Friday, July 27, 2007

Is eBay Really Paying Attention?

Judging by this post on "The Chatter" eBay is listening regarding the new search, or "finding experience," changes.

I found the post very informative regarding how eBay is testing and what they're still working on in regards to changing the search. They actually say they're not happy with what the search results page looks like (neither was I when I tested it) and they address the major issue of integrating stores and completed listings into the search. (These don't appear now in the Playground version, but the explanation is that they wanted to roll it out to be tested before they added these and a few other components into it. As a former programmer I understand that would save them a lot of backtracking in their coding, but couldn't they have stated that up front?? Leaving stores out of anything on eBay is certainly going to raise issues - and tempers - with store owners.)

The section on "Multiple paths to the same inventory" was interesting and implies that sellers won't necessarily need to pay double to list an item in two similar categories. The new search will provide a multi-dimensional result for sellers searching by category. They explain it in the example and it sounds like a great idea.

If you haven't gone to eBay's Playground to try the new search and leave feedback, please take a few minutes and do so. It appears that they're actually paying attention.

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