Are Looking To Earn Some Extra Cash From Home? Well, Here A Good Chance To Make Money Blogging For Today.com New Blog Network!
Also, Today.com will pay you an extra $2 for every a thousand unique page views, which mean the more traffic the more you can profit from the program. Amount of unique visitors can be easily achieve if you promote your blog the right way like submitting it to Zimbio, and if you use good blog SEO strategies on each of your posts. Another reason is that they own a very good domain name (TODAY) which is a top search keyword that gets over 900 daily searches, which the site is already optimized for, but needs more work because still on spot number 6, now that doesn't count the total search power of phrases using the word "today" in it which has a total of more than 34,495 searches per day.
How Making Money Blogging For Today.com Works?
For starters the site pays bloggers using PayPal, which makes the transaction faster and secure, they also require a lot of information from you, and to be part of the program you need to be at least 18 years old, know or have a lot of interest about your topic, and that you need to know English, no other language is allow yet, but you never know, they may add more languages after the site grows and start getting a lot of web traffic from other countries.
Your user-name can be anything, but your blog sub-domain name needs to be relevant to the topic you are going to write about, for example if you looking to start a blog about "flying fishing" you need to make sure your main keyword is part of the URL, this will help you in your blog SEO efforts that can have increase your traffic in less time. But, don't forget to provide unique quality content on every article.
So, the only thing you need to profit from this "work at home job" is:
- A good computer.
- Reliable Internet access.
- A skill or research time.
- And some article writing skills.
Optimize Your Blogging For Dollars Success.
You can use many Internet and Social marketing strategies to increase blog traffic and make even more money per post you submit to the network, but before you do that you need to have some content to promote. The best way to write as many posts as you can is by keeping your articles focus on one topic at a time, here are some blog post ideas:
1. - Make a list of useful tips you can provide on your blog.
2. - Write a small article about each of those tips.
3. - Find resources for each of your tips and submit them as another post.
4. - Re-write news in your own words relevant to each tip and link back the the main tip.
5. - Challenge the wikis by using my "Wikipedia Add On Trick" but don't duplicate, instead expand the information or fix the bugs. Remember that you don't need to write long articles.
Now let see how you can optimize your traffic to gain more page views that will help you earn that extra $2 per thousand unique views.
1. - Submit your blog to Zimbio to increase readers and traffic.
2. - Use popular and reliable free traffic exchange services like Traffic Swarm.
3. - Use proven social marketing with bookmarking or new sites strategies to submit your posts. Here is a list of top social bookmarking sites.
4. - Ping your blog every time you submit a new post.
5. - Submit your blog to free Blog and RSS directories.
6. - Create link to your site from your other sites.
7. - Use article marketing to increase your daily visitor and get better search engine ranking.
8. - Remember the golden rules of SEO: Relevancy, back links, new original content.
I know Today program is not a real Internet business, is more like a work at home job, but is a job with no boss and not set hours, you can work when you want to, as you please, for as long as you want to. But, in this recession times is a excellent way to make some extra money to pay bills, don't you think?
To get unlimited advice about how to make money blogging visit the IE Club.
Recommended Resources.
- Blogging To The Bank 3.0. Top blogging course.
- Search Marketing Lab. Updated daily.
- Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business Online. New Version.
- Web Traffic Machines. Complete traffic generation system.
In Conclusion: Some people will tell you not to think big with income opportunities like this one, I tell recommend you to always think big with whatever you are doing, don't build walls in from of your own success path. Just do the 30 times 30 trick, if you write 30 post per day for 30 days that will give you an extra income of $900 for the month, for some people this is their rent money. And this don't include the extra cash from the page views. Always think big...
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.
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