Thursday, April 30, 2009

Astrology works for me, being a pisces! what is your sun sign?

Do you believe in astrology? well most of the things written and said are pretty accurate! According to my sun sign, Pisces- am reserved, selfless, compassionate, emotional, sarcastic, imaginative, diplomatic, intuitive etc etc.. and i feel as if am born to project a fish, a mermaid. Its so true that just like fish swim away away from the surface into the dept when its eye catches an object moving towards it, am just the same! Am a born swimmer without my fins, living in a humans body.. hehe..

Well, you should know am pretty mysterious too as people always tell me and that's so true because, i know myself. I am so much on the surface yet i am so deep into the sea. unpredictable, secretive.. lots more to me!

I hate to hurt people by some straight forward talk, most people exaggerate they love to be straight but i dont think its necessary when your loved ones are concerned. I prefer being diplomatic on things that could be deemed offensive or appropriate by them.

I am intuitive to extremes! i dont know how many incidents i've come across when am aware of things happening miles away. I also dont know... i just dont know why if there is someone who has hurt me to death, and i believe they did it, i always find them landing into trouble! oh god, its weird but its true! I guess i suppress to much..

So you see, astro is so strange and has its own mystery. How, when and where, only the stars can tell! There are hardly days when ive never seen my daily horoscope. I dont roll with the way things are written but somewhere i feel am just living according to astrology! So are you an astro freak too? hehe..

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