Monday, November 30, 2009

MLM Business Lead-How to Explode Your MLM Business Lead Base

As a network marketer, you know how important it is to drive traffic to your website. As a matter of fact, your very survival depends on it. If you want to have a great list of mlm business lead, this is a must!

There is an often over-looked area of marketing that is ignored by many in network marketing. This area is offline marketing. While the Internet is a source used by many, there are also thousands of prospects that can be presented with your MLM business opportunity through offline sources. Here are eight offline strategies that you can use to expand your network marketing prospects and mlm business lead list, and, in turn, explode your business.

1. Use a small zip close bag and include, for example, the following in it:

a business card
a business opportunity flyer or mini flyer
a discount coupon
a mini flyer of current special

Hand out the baggies to bank tellers, retail cashiers, at your kids sport events, etc. In other words, everywhere you go! This is a quick and easy way to let folks know what you are about.

2. Print flyers with your contact information, your website address, and email address, along with any current specials you are offering. Then, contact mobile home park offices, apartment complex rental offices, housing developments, etc., and ask for permission to leave flyers in their office or hang on tenant doors. You would also give the office employees a free gift or discount on your product or service.

4. Contact your local bridal supply stores, bridal gown stores, caterers, tux rental centers, wedding DJ's, etc. When contacting them, ask if you can leave your business card with them as a flyer for their customers to pick up.

5. Don't overlook daycare centers! They are excellent places to contact and leave business cards and/or flyers. Make sure that for whatever company you represent, you find items that cater specifically to children or moms. Make sure your flyer clearly shows this.

6. Contact your local churches. A lot of churches hold spring and fall festivals, Christmas bazaars, plan special events around Thanksgiving, etc. Contact them about getting a table or booth. This is a very inexpensive way (generally less than $15 a table) to promote your network marketing business.

7. Connect with your local Chamber of Commerce. Many times they hold local business events that you can participate in.

8. Do you have a college in your town? If so, great! College students are always looking to lose weight, spend money, and for more ways to generate extra income. Remember, how broke you were in college? So, students are also great prospects for your MLM business opportunity.

As you can see, this is just a small list of endless strategies that you can use to market your business offline as well as build a great mlm business lead list. Try one or more of these strategies to start off with, and watch your network marketing business explode!

To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371

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