Tuesday, March 7, 2006

FREE International Business Resources

Here are a couple of FREE International Business Resources that you may want to mark as favorites on your browser. Some of these I find so useful in my import export business that I have even created shortcuts for on my desktop so all I have to do is double click on them to get there fast.

First is a Free Currency Converter- use this anytime of the day, 24/7, to cross reference what the value of your currency is in relationship to that of a potential customer for your import export business. This is a great international business tool that will help you better develop your pricing when making quotations and for accepting payments from foreign buyers.

Next, if you are ever trying to make a deal in your import export business and it finally gets down to communicating live with the person on the other side of the world, whether by email, phone or fax, you should visit the World Clock to determine what time of the day it is in the country they are located.

It is a common courtesy to try and match a time that your potential customer will be in their office when trying to communicate with them. It also helps get your commincation, whether fax, email or phone call, get attention if the person is in the office at the time it arrives.

Many times over the last 18 years in this business, I would have messages waiting for me from people in other countries who would call between midnight and 6 am. Now, granted, I work in the office about 18 hours a day, I do try to get some sleep sometimes and if you really want to communicate with me directly, please check the world time clock and see if it is a normal time to call. I mean would you be there at 3 am to answer calls? (PS: I would be if I had planned ahead but not every night).

Many times I have had my faxed or emailed messages read immediately and either receive a return call or email or fax within minutes, if I time my communications to the core business hours for the potential customer's country.

The last FREE international business resource in today's post are FREE Trade Magazines.

Many of these Free Trade Magazines cost up and over $100.00 a year if you had to purchase them. If you look over the List Of Trade Magazines available, you will find that there are hundreds and many that probably target your industry or products or services.

One of the most popular free trade publications for international business persons involved in the import export business is the World Trade Magazine.

You must complete a short questionnaire to determine if you are eligible for a free subscription to these magazines and be sure to look if you are eligible to apply based on the country and/or region you are located.

These valuable magazine subscriptions can help you keep up to date with the latest industry news and help you find new potential customers for your products and/or services. Most of publications also offer advertising to their highly targeted audience member/subscribers. So be sure to check them out.

That is is for today. I wish you success in your international business endeavors and hope that you will report back in the comments area if you have found these posts helpful to you.

Ron Coble
Coble International Marketing Services
Import Export Business Help Center

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