the Naked Brothers Band's troupe and your kids love watching them, so don't forget to keep your snacks and sodas ready, and tune in to your favourite channel. Then, you don't want to miss out the brothers tour too, do you? register at the website with your email address and book your tickets in advance, no last moment hassles! There is also a live chat at 7:00 Pm Eastern here at
While on the site, i hope you are enjoying playing games, visiting the boards and leaving the brothers your messages, listen to what they have to say too. A contest is open, and prizes are to be won! Hop there to see some more
They've finished shooting for season 3, and the story goes this way- Alex decides to help Nat get his mojo back which is lost by him(Nat). The problem is that Alex needs someone elses help in doing the job, in addition to self help- he needs your help too!
You may click the picture below is help Alex find the mojo back..

While on the site, i hope you are enjoying playing games, visiting the boards and leaving the brothers your messages, listen to what they have to say too. A contest is open, and prizes are to be won! Hop there to see some more
They've finished shooting for season 3, and the story goes this way- Alex decides to help Nat get his mojo back which is lost by him(Nat). The problem is that Alex needs someone elses help in doing the job, in addition to self help- he needs your help too!
You may click the picture below is help Alex find the mojo back..
Agile Portfolio Management - 2
OK, so we got started earlier.
What next?
Ummm. One of the goals of Agile Portfolio Management is making sure the most important things are done first. And that all of us are only working on the highest priority things.
One of the goals of Agile Portfolio Management is to enable us to harness change for our competitive advantage.
[Note: Agile Portfolio Management is distinct from Scrum, but I will talk about APM in a Scrum context. In a different context, one would need to explain it differently.]
OK. So how do we do that?
Well, if we have a bunch of teams, let's say 5 Scrum teams of about 7 people each, we name a Chief Product Owner for that whole group. The CPO prioritizes a high level Product Backlog, and assures that all 5 teams are only working on the most important stuff. The CPO must organize the "Product Owner team" so that great "stories" are given to each team. So that lots of Business Value is realized in every release, much more than before.
The CPO is not trying to make individual teams efficient per se, but trying to identify and get the Business Value released (and get the cha-ching, the dollars rolling).
The CPO (and the PO team) is always surveying the winds of change, to enable our company to adapt faster (or to minimize bad impact).
Every month, the PO team is looking at all efforts and teams, and asking: How can we adapt faster so that more BV is realized? They recognize all the different learning that is going on, and see where it leads them. The monthly cycle is largely because this is the typical frequency with which senior stakeholders can engage and participate. So, the PO team is looking across all the teams and saying: Ok, where is the best place to invest now?
Many consequences could arise from these conversations:
* any month a significant effort could be decommissioned
* any month a new effort could be started
* the direction of any team could be changed, perhaps in a minor way, perhaps in a more major way
* the master Product Backlog is refactored with input from all stakeholders
* stories are eliminated, modified, added...and the impact of this is understood and socialized
Thus, at a fairly high level, the overall direction of this group is adjusted. Then, at a lower level, the CPO gives specific stories (maybe larger ones) to each Team. The PO for each team typically will need to organize the refactoring of the (large) stories into smaller ones that can go into an individual Sprint for his Team.
The PO team does not attempt to micro-manage at a level below the Story. And in general, the PO Team does not have time to deal much with small stories, unless there is conflict or important learning needed about such things as: "how does this story fit with our overall direction?" "how does the story in team X fit with another story in team Y?"
More later...
What next?
Ummm. One of the goals of Agile Portfolio Management is making sure the most important things are done first. And that all of us are only working on the highest priority things.
One of the goals of Agile Portfolio Management is to enable us to harness change for our competitive advantage.
[Note: Agile Portfolio Management is distinct from Scrum, but I will talk about APM in a Scrum context. In a different context, one would need to explain it differently.]
OK. So how do we do that?
Well, if we have a bunch of teams, let's say 5 Scrum teams of about 7 people each, we name a Chief Product Owner for that whole group. The CPO prioritizes a high level Product Backlog, and assures that all 5 teams are only working on the most important stuff. The CPO must organize the "Product Owner team" so that great "stories" are given to each team. So that lots of Business Value is realized in every release, much more than before.
The CPO is not trying to make individual teams efficient per se, but trying to identify and get the Business Value released (and get the cha-ching, the dollars rolling).
The CPO (and the PO team) is always surveying the winds of change, to enable our company to adapt faster (or to minimize bad impact).
