Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Announcing View-through conversion reporting on the Google Content Network
Display ads are influential in increasing brand awareness and driving purchase consideration, and with View-through conversion reporting, you can better measure the impact of your display ad campaign for those instances where your ad is seen, but not immediately clicked on. More specifically, View-through conversion reporting measures the number of conversions that occurred within 30 days of your display ad appearing for which there was no ad click generated.
By using View-through conversion reporting, you can more easily compare the performance of your Google Content Network campaign with the performance of your other display advertising campaigns. This feature can also help you determine the best ways and places to advertise, how best to optimize your display ad campaigns, and, ultimately, how to spend your advertising dollars more effectively.
Here is an example of how View-through conversion reporting works: Let's say you're selling pet food online and you're measuring conversions on your site's email newsletter sign-up and your shopping cart "Thank You" pages. If a user sees your display ad, does not click on it but then visits your site within the next 30 days to sign-up to receive your email newsletter and to purchase a couple dozen cans of organic cat food, you'll see two View-through conversions reported on your Campaigns tab in AdWords.
Starting today, you can also visit the Campaigns tab in AdWords and activate the optional View-through conversion reporting column. You'll need to have AdWords Conversion Tracking installed for View-through conversion reporting to work for your campaigns.
To learn more about View-through conversion reporting on the Google Content Network, you can visit the Help Center. We hope this feature will provide you with better information about your campaigns and help you get the most out of your display advertising campaigns.
A Wave is Headed Our Way
Today's the day folks signed up for the early invites are supposed to start hearing back from Google.
I'm thinking a year out from today, the social tech landscape looks a whole lot different. Now, that's not really much of an audacious claim given what's happened over the last year or two.
So for us teachers, the real question is: what's your school's plan for dealing with the next evolution of the Net (Wave or otherwise)?
Is your faculty using the war stories related to the pain of pulling schools into the age of social tech as a foundation and a strategy of how to be prepared for the next step rather than have to play continual catch-up with the culture at large?
Because if we're not ready for the real-time hoopla of the coming semantic web and its visual and idiomatic offshoots, then the only thing we've proven is that we really don't understand how to capitalize on the means of engagement and connection that the Web ever more exponentially keeps offering us.
You wanna still be debating whether to let your students use Twitter three years down the road?
Let's push this thing. Let's get this century started.
New Seminars for Success locations
In the coming months we'll be offering Seminars for Success in the following cities:
AdWords 101: Beginner and 201: Intermediate
October 5-6: New York City Area
October 26-27: Chicago, IL
November 2-3: Berkeley, CA
November 16-17: Charlotte, NC
December 7-8: Scottsdale, AZ
Adwords 301:Advanced Account Optimization and AdWords 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization
October 13-14: Dallax, TX
October 20-21: Seattle, WA
November 3-4: Los Angeles, CA
Analytics: Introduction and Analytics: Advanced
October 8-9: New York City, NY
October 22-23: Melbourne, Australia
October 28-29: Chicago, IL
November 4-5: Berkeley, CA
November 18-19: Seattle, WA
December 9-10: Scottsdale, AZ
December 9-10: Charlotte, NC
Website Optimizer
October 30: Chicago, IL
December 11: Scottsdale, AZ
For more information about Seminars for Success, including registration details, course outlines, and past attendees' comments, please visit
Posted by Austin Rachlin, Inside AdWords crew
Social networking for business: What works and what doesn't

It is the same with Social Networking. You have to provide value consistently for people to want to follow you (as in Twitter) or be your "friend" (as in Facebook). This value means something that helps them in their business or their personal lives.
Recent Articles
* Social networking for business: What works and what doesn't
* A setback is just a setup for a comeback
* Five steps to get more business
* Cheap (but effective) market research
* Advice for today -- from Benjamin Franklin
* Social media: You have to be there
* Social networking is about people, not technology
* Relationship marketing and the 'little things'
* Relationship farming and the 'WOW' factor
* Eliminate the asterisks in your marketing
Go to full archivesGo to full archives
So, what works in Social Media and Social Networking?
What to do in Social Networking -- Provide solid value first
Provide tips that are valuable to your followers. If you talk about a special that is with a third party --- where you have no benefit from your followers purchasing --- you gain points.
