Thursday, June 11, 2009

My addiction to facebook apps is increasing day by day

Face book has created a huge impact on users worldwide, some for the better and some for the worse. Right now facebook is the best Networking site due to its collection of numerous interactive applications from word games, from quizzes to connecting relatives, to vampire wars games, to creating your own virtual garden and farm :) The collection is never ending and honestly very, very addicting! Most of them actually contribute towards a good cause like saving the rain forests, or helping needy children with food... When you know you're doing something to help, the enthusiasm gets intense and the feeling to be able to contribute is inexpressive really:-)

My recent favorites are my flower garden(Nishas paradise), barn buddy, my rain forest patch, vampire wars, and the very popular scramble word game... The more friends joining, the more exciting the apps get, so not to forget mentioning my three top facebook blogging buddies without whom the games wouldn't be complete and they've also been very sweet.. They are Lilyruth, Kimberly and Susan who've been either great neighbors or great enemies! hehe.. yeah, that's coz Ruth got me beaten me up a few weeks back along with her vampire army, but shes also been pretty kind sharing with us and gifting us all beautiful flowers and gifts! Kim has also been wonderful sending us gifts all the time which we need to level up and she leads for sure! Susan's garden is beautiful, i'm always visiting to water her pretty flowers and she returns the favor when i need it most :-) The other of my contacts aren't bloggers but they're great too :-)

My little Aryan, my son, has also joined the site and though hes just a tiny tot at 9(not his actual age on the site) hes also playing along with mommy, but with mommy's guidance, mind you! hehe..

So are you on facebook? which is your favorite app?

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