Friday, June 25, 2010

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. V)

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"It is as if you are standing on a battlefield, during a war, asking 'Why are they shooting at me?'" This is the statement a friend of mine throws at me every time I speak about any "shocking" situation in the world regarding the Faith, culture, or society. He is right. This doesn't mean that we should ACCEPT these things, it just means, that we waste a lot of time and energy complaining about what the "other side" is doing, rather than acknowledging it and stepping up and trying to do SOMETHING ABOUT IT. The recent situation with Planned Parenthood is a prime example. Why are these parents SHOCKED that P.P. came in and talked about this? C'mon... it is Planned Parenthood. Why is a group like Planned Parenthood allowed in a school system? I haven't found a lot of solid answers in this case, but I'll be honest and tell you I didn't spend a lot of time on it. This story isn't exactly: "Alien life forms found on Mars." Rather then spending a lot of energy and information space on the shock that parents have over the content of this class, why don't we talk about how our schools strip morals, faith, and principles out of the schools and then wonder why are children have the problems they do? Why aren't we shocked that no one has seen the correlation between cause and effect? I am shocked that people continue to view public schooling (in most places) as a safe environment.

There are 14 "works of mercy. 7 Corporal and 7 Spiritual, which is convenient especially for camps, retreats, and missions. I haven't done a lot with the Works of Mercy, but it occurred to me, that if one were in need of a "daily theme" for Catholic programming, the works of mercy would be a great source of content. I am especially drawn to the Spiritual Works of Mercy: To instruct the ignorant; To counsel the doubtful; To admonish sinners; To bear wrongs patiently; To forgive offences willingly; To comfort the afflicted; To pray for the living and the dead. It also occurs to me that these concepts are easily teachable at all levels... our faith is so full of wonderful treasures.

Archbishop Chaput is a SUPERSTAR! If you haven't read his most recent piece about Evangelization and the Renewal of the Liturgy you need to read it. I plan on doing a bigger post about it later... but since so many folks are blogging about this, it would serve us all quite well to go read the piece.

What would you do if a Vuvuzela is used at a Mass you are attending? I would probably grab my family, get up, and find another Mass. I don't know though. This is a tough question... I have always wondered where the line is between "offering it up" and deciding that what I am witnessing has stopped being a Mass and instead has turned into a "Production." I know that the consecration and Eucharist should be the central focus... but don't cultural "fads" like the Vuvuzela announce that the Eucharist is no longer the central focus and instead culture and entertainment have taken over that spot?

I would really love to continue my education and get a Canon law degree. Yet, I also want a MA in Theology, and DRE degree. I would love to find a way to work in the faith, which I know many "Catholic Junkies" would like as well... but I also know it is expensive and the market is somewhat "flooded." As a husband, father, and lawyer, I know that a lot of this is desire and not necessarily calling. I do pray consistently for God to direct me in HIS will and down HIS path, and should an opportunity arise where further education, especially in the faith, were to come up - that I would be brave enough to take advantage of it. Hmm, I wonder if I could find a Diocese in need of a Canon Lawyer willing to put me through a program? I would love that... I wonder if Dioceses do that?

On a similar note, I would love to learn about different Catechesis curricula and methods. I know the programs used in my area are questionable, and have come under quite a bit of scrutiny in Catholic circles. I went through a rather watered down RCIA program, and had to self-learn, and utilize others who are quite strong in the Faith. I know how difficult it was for me... and I know a lot of Adults in my parish and others biggest "desire" in regards to their Faith is wanting to be "fed." They want to learn and grow in the faith and Catechesis is the best way to do that... but the remaining question is: "In what form?" I think the best approach is a Bible Study mixed with Catechism training is a good approach. I think you need both the tenants of Catholicism mixed with a little "Faith in Action."

Aquinas and More is having a 50% sale... go buy some stuff, it'll help your soul.

This post is linked to 7 Quick Takes Friday at Conversion Diary where Jennifer encourages us to share seven small bits that wouldn’t quite make full blog posts by themselves

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