This means you copy something that was said by one person and send it to your followers. You are helping in three ways here: 1) You help the person who sent the initial tweet and they will remember that, 2) You help your followers by providing value and 3) You help yourself two ways. First you strengthen the relationship with the person you are retweeting (don't you love these new words we come up with today?) and secondly you help yourself as others see you as a resource. Make sure it is value when you retweet otherwise it comes off as TweetSpam and that can only hurt you.
Link with URL shorteners
This sounds a bit technical but it's quite easy. If you have a really long name for a website (URL) it can eat up your 140 character limit fast. A better way is to use one of the free URL shorteners available. is good for generating statistics on how many are coming to the site. Tinyurl and snipurl have been around for years and are quite reliable.
Always points to more value on your blog or Web site
Let your Facebook postings, your tweets and Linkedin messages always point to your Blog or website (they can be the same) where your followers or friends will find more value on the subject. This is the methodology you want to deploy in your marketing today. Generate value on your Blog and point to it with your notices on all the various social networking sites.
What to avoid in Social Networking -- It's all about me
Ugh! How many times do we need to hear that the world doesn't keep spinning around YOU? We all want to hear about ourselves and how what you have to say will make our lives better. Make all your communications about how others will benefit from being involved with you. Frankly, we don't care that you're "standing in line to get a hamburger." What will help is if you found that hamburgers are available at half price today from 12:00 to 3:00 at 4th and Main and they are the best you've ever had. That information would be valuable. Make it about others and you will succeed.
Spam city
We hated spam on email (still do). We don't like it any more in the era of social networking. So stop it already! Yes, we know you have a "great way to make money on Twitter" on your site but frankly, we're tired of hearing it! Instead, promote serious ways people can solve problems in their business. You add to your credibility and avoid being seen as a spammer.
Too much "unfollowing" or "de-friending"
When you stop following someone (and there are times it is appropriate) make sure it is because of serious problems (like spamming --- see above). When we see someone has "unfollowed" us (more of those clever new words we get today), it can hurt. I remember one person who I admired and had purchased a lot of her materials. However, when she unsubscribed to my email I was hurt. Was I logical? Of course not. However, that person has already lost thousands of dollars as I spent the money with someone else --- and she doesn't even know it! Careful on what you do and who it can offend. Hear more about this story in my podcast at
Social Networking is really very much like good ole networking has been since human beings started gathering in groups. Treat people with honesty and dignity. Relationship Marketing principles work today on these new media. Avoid the "hot new ways to increase traffic" that smack of hucksterism and chicanery.
If it doesn't come from a genuine, real desire to help other humans beings, it should probably be avoided. This is true in Relationship Marketing, Social Networking and life.
50 Most Influential People In The World Web
Here's a list of important and influential people in the world wide web:
1. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google Executive
If your stock price reaches $ 500 per share, you mean the money raised EUR 33 billion. You can run a search engine trafiknya busiest on the Internet. Small-scale projects Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Stanford from developing into Web ticket booth the most talked about and one of the few names on this list turned into a verb. Schmidt left Novell to join the ranks of Google's director in 2001 and soon became CEO of that company. By dominating the online advertising world, Google seems to be ready to travel and buy YouTube acquisition marks a major step toward complete domination in the Web business.
2. Steve Jobs, CEO Apple
No doubt you'll get bored with the media awards Apple CEO about this action. But when someone applies DRM free music echoes throughout the world, it is hard to ignore the power of man's influence. Jobs popularize download music, TV shows and movies legally. Through the iPhone will be released in less than five months away, demonstration at MacWorld Expo suggested that this product may popularize Internet browsing using mobile devices.
If your stock price reaches $ 500 per share, you mean the money raised EUR 33 billion. You can run a search engine trafiknya busiest on the Internet. Small-scale projects Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Stanford from developing into Web ticket booth the most talked about and one of the few names on this list turned into a verb. Schmidt left Novell to join the ranks of Google's director in 2001 and soon became CEO of that company. By dominating the online advertising world, Google seems to be ready to travel and buy the YouTube acquisition marks a major step toward complete domination in the business Web. It is not doubt you'll get bored with the media awards Apple CEO about this action. But when someone applies DRM free music echoes throughout the world, it is hard to ignore the power of man's influence. Jobs popularize download music, TV shows and movies legally. Through the iPhone will be released in less than five months away, demonstration at MacWorld Expo suggested that this product may popularize Internet browsing using mobile devices.
