Thursday, October 30, 2008

BlogRush Is Out Of The Blog Marketing Business

By Luis Galarza - Internet Marketing Tips.

John Reese Just Announce That He Is Shutting Down BlogRush, Which Is Now Completely Out Of The Blog Marketing Business Market!

This type of news are the ones showing that even top Internet marketing experts and gurus can have a failure, this time John Reese the marketer that made over one million dollars in one day in from of a huge crowd in a one of his seminars just announce that he is shutting down his blog traffic exchange service called BlogRush, a viral blog marketing tool that he created back in 2007.

John develop a big launch campaign for this blog promotion tool, I even announce the launch and a test project of the viral marketing tool on this blog to see its traffic generation potential by myself. Many other bloggers had a lot of bad feedbacks about Blogrush, but most of those bloggers were geeks, and we all know that geeks don't like marketing or business related blogs or sites, that's why their feedback about a marketing tool or product has no value for me or many smart online entrepreneurs.

The Blogrush idea didn't appeal to a lot of bloggers that just blog for fun, but it actually created a huge buzz in the world of online entrepreneurs, where most bloggers are using online content management tools to make money online or to promote their businesses or to provide a better customer experience. But, the tool awake big concerns about the service longevity, usability, and performance. And there was a big confusion if the service was worth using or not, because at the beginning you only heard good feedbacks about it, but most of them were from affiliates trying to get you sign-up under them, for that reason I needed to try it and tested myself to see if it really work, but I knew it wouldn't have the power John said it had.

Fail The Test.

Like a said before I put the service to the test in two of my sites, and the results were very similar, I notice that the service had a lot of loop holes, and only high traffic blogs were able to really reap the traffic benefits from the tool. Leaving most new or low traffic blogs with no chance to use the service successfully, and actually it hurt their them because you were licking you hard work traffic to other blogs, gaining almost nothing in exchange. Other problem also were:
- Low click-thru rates, very low, which give you low chances to turn it into profit.

- The click-out to other blogs were higher that the actual click-thru, meaning you were giving a lot for nothing.

- The quality of most of the blog was low, which give your readers a bad taste of your personal recommendations that can turn into loosing visitors.

- The traffic wasn't instant like John said.

Those were the reasons I decide to take the Blogrush widget off my blogs, and the funny part was that after I took the widget off, I was getting one or two visitors per month from the service, that is just another loop hole on the service.

Recommended Blog Marketing Tools.

If you really want to bring steady quality traffic to your blog I recommend you to use service like:
- Zimbio Wikizines.
- Social Bookmarking sites.
- Squidoo Lenses.
- Google Knols.

I also recommend you to focus on article marketing and SEO for better results.

To get unlimited advice about blog marketing visit the IE Club.

Recommended Resources.

- Bookmarking Demon. Social bookmarking automation software.
- Atomic Blogging. Top blogging system.
- #1 Internet Marketing Training Course. Learn Web 2.0 and more.
- Search Marketing Lab. 24/7 SEO and PPC Up to date training.
- Web Traffic Machines. Complete traffic generation system.

In Conclusion: Well, I see you in the conference. Just remember to learn as much as you can about social media and web 2.0, the best way to do it is make a Internet marketing plan base on a social campaign and then list the services, tools, or technology like social bookmarking or new sites that you want to use in your promotions and then get some time to learn how to use each of those tools the right way.

To your success,

Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.


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