Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Catholic Blog... Celebrities?

So there has been some murmuring of late on the blogs that I read about "Catholic Blog Celebrities." Now the word CELBRITY is not used per se but that is meaning behind the message. While I was on hiatus, I didn't check my RSS reader, so I had quite a bit of CATCHING UP TO DO and this was one of the "themes" that caught my eye.

The argument was that these personalities are so big that they have become something contrary to their purpose. One of the arguments raised was that someone like Father Z. shouldn't be asking for or listing his Amazon Wish List online; or that the list in and of itself is excessive, in that it lists big ticket items. I am not sure if the person was more upset that he was listing such items or actually getting them. [I have made a post about Amazon before... WISH LISTS] Obviously this "problem" is purely the law of numbers. More people read Father Z's website than Blogger X's. Therefore there is a greater chance that someone will donate to Father Z. than Blogger X. Also, Blogger X's contribution while GREAT and IMPORTANT, doesn't always attract those that are WILLING to donate or gift. On top of that, the COLLAR helps, period.

Now some have poked fun at the idea of Father Z. asking for money for Bird Seed. Now, I won't get into that argument, because I don't think it is fruitful on this blog, and I also think that it is a pretty cut and dry issue and people can make up their own mind. But what about someone like Mark Shea? He supports himself via blogging, book writing, and speaking? Should he not get such things via Blog "Tips"? I mean, let's say you work at Store X, and you sell widgets. You get paid hourly, and then go out and buy an iPod or a Porsche. Isn't that your choice? Should I the consumer tell you or get to dictate how you spend your money? Of course not.

Now, do I think there is some inequity in "Tipping"? Maybe... but again it comes down to NUMBERS. There are many Catholic bloggers that have "stories." As I talked about in my previous post I thought long and hard about putting a Pay Pal or Amazon link on the blog for "Tipping." At first I had Pay Pal but took it off. I did leave the Amazon list up, but list only items RELEVANT to the blog or my personal life that would then relate back to the blog. Not because I think that other items shouldn't be on a list like that, I just choose to operate in a certain fashion.

What do you all think? Should Catholic Bloggers, especially the celebrity types have such Wish Lists? Are there correct and incorrect things to have on such lists? Is a person WRONG in some ethical way for buying such things for a person which lists them?

Personally... someone can get me this:

Whomever gets this for me, will receive a share of the meat I take with it for the duration of my use of this weapon :)

-Posted by: Joe

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