What distinguishes you from other ad formats?
I'm one of the ad formats that currently supports image ads. This is a strong trait because it increases the pool of ads competing to show on your site -- and the more ads competing to display on your site, the more revenue potential for you.
What are your hobbies?
I really enjoy integrating with content -- nestle me into an article and I'll be a happy camper. I also like being above the fold where I tend to perform best for you and your site users.
Do you work out to enhance your performance?
Sometimes I can get out of shape just sitting immobilized on your pages. You can help keep me sharp by testing my performance with channels to make sure I'm doing my best. Try moving me to different locations on your page to see where I'm most effective; try giving me a makeover with different color schemes to see if it boosts my revenue performance. Like people, ad units get bored if you're not constantly challenging us to do better.
So you don't bike like Mike Gutner?
No, it's one of the limitations of having corners. I think a round ad format would be better suited to that.
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