Sunday, November 8, 2009

MLM Business Lead-Using Traffic Exchanges To Generate MLM Business Leads

One of the easiest and most cost effective ways to generate mlm business leads to a product or is by using traffic exchanges or TE as they are sometimes referred to. There is however a right and a wrong way to use them. In this article we will discuss the various components required to get the most out of advertising through traffic exchanges.

Before we begin it is necessary to go over a few of the most common components of a traffic exchange that are related to product advertising. There are typically five key components that every ad campaign must have to be successful. If you don't do this right, you will have difficulty generating mlm business leads.

1. Splash Page - A splash page, or sometimes called a landing page, is a short attention grabbing ad page meant to attract the TE surfer to investigate the pages offer in more detail. Generally this page is very low on content containing usually an eye catching graphic of either the product or a spokesperson displaying the product, a headline, and a link to invite the TE surfer to click for more information. Do NOT use your company's generic page. Make up a very simple one that is unique to you.

2. Lead Capture or Squeeze Page - A squeeze page is another short splash page like advertisement for a product or service but offering the TE surfer the opportunity to enter their name and email address to get more information about the product via an email. Often times the splash and squeeze pages are combined in ad campaigns.

3. Free Giveaway Item - This is an item related to the campaign's product that is offered on the squeeze page to entice the TE surfer to enter their name and email address to get more information via email. This free item is most often a smaller ebook type report or piece of software related to or directly taken from the main advertised product. Make it so interesting that people will rush to sign up.

4. Autoresponder - An autoresponder is a program or service used to send a series of emails to the email addresses gathered from the lead capture or squeeze page. Most marketers call this a list of subscribers. An autoresponder program or service is essential to the success of an ad campaign.

5. One Time Offer - Often called a OTO, a one time offer is used with the autoresponder to offer the list subscriber a special discount on part of the product's extra features or even the product itself at a reduced price. Usually this OTO is shown to the list subscriber just once during the list subscribing process.

Now that we know the five key components to an ad campaign lets look at a proper flow for these items in the campaign. Most often new marketers will be advertising a product that they are an affiliate for. Being an affiliate means that they have registered with the product or service owner to try to get sales for a percentage of the sales price when someone buys the product or service.

The biggest mistake that most new marketers make is trying to advertise the main sales page of the product or service on the TE. Doing so will rarely get any sales. The reason being is that each page shown to the TE surfer is only on their screen for a few seconds, usually less than ten seconds.

That is why the use of splash pages are more effective. The TE surfer can quickly scan the splash page in just the few seconds and decide whether they are interested enough in the product to warrant clicking through to the lead capture page. As I mentioned before, make sure you have a very interesting splash page so that you will get a steady stream of mlm business leads prospects.

Once the splash page has captured their attention and they click through to the lead capture page it is up to the squeeze or lead capture page to persuade the TE surfer to request more information. This is where the free giveaway item usually seals the deal in getting the name and email address from the TE surfer.

Provided that the surfer has completed the subscribing process to the list for more information it is now the job of the autoresponder to deliver a series of emails with product information in specific time intervals. Generally the most effective intervals are three days apart with a series of five to seven emails.

So to recap the basics of a successful ad campaign on a traffic exchange the advertiser must:

1) Use a splash page and not the direct product sales page
2) Offer a free item to get the potential customer's name and email address to their list of subscribers
3) Use an autoresponder to send a series of five to seven emails in three-day intervals to the list subscriber

If you use the above basic strategy with your advertising on a traffic exchange the ad campaigns will be much more successful. Also, as a side note, make sure the splash pages load quickly. Remember there are only about five to ten seconds on the average to get your splash page in front of the TE surfer and every second counts in making that first impression.

Happy recruiting!

To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

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