Web 2.0 or Social Marketing Is All About Building An Authority... Let's See How To Use Social Bookmarking Sites, Also Called Social News Sites To Boost Your Blog Traffic And Promote Your Brand!
Today I want to give you a few social media marketing tips on how to use social news or bookmarking sites in your favor, some of the most populars are:
- Digg.
- StumbleUpon.
- Mix.
- Redit.
- The new Yahoo Buzz.
- And Sphin.
The bigger problem with social marketing is that takes a lot of time and dedication, that's why you need to be committed to your business and it success, if you want to get any results from social bookmarking networks or any other web 2.0 tool. It takes time, but the results you can get from using the media right are huge... So, start using this tools pronto and be part of the community, share your ideas, insight, opinions, or anything, just be an active player, your web traffic will grow same as your income.
Here are some tips before you start that will help you properly use social news or bookmarking sites to boost blog traffic and your brand awareness:
1.- Choose the site or sites you want to use and learn everything you can about it. You want to know master every single part of the site, so you don't make any mistakes.
2.- Bookmark different type of stories and see how the network community reacts to it. Then tune and keep posting the ones that are more relevant to your what the community wants to read about.
3.- Another way to make sure you don't cut on fire by bad reviews, and angry comments, check the stories being feature on the home page, this way you can get a clear idea of what type of articles are the most popular there.
4.- Learn from the master, just find the most popular members, become their friend, and learn how they build their social fan base and popularity. learning by example is the smartest way to master the site, plus they can help give you advice, and even blog about your stories on their blog.
5.- Like I said before, social marketing through social bookmarking sites is going to take time, and you have to provide time to be successful. I recommend you to set some time everyday just for those sites, and should be doing the same thing with other web 2.o communities or tools. This way you have a set time to surf stories and to share yours.
6.- Remember that this is a web social community with real people behind all those stories, and the best way to become part of it is by commenting useful notes or insights about their stories, and they will do the same to yours.
7.- Now the best way to become an authority is by building trust in the community, the best way to do this is by submitting useful stories, not useful to you but to others in the network... Here quality good content always count.
8.- Now is time to socialize, by keeping a good communication flow with others, and learn more about them, be helpful, and create a network of friendly contacts. Most social sites users are friendly and they will eventually help you by stories from your blog.
9.- Keep the contribution going, instead of going after the next big social bookmarking or news site, try to increase actives on the one that you currently have a list of contacts. These doesn't mean you need to let an new web 2.0 marketing opportunity pass you by, is always good to try new tools that can increase your market reach, but without forgetting about the establish communities that you already built.
Now is time for you to go socialize just follow the above strategies have a successful social media campaign. To automate your article submissions you can use a good social bookmarking software, works excellent specially if you join many news sites.
To learn how you can be part of an online association full with social marketing experts and web business advisers by visiting the Internet Entrepreneurs Club.
In Conclusion: Almost every aspect of Internet marketing still in evolution, right now we are in the Web 2.0 or Social Media era, which mean that for you to survive and keep your online business competitive, you have to learn and master the use of all the new tools now available to you. Remember to do it before your competition does!
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.
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