Monday, May 10, 2010

What do you have to offer?

I will say it right now... you may not like this post. But hear me out...

It is our DUTY to give to our Parish. This giving usually comes in the form of financial "tithing." But this isn't the only way to give... in fact, the Catechism speaks quite clearly on supporting the Church and the precepts might surprise you. "This Rock"  - a publication of Catholic Answers, one of the premier lay apostolates in America dealing with Apologetics, has published several  Q&A's on the issue. You can find the collection here: "Catholic Tithing."

Canon Law has this to say:
Can. 222 §1 Christ’s faithful have the obligation to provide for the needs of the Church, so that the Church has available to it those things which are necessary for divine worship, for apostolic and charitable work and for the worthy support of its ministers.
The Catechism § 2043 says:
2043 The fourth precept ("You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church") ensures the times of ascesis and penance which prepare us for the liturgical feasts and help us acquire mastery over our instincts and freedom of heart.

The fifth precept ("You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church") means that the faithful are obliged to assist with the material needs of the Church, each according to his own ability.

The faithful also have the duty of providing for the material needs of the Church, each according to his own abilities 

But what do we do when our Parish, doesn't seem to be a good steward of our money? What is our obligation if our Parish is spending money on things outside of what the Catechism, Canons, and Church teachings pronounce? What if there is improper Catechesis, Liturgical Abuse, or worse yet outright heresy occurring? Are we obligated to give? How Much?

I struggle with writing this post... I just don't know what to think. I stated Church law above... but beyond that, there aren't any hard and fast guidelines, in terms of amounts, formulas, or even specifically who/what you should be supporting. (e.g. Parish, Diocese, Charity, etc...)

The worst part of Catholic giving appeals is the cliche that sends shivers down my spine, that is often invoked:

Time - Talent & Treasure

How does this affect our obligation? I was talking with someone else in my same position, at least financially, and we were discussing how we wish we would "give" more every week. Isn't the point of Time - Ta... T3 (I can stomach that)... a way of saying that:
The faithful also have the duty of providing for the material needs of the Church, each according to his own abilities.
So, if one cannot provide Treasure (aka Money); then it seems that Time and Talent are justifiable substitutes. It is easy to think of ways that giving ones time or talent to their parish, is a valid way of "providing for the material needs of the Church." But does it satisfy the Precepts and Laws of the Church?

Recently, I heard a priest say: "that most of the time, the people that complain the most, give the least." Is this true? What about when you try and give, your time or talent, but aren't able? What do you do, when financially you aren't in a position to give a lot of money, but you are willing to give time or talent, but the Parish either doesn't take you up on the "offer" or doesn't provide an opportunity for you to give?

What can we do at that point? It is frustrating... there is so much that our Churches could be, and should be doing in the world, and yet many times we see our Churches doing things that seem counter-Catechetical.

As more churches get built that look like auditoriums and community centers, and we lose the essence and "soul" of our faith... we wonder where our money is going. Years ago, when you gave in the weekly collection, you could physically see the fruits of your offering. Statues, Icons, Images, priestly vestments, liturgical items, schools, and other tangibles signs of the faith were all around. Now, one could walk into some of the new Catholic churches and be confused as to whether it was St. Mary's or "The Rock: The New Life Christian Worship Center of Faith and Vitality." We wonder why Protestant Mega-Churches get so much money... the answer is really simple. They ask for it... for a specific tangible purpose, and then get it done; and what they ask for is directly applicable to their "presentation" of the Faith.

What do I mean? Well, let's take an evangelical church that does 45 minute long sermons. They need new video screens... because they are central to their Sunday Service. So they ask that each family give an extra $5 this week: Voila! $1500 extra and new video screens. Catholic churches ask for a little extra, and we still have the same watered down Catechism, liturgical abuse, ugly vestments, and empty alcoves where statues could reside. When was the last time you went to a baptism or had a child baptized? What did the baptismal certificate look like? Was it printed from an inkjet printer in the church office? Or was it on thick bonded paper, printed elegantly, some latin here and there, and maybe some calligraphy to fill in names, places, and dates?

What about the missals and hymnals? Are they full of Haas & Haugen? Do you lack kneelers? Do you have glass chalices, stoneware vessels, or felt banners-a-plenty? Where is your money going? How about your Catechism program? Is it worth the time spent or paper that it is printed on? If you can identify with these questions... are you still obligated to give? Or an even better question... is it RIGHT to give... anything beyond the "Material Needs" of the Church? Are these Material needs?

This doesn't mean we simply stop writing the checks... and sit back and wait for change. In fact... it is the exact opposite. We must reclaim the Church. Not for our own sake, not for a return on our investment, but because we are CALLED... GOD REQUIRES IT. If we are complaining, but not offering a solution... we are no better off than the Parish that asks for money, but has nothing to show for it.

As I said when I started this post... I know there will be much of this post that people object to... I am not asking you to agree with all of it... or even most. I simply want us to thing about giving to our Parish, Diocese and The Church. We must be generous with our T3. We must also, demand that the Church be forthcoming with the Spiritual "Food" that it is supposed to be supplying. I don't have a lot of answers, but I know what isn't working. Catholics are consistently "ranked" in the lower tiers in terms of giving-to-income/earning ratios, amongst Christian faiths. I don't think it is because we are cheap, and I don't think it is solely because it isn't asked for or required, like it is in other Christian churches. I think there is a direct relationship between what modern Parishes "use" it for as compared to what Catholics wish it would be used for.

But our parishes and dioceses will not change unless we speak up. The time for complacency and complaining is over, the time for action, renewal, and reform are here. Our T3 is useless, unless it provides for the growth and nourishment of the Faithful, otherwise the Catholic church simply becomes a non-de-script Christ charity. Although useful and important, it is not the essence of the ONE TRUE CHURCH.

As a final note, I want to make it clear that I am not saying that we should give, demanding or even expecting to get something in return. I am simply trying to point out that we must discern whether our Parishes are being "good stewards" of our T3. If they are not, we must find ways, including taking it upon our own shoulders, to bring about reform. If the "Body of Christ" is only as good as its parts, then we must all individually fulfill our role, otherwise we are in danger of letting the body become atrophied, lazy, and impotent. Laziness turns to sloth, and sloth is a deadly sin.

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