Thankfully, we have Tom, Big Al, Schreiter to help. Today's free network marketing post is about how to get no cost exposure for your business.
How to get no-cost exposure.
Want more prospects?
Create a riddle that is challenging and viral. For example, if you sold nutritional products, you could create a test like this:
Which food will kill you fastest?
A. Donuts
B. German Chocolate Cake
C. Pizza
D. Ice Cream
Click HERE for answer.
(Don't click on this test; it's only an example.)
I just made this test up using my four favorite food groups.

However, you would want to place a link to the answer, and make sure you had some selling copy on that page.
This sample test would be viral as many people would send it to their friends. That's extra exposure to qualified prospects that you couldn't personally reach.
Use your imagination. What kind of riddle can you think up for your product or opportunity?
Get seven more no-cost examples of ways to sponsor new distributors, taken directly from the '103 Ways & Places to Sponsor New Distributors' manual.
Simply go to:
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Fortune Network Publishing
PO Box 890084
Houston, TX 77289 USA
PO Box 890084, Houston, TX 77289 USA
That was a cool tip and one I think we all could use!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
540-858-2885 anytime
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart
P.S. Most people who read "Success In Ten Steps" find out why their lack of success is not their fault, but some don't.
Some people would rather waste their time surfing the internet, or joining some money or time-wasting affiliate programs.
To download "Success In 10 Steps", visit
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