Thursday, April 29, 2010

Social Experiment...with a Rosary

I don't see it so much now that I live in Alaska, but in any major city in America you will find people in everyday life outwardly expressing their religious beliefs. This is usually done in the form of religious dress, but there are other means as well. But do we as Catholics ever do that? Maybe to some small degree, but I rarely can spot a Catholic in a crowd... why is that? I wrote this post a while ago:Prayer Challenge: Rosary

What if we walked around physically holding a rosary. Not necessarily praying it completely but using it as a sort of reminder? Or what if we looped it on our belts like monk or nun? I know there is a concern of "wearing" religious Sacramentals as jewelry, but why don't we have more outward signs of our faith that correspond to daily life? Maybe we should try this... see what happens. It might even get us to pray more... :) But if nothing else it will get others to recognize that there are Catholics out there, normal everyday people.

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