The Overhead Dumbbell Squat is a great exercise to add to your training routine to strengthen your shoulders, back and core.
It’s a crazy exercise that reminds your body that plateaus are not an option.
· Grasp a dumbbell and stand erect, holding it at shoulder height. Place your opposite hand on your hip.
· Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your abs pulled in tight, chest up and eyes focused forward.
· Inhale deeply and press the dumbbell overhead to full arm extension.

· Holding the weight overhead, perform a squat by bending your knees and hips as if you were sitting in a chair. Keep your torso upright and tight on the descent, with the dumbbell above you at arm’s length.
· When your legs form angles of just less than 90 degrees, extend your knees and hips until you return to the standing position: repeat.
· After performing the designated number of reps, lower the dumbbell to your shoulder and then to the floor. Rest and repeat with the other arm.

1. Include the overhead dumbbell squat as part of a back or shoulder workout, either regularly or anytime you want to push the envelope
2. Try the overhead barbell squat for a different feel
3. Don’t have access to a dumbbell; you can use a kettlebell, large can of soup or anything that you can pick up with some weight.
1. Overhead Dumbbell Squat - 4 sets of 10 reps (each arm)
2. Seated Military Press – 4 sets of 10 reps
3. Funk Crazy 28’s – 3 sets of 28 reps
Funk Roberts
Some Excerpts –Muscle and Fitness – Sean Waxman
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