Funk Roberts Fitness and Premier Fitness Club have partnered to bring you an exclusive Premier membership package, perks for being a subscriber to the Funk Roberts Fitness Blog.
Robert Thompson Jr., manager at the Danforth location, is offering Funk Roberts Group members a Gold Membership at $299/year, that’s $25.00 per month.
You must be a new Premiere member to take advantage of this offer.
Membership includes access to all 37 locations across the GTA, daycare services, towel services and a complimentary fitness assessment.
In order to enroll or receive more information YOU MUST contact Robert Thompson Jr. directly at 416 520-1228 or rthompsonjr@hotmaill.com
Now you have no excuse to get fit and healthy
Stop talking about it and DO IT NOW!
This offer isn’t available at any of the clubs and a brand new member walking off the street would never be offered this rate, so for those of you interested, you are privileged. Pass this onto you family, friends and co-workers so they can enjoy the membership and get healthy.
I am not only promoting Premier Fitness, but I am a 10 year member too.
To see the locations nearest to you go to http://www.premierfitness.ca/Please stay tuned for more Funk Roberts Fitness special offers, discounts and freebies
Don't forget to sponsor Funk Roberts and help fight Prostate Cancer - CLICK HERE
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