Learning How To Increase Blog Traffic Is One Of The Internet Marketing Challenges That Every Entrepreneur Have To Face... Well, Zimbio Can Ease Your Blog Marketing Efforts!

Just to give you an example of the power of Zimbio, just imaging that you write a great post targeting a long tail keyword and even after using ping services, and submitting your site to blog and RSS directories you still don't achieve the top position on the SERP, well if you submit your blog to Zimbio you will get automatic traffic from wikizines (that's the way the site call their content sub-categories) readers, plus you may also get top search engine rank for the long tail keyword that you were targeting.
So, as you can see is an excellent Internet or blog marketing tool that actually works, and is absolutely free!
The service let you submit as many blogs or content sites (like articles sites) as you can as soon they have valid RSS or Atom feed links, which opens a good opportunity for you to generate traffic to all your blogs even if they haven't get any Google love yet.
I wouldn't be recommending this marketing service if I knew that the web traffic that they can deliver is not targeted. The truth is that you can get a lot of high targeted visitors to each of your sites or blogs by simply submitting your content to the right Wikizine. There is more than one zine for almost every niche and sub-niche, plus you can create your own one if there isn't one for your subject. Also, if you want to have your own wikizine on your subject you can do that too.
What's Important In Internet Marketing?
If you are new to this Internet marketing blog, I need to point that any good money making campaign need to have two important factors, strategic link building and content distribution. You need to know that the best web traffic comes from search engines, that's why SEO or search engine optimization have its own industry, because is one of the most powerful response generating Internet marketing channels available to online marketers, and if you want to make money online blogging or by using other type of websites you need to master search marketing which involve SEO and PPC (Pay-Per-Click).
Why? Because there is where people that is ready to spend money or ready to click on your Adsense ads are. That's why I don't write for the social community I write for search engine users, those looking for the type of information I have to offer here, not for blogger or visitors from social sites. The truth is that to make money online you need to become an Internet marketer not blogger.
Don't get me wrong, you can use social media or web 2.0 marketing to build links and online authority and you can monetize the traffic that they send you, but you real income will come from the search engines.
How Much Increase In Blog Traffic Can You Expect?
This depend on your activities on Zimbio. The submission process becomes automatic after you add your blogs RSS or Atom feed URL to the system and the service will decide on what wikizine to post your content, which does it by relevancy. But, to make this marketing tool work better you can check at least twice per week and submit your content manually to the zine that is closely related to your information.
This can really boost the amount of visitors you get to your blog or site and the quality of each of them, which is very important to increase your revenue per site and conversion rates per visitor.
To get more advice about how to increase blog traffic visit the Internet Entrepreneurs Club.
Also Read.
- Selling On The Internet.
- 22 SEO Tips: Blogspot Blogs Basics.
In Conclusion: I personally recommend you to use this Internet marketing tool to promote your blog and content, it work fast, you get positions on search engines that you haven't get yet, or an extra position for the same keyword, and most important you get highly targeted visitors, which mean better conversions.
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.
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