Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Suzie gets up-close and personal with publishers

Last week I was fortunate enough to represent Google AdSense at Pubcon 10, the WebmasterWorld conference in Las Vegas. It was great to meet some of our publishers in person and hear their feedback on AdSense features.

Several publishers showed me their sites and asked for tips to boost revenue. I know we've covered some of these tips before, but based on some of the questions I received at Pubcon I want to reiterate my top 3 recommendations:

1. Consider the AdSense heat map when choosing your ad placement (and don't forget our heat map for forums post from October).

I saw several sites where Google ads were hidden away in the header or below the fold. Placing ads where users are more likely to see them is one recommendation we give publishers who want to improve their clickthrough rates.

2. Use channels.

You won't know which ad formats and placements are performing best on your site until you track stats separately using channels. This knowledge can help you experiment smartly when optimizing your site.

3. Try link units.

Many publishers don't know much about them, so they don't use them. But for many publishers, link units have become an important source of revenue. I recommend trying them out - and make sure to use channels to track your earnings so you'll know how link units are performing relative to your traditional ad units.

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