Every month, the PO team is looking at all efforts and teams, and asking: How can we adapt faster so that more BV is realized? They recognize all the different learning that is going on, and see where it leads them. The monthly cycle is largely because this is the typical frequency with which senior stakeholders can engage and participate. So, the PO team is looking across all the teams and saying: Ok, where is the best place to invest now?
Many consequences could arise from these conversations:
* any month a significant effort could be decommissioned
* any month a new effort could be started
* the direction of any team could be changed, perhaps in a minor way, perhaps in a more major way
* the master Product Backlog is refactored with input from all stakeholders
* stories are eliminated, modified, added...and the impact of this is understood and socialized
Thus, at a fairly high level, the overall direction of this group is adjusted. Then, at a lower level, the CPO gives specific stories (maybe larger ones) to each Team. The PO for each team typically will need to organize the refactoring of the (large) stories into smaller ones that can go into an individual Sprint for his Team.
The PO team does not attempt to micro-manage at a level below the Story. And in general, the PO Team does not have time to deal much with small stories, unless there is conflict or important learning needed about such things as: "how does this story fit with our overall direction?" "how does the story in team X fit with another story in team Y?"
More later...
The forecast is clear in Google Ad Manager
If you're a publisher who sells advertising space directly to advertisers, you might have experienced times when you've been unsure about how much inventory is available for you to sell. Google Ad Manager can help you learn what you have available to sell by forecasting your future inventory and subtracting off what you've already sold.
A Helpful Analogy
To put this into context, pretend for a minute that instead of a website, you run a popular destination hotel. Instead of selling space to advertisers, your job is to book hotel stays for guests. You receive all kinds of requests to book hotel rooms: two rooms for a one-week family vacation, 100 rooms for a three-day conference, a suite for a weekend getaway. In order to book these reservations, you have to know both how many rooms your hotel has and how many rooms are already booked. For a hotel, this is fairly straightforward. You know exactly how many total rooms the hotel has, and you can subtract how many rooms are booked for each night.
For a publisher, it's not as straightforward. Since the amount of inventory you have to sell is directly tied to your site's traffic, it can vary day by day. It's also complicated because there's flexibility in how you meet your obligations. If an advertiser has booked advertising space on your Finance and Entertainment sections, for example, you can serve more ads on the Finance page and fewer on the Entertainment page. To compare to a hotel, it's like you have the flexibility to substitute two single rooms for one double room. Because of the variability of traffic and the flexibility in how you can satisfy your reservations, it's hard to know exactly how much space you have left to sell for any day or any specific area of your website.
A Common Problem - and Solution
Even though it's more complicated for websites than for hotels, the customers' (or advertisers') needs are the same: They want a reservation, and you have to be able to guarantee that there will be availability when they show up. A hotel can't operate effectively without this type of capability, and neither can these web publishers.
Google Ad Manager, our hosted ad serving and management solution for publishers with smaller direct sales teams, addresses this publisher problem. It allows you to predict future availability and be confident that when you sell an ad, you'll be able to deliver it. In Ad Manager, forecasting works by using your historical data to estimate how many impressions you have left to sell. Ad Manager's inventory forecasting system allows you to find availability broken down by different areas of your website, by cities or states, and even by custom criteria that you define, like the user's age. Even better, when the inventory you request is unavailable, Ad Manager will give you suggestions for freeing-up the requested inventory, so that you can still make the sale.
New Improvements
In the last few weeks, we've rolled out major improvements to our forecasting system. It's now up to ten times faster, and it uses much more historical data, so you get more accurate estimates of future availability. The new system allows us to quickly add new features in the future. We've already launched one of these improvements: Forecasts now take account of frequency caps, meaning that the availability estimates are modified to account for the fact that you might only want to show an ad once to each user. And more new features are coming soon!
Forecasting also continues to be a major development focus of our DART for Publishers (DFP) ad serving platform for publishers with larger direct sales teams, part of the DoubleClick Revenue Center suite of publisher solutions. Google Ad Manager serves as an effective complement to DFP and the DoubleClick Revenue Center to provide solutions for publishers of all sizes.
To learn more about forecasting in Ad Manager, visit the Ad Manager Help Center.
