St. Augustine once said,
"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You."So then why has my heart been restless? Is it because my heart has not seen proper Catechesis for our children and our parishes? Is it because when I go to church functions which purport to be Catechesis on some topic, they end up leaving so many unfulfilled? I think that my heart has been restless because I am yearning for more... and if I am not being fulfilled then, there must be others that feel the same.
So what is the fatal flaw? Where have we as a faith community, as the Body of Christ gone astray and neglected our duty in raising others in the faith? How have we arrived at a point where what we teach and how we teach it, has become so watered down that when we see something like the Pontifical Mass at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception it appears foreign and confusing? How have we arrived at this point:
(Source: CARA - Georgetown)
This is part one.... I plan to do this in parts so that I may contemplate and pray about each part. Check later for PART II. I plan to explore what is the source of this restless, why it exists, and some possible solutions.
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