If my 3-year old son is awake (and he usually is), I spend a little time with him. Often he's lively enough to awaken his older brother too, and so I heat up their milk, get them pointed in the right direction, and let my wife catch a few extra zzz's with the baby.
At about 6:45, I leave the house to catch the Google shuttle bus at 7, where I can catch up on email (oh, yeah, it has wireless, baby!) or work on offline projects. Typically I arrive around 7:45 and begin my day with some Lucky Charms (they're magically delicious and surprisingly low in calories). After that, the first thing I do is to support customers by reviewing new publisher applications and responding to publisher questions.
Like my colleague Spencer, my favorite dish here is the carne asada burrito, but I have a rule that my inseam:waist ratio must remain greater than 1. Thanks to the great food here, that ratio is in danger of creeping lower – so to avoid the purchase of more pants, I have lately switched to salads.
My days are filled with a variety of projects and tasks – I'm on a team that focuses on product innovations, support efficiency initiatives, and network expansion projects.
I usually catch the 6:30 PM shuttle home. While I catch up on email once more, I'm already looking forward to the best part of my day: opening the front door to see the boys come running at me with the big Welcome Home Hug (and the big Welcome Home Takedown). It's salad for dinner (ratio considerations), after which I help bathe the kids and prepare them for bed between 8 and 8:30.
Then I spend some time with the baby, read, do some work, talk with my wife. Some evenings I work on the draft of a letter to the Pope seeking canonization for her – every day, she adroitly deals with 3 less-than-5-year-old boys. Indeed, as I am choosing between a Greek salad and carne asada, she is choosing between chunky and creamy peanut butter.
I hit the sack around 11 and dream about delivering such great support to our AdSense publishers that they never need to wait – even a minute - for an answer.
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