Posted by Narayana Tummala - Tech Lead, Google Ad Manager
A Helpful Analogy
To put this into context, pretend for a minute that instead of a website, you run a popular destination hotel. Instead of selling space to advertisers, your job is to book hotel stays for guests. You receive all kinds of requests to book hotel rooms: two rooms for a one-week family vacation, 100 rooms for a three-day conference, a suite for a weekend getaway. In order to book these reservations, you have to know both how many rooms your hotel has and how many rooms are already booked. For a hotel, this is fairly straightforward. You know exactly how many total rooms the hotel has, and you can subtract how many rooms are booked for each night.
For a publisher, it's not as straightforward. Since the amount of inventory you have to sell is directly tied to your site's traffic, it can vary day by day. It's also complicated because there's flexibility in how you meet your obligations. If an advertiser has booked advertising space on your Finance and Entertainment sections, for example, you can serve more ads on the Finance page and fewer on the Entertainment page. To compare to a hotel, it's like you have the flexibility to substitute two single rooms for one double room. Because of the variability of traffic and the flexibility in how you can satisfy your reservations, it's hard to know exactly how much space you have left to sell for any day or any specific area of your website.
A Common Problem - and Solution
Even though it's more complicated for websites than for hotels, the customers' (or advertisers') needs are the same: They want a reservation, and you have to be able to guarantee that there will be availability when they show up. A hotel can't operate effectively without this type of capability, and neither can these web publishers.
Google Ad Manager, our hosted ad serving and management solution for publishers with smaller direct sales teams, addresses this publisher problem. It allows you to predict future availability and be confident that when you sell an ad, you'll be able to deliver it. In Ad Manager, forecasting works by using your historical data to estimate how many impressions you have left to sell. Ad Manager's inventory forecasting system allows you to find availability broken down by different areas of your website, by cities or states, and even by custom criteria that you define, like the user's age. Even better, when the inventory you request is unavailable, Ad Manager will give you suggestions for freeing-up the requested inventory, so that you can still make the sale.
New Improvements
In the last few weeks, we've rolled out major improvements to our forecasting system. It's now up to ten times faster, and it uses much more historical data, so you get more accurate estimates of future availability. The new system allows us to quickly add new features in the future. We've already launched one of these improvements: Forecasts now take account of frequency caps, meaning that the availability estimates are modified to account for the fact that you might only want to show an ad once to each user. And more new features are coming soon!
Forecasting also continues to be a major development focus of our DART for Publishers (DFP) ad serving platform for publishers with larger direct sales teams, part of the DoubleClick Revenue Center suite of publisher solutions. Google Ad Manager serves as an effective complement to DFP and the DoubleClick Revenue Center to provide solutions for publishers of all sizes.
To learn more about forecasting in Ad Manager, visit the Ad Manager Help Center.
Posted by Narayana Tummala - Tech Lead, Google Ad Manager
Beta Testing News: An Updated AdWords Interface
We've just asked a small group of US advertisers to start testing an updated web interface for AdWords. (If you're in the test pool, you'll see an alert when you sign in to your account.)
We're testing changes to the ways that AdWords advertisers see and manage the data in their accounts. These changes should make it easier to tackle common tasks, like navigating between campaigns and editing keywords across several ad groups. We hope the updates will give advertisers clearer insights into their ad campaigns and simpler ways to act on those insights.
To answer a common question: The updates we're testing won't affect how ads run. Bidding, ranking, Quality Score, and the other key AdWords performance fundamentals are not changing with these updates.
We've started advertiser testing very early, while we're still working on changes to the updated interface, so that we can make adjustments based on comments from our testers. That's one reason why this test group is pretty small. We'll gradually increase the number of advertisers testing the updated interface (and make it available to international testers) in the coming months. We'll be sharing more details about key features along the way.
In the meantime, if you'd like to be considered for the test, please submit your AdWords account information on our beta sign-up page and we'll contact you when we're ready to add you as a tester.
Posted by Amanda Kelly, Inside AdWords crew
We're testing changes to the ways that AdWords advertisers see and manage the data in their accounts. These changes should make it easier to tackle common tasks, like navigating between campaigns and editing keywords across several ad groups. We hope the updates will give advertisers clearer insights into their ad campaigns and simpler ways to act on those insights.
To answer a common question: The updates we're testing won't affect how ads run. Bidding, ranking, Quality Score, and the other key AdWords performance fundamentals are not changing with these updates.
We've started advertiser testing very early, while we're still working on changes to the updated interface, so that we can make adjustments based on comments from our testers. That's one reason why this test group is pretty small. We'll gradually increase the number of advertisers testing the updated interface (and make it available to international testers) in the coming months. We'll be sharing more details about key features along the way.
