Sunday, September 28, 2008

MLM Prospecting-The real "secret" about "secrets" . . .

Many networkers sometimes feel there is some magic secret they are missing when it comes to mlm prospecting . They fl they must be missing something because people don't seem to joining them or want any part of their products; at least not on a consistent basis.

The truth is, there is something that you are missing but it is very simple. Listen to what Tom Schreiter has to say about this:

The real "secret" about "secrets" . . .

When new distributors start their network marketing careers, they spend hours, days, months and more looking for the "secret" to network marketing success. And, they don't find the "secret."


Because there are no "secrets" in network marketing -- just a whole bunch of stuff we don't know.

These new distributors chant affirmations, cut out pictures for their goal boards, tell themselves how motivated they should be, sing the company song, cheer at rallies, practice flipping pages on their presentation books . . . and they don't "get it."

You see, success in network marketing comes from learning the "magic words" and "magic sequences of words" that trigger the prospect's mind to understand, believe, and want to use our products or join our opportunity.

There are hundreds of these magic words and sequences of words.

All we have to do is to start learning them and watch our businesses improve.

So instead of surfing the Internet, working hard in 100 different directions, and wondering what's wrong, distributors need to simply concentrate on learning the magic words, and magic sequences of words that get their prospects to act.

Now, this is too far from new distributors' current beliefs to accept, and they don't have the case studies and examples yet to change their beliefs. That's why when they come to the "live" workshops they "get it" and understand how to get prospects to join effortlessly.

But remember, it's the things that we don't know, the things that sound unbelievable, the things that sound bizarre, that have the best chance of getting us the new results we want.

I hope this makes sense to you. I also hope you will take action and learn the right things to say that Tom was talking about so you can take your mlm prospecting to the next level!

To Your Success,

Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's heart

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