Friday, May 7, 2010

The Danger of Contraception

Contraception hurts marriages, our culture, our society, and our families. This is a bold statement but it is true.

The basis for this conclusion: the percentage of divorces attributed to those couples that use contraception as compared to those couples that utilize Natural Family Planning or some other method of child planning.

I am not here, at least in this post to defend or even advocate the use of NFP. Instead, I simply want to show how much of a negative affect contraception has on marriage, relationships, and culture. Erin Manning from "And Sometimes Tea" wrote a recent post about Dr. Janet Smith responding to the Agence France Presse (AFP) regarding a recent piece they wrote about the anniversary of "The Pill." You should go read Ms. Manning's piece, but I am here to argue a different point.

The point is a poignant one, and one that needs to be emphasized not only to our YOUNG Catholics, but those that are "set" in their ways. Recently, while at Wal-Mart, my wife and I were looking for floss. We went down one aisle and noticed all the condoms, displayed right next to pregnancy tests. The sign labeling the section was "Family Planning." Now what does this say about our culture and our attitude towards sex and reproduction? Oh, I know... I am preaching to the choir, while beating a dead horse, and walking over trampled ground. But I think it is important to state the obvious. Also... do we know WHY the Church teaches what it does, regarding contraception? Dr. Janet Smith, in the article discussed above, addressed the issue precisely and succinctly (my emphasis and comments):
Defending the Church's teaching that contraception affects society in negative ways and is immoral, Smith noted that “more than one out of three babies in the United States are born to a single mother, one out of four pregnancies are aborted,” and that “more than one out of two marriages end in divorce.” [These come from the "Family Planning" culture... eg the Culture of Death. These numbers exist EVEN WITH THE PILL AND CONDOMS!]

“If people were living by the Church's teaching on sexuality, those things wouldn't be happening, and those things are a path to misery,” she underscored. [AMEN!!!]

“People born out of wedlock have a very hard life, as do their children. People who get divorced have a very hard life as do their children, and their friends and their family,” Smith asserted, adding that on the other hand, “people who don't get divorced and stay married and raise their children, generally have very good lives.”

Couples who use natural family planning almost never divorce,” she pointed out. “The divorce rate at tops, we think is around 4%.” [This is CRITICAL... if you have never seen this statistic before... WHY NOT!? Why is this number hidden?]

In light of these facts,“who looks foolish?” she asked. “The Church for not changing a teaching that almost guarantees happiness or a culture that is pushing an agenda that almost guarantees misery?”
I know that life is tough. I know that we live in an EXPENSIVE culture. Keepin' up with the Jonses' is tough. Sure you might even argue that it is impossible to have 7 kids, 2 careers, a 5 bedroom house, 2 SUV's, and send your kids to private catholic school. My answer to that is... sure it is... but if we looked at life differently, and if we lived for GOD, towards GOD, and with GOD... it would change our entire perspective on life.

4% vs. 50%??? Really? Even if you make up every excuse int he world as to why such disparity exists between the two numbers, there is still a gap the size of the Grand Canyon between them. Even if you apply all sorts of theoretical factors and reasons as to why these numbers are misleading, they don't fail to be glaringly far apart.

I know that there are people that read this blog, that know me, and who this might offend. I don't care about their feelings, I care about them as persons who deny the truth of God in their practices. As Father Corapi says, "I love my fellow Catholic, but I am not willing to go to Hell for them." The teachings and practices of the Catholic Church exist for reasons. They aren't arbitrary, and they aren't there for superficial and shallow reasons. They have been constructed through the grace and inspiration of God the Almighty, through the Holy Spirit, so as to lead us to perfect love and union in Him. We should not lightly dismiss this teaching or any teaching; this is a perfect example of how something many Catholics dismiss actually has a very detrimental and horrible consequence even if we don't immediately see it, or know of it.

We must demand more from ourselves and from our culture. We are NOT MADE FOR THIS WORLD. We are simply here to live life, love God, love one another, and attempt to perfect that love [in a completely futile pursuit due to our sinful nature] so that we can hopefully one day be united with God in Heaven. Why then, do we work so hard against God, in an effort to enjoy the fruits of this life only to turn our backs on God?
Check out this post on the subject:
Belinda's Brain - "A Very Merry Un-Birthday" via Sancte Pater


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