In the meantime, if you'd like to be considered for the test, please submit your AdWords account information on our beta sign-up page and we'll contact you when we're ready to add you as a tester.
Posted by Amanda Kelly, Inside AdWords crew
Priceline CEO Jeffery Boyd on PhoCusWright Center Stage
Philip Wolf has just finished interviewing Priceline CEO Jeffery Boyd at PhoCusWright 2008.
Here is my summary.
On US v International
Paraphrasing Boyd he said the following: There will be a shake out in the coming year. Companies that are well capitalised and watch expenses will do a little better. The industry survived and grew post 9/11 so we will get through this.
Here is my summary.
On US v International
- Already have more than 50% of business outside of US (see Expedia CEO's comments from yesterday). The international hotel business overtook US in terms of size at the end of 2006; and
- International split is reflected in staff numbers with 1,600 total staff but only 340 in the US (but note another 6-700 more in outsourced US customer service).
- Was an easy decision to move away from the opaque model and air reliance as the business was shrinking. Now down to less than a third of the business being the merchant model and the largest part of that merchant model is hotel;
- (not surprisingly) very happy with 2004 acquisition of Activehotels and 2005 acquistion of There was some unhappiness at Active when the brand was dropped in favour of but believes it was the right business decision. Boyd did not provide a direct answer to questions on whether he would expand the Booking brand to the US but did say "with a product in English and the strength of Google we can sell to anyone";
- (again) very happy with Agoda acquisition. It generated $30mm in gross bookings in Q3
- Boyd was asked about the strength of Wotif in Australia. He reiterated that there is a lot of opportunity for more competition in Australia. are opening an office in Australia with through "a person based in New Zealand" (
I assume he means Agoda Chairman Adrian CurrieUpdate - received a message from inside Priceline that Boyd was referring to someone else. Adrian Currie is based in NZ but is the Chairman of Agoda and head of Asia for .
- In the US - about service and support, not transactions for now;
- In the rest of the world - likely to be much faster to transactions on mobile; and
- Generally -"have a mobile site that is caveman in its advancement but are focused on it".
Paraphrasing Boyd he said the following: There will be a shake out in the coming year. Companies that are well capitalised and watch expenses will do a little better. The industry survived and grew post 9/11 so we will get through this.
The Renaissance Hollywood Hotel wants more money
I have been at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel this week as part 1,000 people attending the PhoCusWright 2008 Conference at this hotel. I have tried to be a good guest - no unnecessary demands of staff, tipping everyone that looks my way. I asked very nicely to be able to check out at 3pm rather than the 1pm they offered. "I am sorry sir but that will be an extra $25 per hour" was the reply. "But, I have been staying here for six days as part of a very large conference, surely you can be nice to me and extend my check out for no charge" was my polite reply. "Can't help you sir, we have to charge $25 per hour" was the response.
Clearly they do not have to charge me anything. But it is equally clear that they want to charge me more and have no need to reward me for a long stay. I see this an being greedy. The Renaissance Hollywood should give me two hours for nothing after six days of paying. What do you think I am being too demanding?
Clearly they do not have to charge me anything. But it is equally clear that they want to charge me more and have no need to reward me for a long stay. I see this an being greedy. The Renaissance Hollywood should give me two hours for nothing after six days of paying. What do you think I am being too demanding?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Managed Services: Branching Out to Branch Offices

Companies with branch offices are facing a technology paradox: On the one hand, businesses are expanding their branch office locations by 6.8 percent annually. On the other hand, only 15 percent of those remote locations have on-site technology staff members, according to Nemertes Research.
Those stats beg the following question: How do you empower branch office employees with the proper technology when you can't afford to staff those remote offices with more IT staff?
The answer (as our regular readers already know) is managed services. Increasingly, companies are moving their IT assets out of remote offices and into either (A) a centralized data center or (B) an Internet cloud.
The march toward centralizing and virtualizing IT has some benefits and some challenges.
Next Generation Empowered Branch
The good news: Centralizing applications and IT infrastructure can make networks easier (and less costly) to maintain. The bad news: Accessing centralized applications from remote offices can be a painful, time consuming process. And application performance over a Wide Area Network (WAN) connection can be horrendous.
A range of managed services, however, can potentially eliminate those challenges. Application acceleration services, hosted VoIP, hosted unified communications and managed 3G services are now all mainstream solutions for branch offices.
