Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flight Insecurity

It appears that in the past few days since the Christmas Day attempt of terrorism on a United States bound flight that the TSA has gone out of its way to show just how INSECURE they are and how UNSECURE we are.

To outline this point please read: Michelle Malkin - Airline Security Idiocy

I know I said I was going to talk about less POLITICS this year... but I think this touches on something important. See, the TSA is so worried about profiling they go out of their way NOT to profile. This is the reason so many grandmas are given that EXTRA search. If they can prove that they don't do something in some positive way, in the sense that they have hundreds of examples of how they "DON'T PROFILE" than if some allegation should arise that they do, they have proof positive that they don't.

The problem is that during this chessmatch people are walking on to planes with bombs. Now, I am not naive to think that we can stop EVERY single type of element and bomb getting onto a plane, short of strip searching all people. I don't want that either. What I do want is a set of policies that isn't completely ridiculous. The reason there is outrage at these "Security" techniques is that we have abandoned common sense and have instead created some politically correct nightmarish policy that denies Joan Rivers easy clearance to board a plane all in the name of "Security."

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