Friday, May 27, 2011

YouthJuice is what it is says it is

Ok, so since starting YouthJuice I've gotten comments that I look like I'm 33 years old, constantly. I'm 40. I've grown my nails long for first time in a couple of yeaers, my skin has elasticity again and doesn't look like parchment paper anymore. I have color to my complexion again and no longer look sallow. I have energy that I haven't had since my early twenties or teens even.
I sleep wonderfully now, I'm no longer waking up at 3am nightly, I sleep right through to the alarm. Correction, without things like staying up late, I have settled into waking on my own without need of an alarm. This also means I'm not sleeping in anymore weekends, but honestly I don't care. I'm getting bored laying around now.
No more constipation, no more acid reflux issues. Allergies have cleared up immensely. I have much better focus and am juggling five different jobs now, which pretty much everything is getting done. I don't forget things like I used to and I'm now motivated to do stuff like I have never before in my life. My panic attacks have disappeared. My constant shakiness has abated to where I only shake if I'm hot or starving.
I am still having acne issues that I suspect if I stop drinking coffee that will clear up completely. The acne is still greatly improved as I am no longer dealing with pocking from the inflammation. I'll just keep pounding water to clear that up as the anti-oxidants in the YJ go after the zits.

YouthJuice is a cure all for what ailed me. I fully believe it will help anybody, even those with a healthy diet and exercise. Especially those who need their diet improved and have issues with tiredness, feel depressed and/or anxious, attention issues.

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