And the trend toward managed branch office services will surely accelerate -- especially as companies explore next-generation technologies such as TelePresence.
The lesson for readers: Keep expanding those branch offices.
But, check in with managed service providers (from big companies like Verizon Business down to small companies like your local VAR or integrator) to see what type of managed branch office services they offer.
Network Marketing Recruiting-Internet Sponsoring Secrets-Go Viral
Today's lesson covers a great internet network marketing recruiting secret that can potentially do wonders for your mlm business.
Tom talks about how to go viral. Let's see what's up his sleeve!
In Lesson #8, we learned about 'signature files.'
Today, we are going to talk about the 'viral'
power of the Internet.
'Viral' means that others pass along an idea,
an e-mail, or a website.
So what is the most viral thing on the Internet?
How many times have you received a joke from
a friend? How many times have you forwarded
a joke to a friend?
When people receive a good joke in an e-mail
message, they usually forward the whole message.
And, that whole message could include your
signature file!
So imagine you went to and
searched the web for a great joke. Then, you
customized the joke or modified the joke so that
it would be unique to your friends. Your friends
would 'viral' that joke to others, who 'viral'
that joke to others, etc.
>>But jokes aren't the only things that are viral
on the Internet.
You could create a list of resources. If people
thought your list had value, they would forward
your list on to others.
You could post valuable information to a forum
where people discuss a common topic. Now your
signature file could be instantly read by people
all over the world -- people that you've never met.
Recipes are viral.
Touching stories are viral.
Even some pictures are viral.
Just start thinking -- viral. Then, let your great
signature file do the work.
Your signature file pre-qualifies interested prospects,
so now your web page will have better quality visitors.
My friend, Bernie Center, sent out an e-mail to just
a few friends. It was an interesting and funny 'prank.'
Bernie reports over 44,000 visitors to his web page
from the viral effect of this e-mail.
Viral can be big.
>> Homework.
Try to create at least one viral e-mail message today.
Then, try do the same every week. Your viral traffic
will grow and grow with your consistent efforts.
-Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Fortune Network Publishing
Phone +1 (281) 280-9800
PO Box 890084, Houston, TX 77289, USA
Happy network marketing recruiting!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
Tom talks about how to go viral. Let's see what's up his sleeve!
In Lesson #8, we learned about 'signature files.'
Today, we are going to talk about the 'viral'
power of the Internet.
'Viral' means that others pass along an idea,
an e-mail, or a website.
So what is the most viral thing on the Internet?
How many times have you received a joke from
a friend? How many times have you forwarded
a joke to a friend?
When people receive a good joke in an e-mail
message, they usually forward the whole message.
And, that whole message could include your
signature file!
So imagine you went to and
searched the web for a great joke. Then, you
customized the joke or modified the joke so that
it would be unique to your friends. Your friends
would 'viral' that joke to others, who 'viral'
that joke to others, etc.
>>But jokes aren't the only things that are viral
on the Internet.
You could create a list of resources. If people
thought your list had value, they would forward
your list on to others.
You could post valuable information to a forum
where people discuss a common topic. Now your
signature file could be instantly read by people
all over the world -- people that you've never met.
Recipes are viral.
Touching stories are viral.
Even some pictures are viral.
Just start thinking -- viral. Then, let your great
signature file do the work.
Your signature file pre-qualifies interested prospects,
so now your web page will have better quality visitors.
My friend, Bernie Center, sent out an e-mail to just
a few friends. It was an interesting and funny 'prank.'
Bernie reports over 44,000 visitors to his web page
from the viral effect of this e-mail.
Viral can be big.
>> Homework.
Try to create at least one viral e-mail message today.
Then, try do the same every week. Your viral traffic
will grow and grow with your consistent efforts.
-Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Fortune Network Publishing
Phone +1 (281) 280-9800
PO Box 890084, Houston, TX 77289, USA
Happy network marketing recruiting!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart
If you need help generating leads for your business, feel free to contact me.
Grab a copy of this free ebook today that helped me get on the road to success:
Looking for powerful tips, ideas, and secrets about achieving success, visit
PhoCusWright Travel Innovation Summit - Video of all of the presentations
Here is the video list where you can watch 13 minute presentations from the 32 companies from the PhoCusWright Travel Innovation Summit. You can select which one you wish to listen to. My pick of the top six are here. The six finalists here. You should also listen to YourTour, ekit, nileguide, planeteye, tripchill and travelbeen.
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