Monday, March 29, 2010

The Passion & The Reason - A Video

So I made this music video a few years ago. It was actually my first attempt at video making. I had zero experience, so that is why the quality/compression is so low.

I made it more as a "practice" video than anything... as it was just a concept in my mind that I tried to bring to life. A few people that I dared show it to liked it, so I finally put it up on YouTube. At the time there were no other videos that used this song. Now there are a ton. I can say that it was an original idea of mine,  but hopefully you accept my word on that subject.

I wasn't sure if I was going to put it up, and in fact kinda forgot about it. Someone reminded me of it today, and so I checked on YouTube and there it was... so I hope someone gets something from it. (There is a lot of "symbolism" in it... and I'd be happy to share if anyone cares, in terms of why I put certain things in the video and not others. Also, this is an edited version... I can't find my original... I used it for a youth group and was asked to take some of the more "violent" parts out so that we didn't need permission slips to show it.)

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