Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wondering Wednesdays - (Vol. III)

Wondering Wednesdays
This may seem odd, but I was talking with someone at work today, and I wonder what I am going to be when I grow up. We were talking about law school, and how I ended up there, and how she had thought about going, but she never wanted to be an attorney (likewise for me) when she originally thought about going to law school. We then started talking about what we REALLY wanted to be doing... and neither of us were sure...? I guess I should figure that out, since my current position ends in a few, well weeks really, and I still don't have any solid future plans. So please keep that in your prayers, I have been praying a lot lately, but really don't seem to be doing it right :) Just kidding - I have pretty much at this point stopped stressing, and have decided to hand it over to God. I'll do my part, and won't question Him on His part.

I wonder if you can LEARN to be a good parent. I know a lot of it has to do with YOUR own parents, and the models you saw growing up, but I wonder if you can adjust that, or in some unfortunate cases fix that. I am blessed to have had two amazing parents, so I am hopefully starting out with that advantage, yet I am still concerned that you just get passed down the basics, and the real serious parenting situations are thrust upon you and you have to decide on your own. Can you learn those skills? I mean, most of the parents I know are GOOD, and I am not worried about MEASURING myself against others, I am more worried about measuring myself against GOD and myself. Is there a way to hone these skills? I mean aside from reading 50 books, and trying to distill what is important to you, from amidst all the psycho-babble, is there a way to do it more naturally?

And on a completely mundane note, I wonder how some people get so many blog readers and twitter followers. This isn't a vanity or envy thought, it is a pure technical question. It just seems as if some users, who tweet the most inane stuff, and dont blog all that much or well have HOARDS of followers. I honestly am not trying to mimic them, I just don't get it. I understand how some folks do have so many, it just strikes me as odd that certain Twitterers and Bloggers, have more than they SEEM they should have.

Why have modern Catholic Churches become so dull, drab, and boring? We talk about beautiful churches on here from time to time, and I posted about an article describing how to IMPROVE THE SACRED SPACE in your church the other day, and so I got to thinking: "Why did this trend start?" I know it was in the 60's and 70's, but it isn't as if we went from cruciform churches to a whole bunch of random church designs. Sure you have your outlier crazy church designs here and there that just don't fit into any semblance of a "form" but a good majority of the more modern Churches all look similar. I am not asking "Why the churches changed to MODERN STYLE" I am asking why the PARTICULAR style they seem to be built in. You know what I am talking about; the spread out, auditorium style. where the side "wings" of pews curve in a little, or completely. The Sanctuary that JUTS out into the congregation a bit. The Sanctuary is more open, than it is a separate and distinct area. The almost white, with hints of grey walls, with the BEAMS that aren't exposed, but aren't hidden that are painted the same colors as the walls. The clear glass windows to let lots of "natural light" in. THE LONG lines on the interior to make it seem BIGGER, when in reality all it does is expose more CEILING and white-grey painted space. How did we get from one to the other? I know cost is an issue, but it isn't even about cost, it is about design. I wish I knew more about MODERN church architecture and the whys and hows. For instance, when a new church is to be built, who secures the architect? Who approves the design? Who has input? Do you go to a CHURCH builder? Shouldn't they be Catholic? I think you get the point. I need answers though :)

As a follow-up: Why isn't there a Vatican "body" that focuses on art and architecture? Why isn't there some governing arm that approves new church designs, art, etc... I am not talking the fine details, I am talking the BIG picture. The approval of new churches, the approval of certain art/sculpture dealers. We have an imprimatur for books, why not liturgical art and design? The more minute stuff, and day to day could be run at the Metropolitan level. Maybe there is, and I just don't know it? If there isn't there should be... and maybe this is a sin, I don't know, but I almost get embarrassed when I go into my church or a few others around here. Again, I am not expecting Cathedrals, I am just expecting some EFFORT. Churches spend TONS of money on other stuff, but we can't spend enough on paint to make the Church visually speak to our eyes in a way that distinctly expresses our worship of God? Maybe my priorities are off... I don't know. 

Be sure to check out the originator of Wondering Wednesdays: Maggie at From the Heart

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