Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The eBay - Squidoo Connection

I didn't mean to, but it seems I've been holding out on you by not blogging here about Squidoo. When I discovered Squidoo several weeks ago, little did I know that I was going to fall in love. Well, you could call it love or you could call it an addiction, but either way I'm crazy about Squidoo and how it has worked to improve my online business, and especially my eBay business.

Quoting from the Squidoo home page, "Squidoo is the world's most popular site for people who want to build a page about their passions." Squidoo also has its own interesting vocabulary. For instance, each page on squidoo is called a lens and each person who builds a page is called a lensmaster. Squids have big eyes and long tentacles and they make an awfully cute logo, thus the name Squidoo. It isn't a blog site, though you could create a lens about your blog. You could create a lens about anything you love or want to promote. Thus, I have created a lens about eBay. (I've created a bunch of other lenses, too, but I will try not to digress.)

The best way to see what Squidoo is all about is to visit there and explore the lenses. A great way to understand why Squidoo is what it is is to explore the mind of Seth Godin, its creator. A superb way to do that, and especially in relation to how Squidoo can benefit your eBay business, is to listen to this interview that Ina Steiner of AuctionBytes recently conducted with Seth Godin. Ina and Seth talk about Seth's latest book (did I mention that he's also a prolific writer and highly sought-after speaker?) and how the concept Seth writes about relates to eBay sellers.

So, if you're curious about Squidoo or about how Seth Godin and Squidoo can help you become an exceptional business person, do take 11 minutes and 20 seconds to listen to the interview. Then visit Squidoo and do some exploring to decide if becoming a lensmaster might be something you should do. You may start, if you wish, with my eBay Squidoo lens (and I thank you very much).

(To build your own Squidoo lens, click on the cute squid below.)
You can Squidoo, too!

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