Friday, June 4, 2010

Kneeling - Redux

I made a post last week about Kneeling. As is the case with many posts, it was more of an attempt at thinking something out, as opposed to being an authoritative statement on a belief I hold. Mindyleigh, of The Devout Life added some great thoughts to the overall discussion.

So I decided to re-read the section on kneeling in The Spirit of the Liturgy - by then: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. One part really stuck out, and seems to sum up the way I think about kneeling. It might not specifically answer the "Why of kneeling" but it strikes at the core of its importance.

Pope Benedict, writing as Cardinal Ratzinger wrote:
"...for this culture has turned away from the faith and no longer knows the One before whom kneeling is the right, indeed the intrinsically necessary gesture. The man who learns to believe learns to kneel, and a faith or a liturgy no longer familiar with kneeling would be sick at the core. Where it has been lost, kneeling must be rediscovered, so that, in our prayer, we remain in fellowship with the apostles and martyrs, in fellowship with the whole cosmos, indeed in union with Jesus Christ Himself."
I think this passage is quite clear. This is not to say that standing is necessarily inappropriate, especially at the direction of the Bishop. Instead, it is a justification for those that do kneel. In fact, it comes in the form of a mandate that we DO kneel, when appropriate, and that if kneeling has been abandoned in total, it should be reclaimed.

I know in our Archdiocese, standing has been implemented after the reception of communion as a means to unify the community. This should not be reason for individuals or congregations to abandon kneeling altogether, and unfortunately, this is the casualty of this directive. I have only seen one other parish where the Bishop diverged from the GIRM in this manner, and the same result occurred. Folks would return to the pews and either sit immediately, or stand and then EVERYONE would sit.

This wouldn't be such a big deal except when one row sits, the row behind cannot easily kneel. As a kneeler, I dont mind it so much... but I cannot say the same for the people in front of me that make a face, noise, or action that displays their displeasure. As the Pope wrote, "we must seek to union with Jesus Christ." I can think of no other time more appropriate to posture ourselves in such a way to physically create such a union, then immediately following the reception of the Body and Blood of Angels, the Eucharistic True Presence of God.

Having said that... it is a difficult thing to kneel at the reception of communion, when the GIRM creates a different norm for the United States and when it allows for a Bishop to change the post-communion posture. Such allowances create an uncomfortable situation for many. Any change is difficult... but I can tell you this... there is an easy solution...

Bring back Altar Rails.
When folks approach, they kneel. If they cant kneel they stand. If they can't walk up - an EMHC will bring them the Precious Body and Blood.
What changes? Those that can... kneel.
When folks return to the pews... have the GIRM say, stand of kneel until all receive the Eucharist. Then... sit or kneel... problem solved. 

Until then where should we look for guidance? Rome would be a good place... 
The Holy Father's reasoning is simple: "We Christians kneel before the Blessed Sacrament because, therein, we know and believe to be the presence of the One True God." (May 22, 2008)

According to the pope the entire Church should kneel in adoration before God in the Eucharist. "Kneeling in adoration before the Eucharist is the most valid and radical remedy against the idolatries of yesterday and today" (May 22, 2008)


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