3. Bram Cohen, BitTorrent cofounder
P2P systems like Kazaa and eDonkey are the product last year. The future is anything related to BitTorrent, initiators mathematician and child prodigy in the world of programming Bram Cohen. BitTorrent was developed in 2001 and gained popularity as a means of population of downloading large files (like movies) by sharing the load through the hardware and bandwidth. This technology skills to handle large files with Cohen at odds with the Motion Picture Association of America, who asked BitTorrent transfer of copyrighted content from its network. But withdrawal would not hinder his work. Reported more than a third of Web traffic now comes from BitTorrent clients. BitTorrent and the entertainment giant has long been combining their strengths. BitTorrent Entertainment Network launched recently issued thousands of industry standard film, television, games, and songs for sale and rent.
4. Mike Morhaime, President of Blizzard Entertainment
In the world of online gaming, there is World of Warcraft, etc.. With the number as many as 8 million players worldwide, Blizzard made a profit of USD 1.5 billion a year of WoW. Every player with breathless attention to Mike Morhaime continued if there is a chance to get the Blade of Eternal Justice. As with Second Life, the overall real-world business based gaming technology. Unlike Second Life, although this business to exploit the economic and game play WoW, the whole does not give a good speech.
5. Jimmy Wales, Founder Wikipedia
Many guests online thought internet encyclopaedia Wikipedia as the first and last stop in the search for a topic. User generated content to be extremely reliable so declare Nature magazine as "the most accurate source [Encyclopedia]." The site was cited as a source of information in more than 100 U.S. court decisions since 2004. But it also makes the existing popularity as a target by spammers, so much the case that Wikipedia temporarily blocked access from all over the state of Qatar for the action editing. For business foil spammers, Wales decided elimination tag "nofollow" on external links, telling the search engines to ignore links in preventing artificial increase of the target search engine rankings this link. This strategy ensures that the benefits of existing search will continue to increase. But Wikipedia is just the first step of Wales. He also launched a personal search engine called WikiSeek who searches for sites mentioned in Wikipedia.
6. John Doerr, Venture capitalist at Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers
Former salesman Intel, John Doerr has become the king of enterprise assets in Silicon Valley since 27 years ago and invest in technology businesses ranging from Sun Microsystems,, up to Google. Jeff Bezos (see number 24) once described Doerr as "center of gravity of the Internet." Doerr also includes money to support political campaigns, supporting the ballot initiative states that the controversy in California is related to alternative energy and stem-cell research.
7. Craig Newmark, Founder Craigslist
In the site there are no ads, wearing a very low cost to small crowds, has a domain ". Org," and has 23 employees. We have even had a simple appearance, Craigslist accumulated 14.1 million pageviews last December and became the site of the 52 most widely viewed in December and based on the comScore Media Metrix. Newmark's Craigslist become the opiate of the many spontaneous parties refresh the list of free goods, "to each other warm," and personal ads while running from their daily work. The most important thing, the site with its own power nearly destroying the ad business who are classified as offline. In the coastal areas of San Francisco alone, one study found, the site drains EUR 65 million per year with an ad serving support the survival of local newspapers.
8. Peter Levinsohn, President Fox Interactive Media
Fox Interactive Media, part of News Corporation's Rupert Murdoch, is one of the most powerful web units and controls with a range of 13 sites ranging from to the most controversial, A complement to traditional film and broadcast television News Corp. property. Division which focuses on the Internet include the top 10 visited properties in the world in December 2006, according to comScore World Metrix. According to TechCrunch, there may be additional, as Fox Interactive has a USD 2 billion cash for the acquisition was in effect.
9. Marissa Mayer, Google's Vice President for search products & user experience
Queen of Google's products monitor the list of Web services and devices this search giants like Google Maps, Google Desktop, and Google Base, a similar e-commerce services on eBay. Women's number one on Google is joining the company as the first female engineer in 1999. He was formerly an employee of the company numbers and worked on developing Google's minimalist look that is currently quite familiar. But do not blame him for all work and no play for him. According to Google's site, he organized the night duty staff.
10. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, Founder of YouTube
Though Google acquired the company, founder of YouTube, Chad Hurley (CEO) and Steve Chen (CTO) campaigning on all things seem to be realized. People are introducing Internet video user payment plan for the video, and the company also signed several large media content partnerships (with MTV, NBC, Warner Music, etc). Partners co-founder, Jawed Karim left the company instead and pursue a master's degree in computer science at Stanford University.
11. Kevin J. Martin, Chairman U.S. Federal Communications Commission
He may look innocent and ordinary, but Martin was undoubtedly a bureaucrat's most influential web. He took over control of the FCC in 2005, and now he faces a bit of controversy and scandals such as the absence of his predecessor Michael Powell suffered. But it does not mean he can not stop your Internet connection as its greatest desire.
12. Brad Templeton, chairman of the board Electronic Frontier Foundation
If you ever find yourself on the wrong side of copyright-related electronic and personal freedom of competition, need to know Brad Templeton and the Electronic Frontier Foundation are your friends. They defend the accused pendistribusi files by the Recording Industry Association and the U.S. complain against America Online for bringing the customer searches. Currently they are fighting a blogger who did not want to rest with the manufacturer regarding the publication of leaked documents presentations certain parties against Eli Lilly with drug side effects of Zyprexa. Templeton great passions of copyright and free speech is not surprising. Web publishing veteran who was beginning to launch its action since 1989 when he founded the Clarinet, a company that publishes a service called Templeton as "the first newspaper on the Internet."
13. Henry Chon, CEO of Cyworld
Do not call Cyworld a Korean MySpace him. MySpace is precisely his Cyworld USA. In South Korea, based on the estimated 25% of the population (and 90% of teenagers) have a Cyworld account. This site has an individual design of miniature animated avatars to represent them in a unique online world. In 2006, CEO Henry Chon Cyworld offers the U.S. region. Though Cyworld currently have comparable success, MySpace is not able to rest easy if Chon profile records gave an indication of future competition.
14. Shana Fisher, Senior Vice President IAC / InterActiveCorp for strategy and M & A,
Chairman and CEO of IAC / InterActiveCorp
Barry Diller, his love online enterprise. After the celebration of the purchase, IAC now has, citysearch, Expedia,, Ticketmaster, and a host of business-oriented Web services. But who advocated Diller to invest the money? Of course, mergers and acquisitions adviser, senior VP, Shana Fisher, who determines where and when IAC should invest. Its control over IAC's acquisition of a series of actions made without hesitation as the most powerful woman in the Internet business.
15. Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis, Skype and Kazaa Founder
Looks like Niklas and Janus Friis Zennström can not stop making innovations. First they create a file distribution network peer-to-peer (although confused malware) Kazaa. Then they step up efforts to make the software very popular VoIP, Skype. After selling Skype to eBay for USD 2.6 billion, the couple returned to produce Joost (originally called "The Venice Project"), a P2P video distribution service that is currently in beta form for internal use. Will Zennström and Friis make fortunes killer application? After completing required RIAA lawsuits in connection with the value Kazaa USD 100 million, they directly negotiate with content providers when preparing the official launch of Joost.
16. Matt Mullenweg, software developers and WordPress blogging site
Matt Mullenweg almost did not buy the drinks (alcoholic), but the open source enthusiast 22-year-old was successfully developed WordPress, the open source publishing software favored by blogging enthusiasts around the world. In 2004, WordPress already well known that the Web publishing houses, CNet, pulled Mullenweg to handle this project. Mullenweg resigned in 2005, leaving to work full bid for WordPress, which today is more like content-management system, with various templates, widgets, and plugins, and Askismet antispam protection.
17. Philip Rosedale, CEO Linden Lab
Philip Rosedale using the concept of MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) and menghadirkannya in virtual Web destinations most frequently discussed, Second Life. But do not take it only as a game. For more and more "user," Second Life becomes first life, where they can do anything in a virtual world ranging from marriage to launch a business that serves exclusively as a held limit the site. Many real-world business people to open a branch in Second Life services as well. In fact, Second Life became very famous because of the attacks launched landslide began. Nick Denton of Valleywag compares the financial system with a pyramid scheme
18. Jon Lech Johansen, Creator program DeCSS Decryption
Better known as DVD-Jon, Jon Lech Johansen is the Norwegian hacker who revealed the encryption system used on DVD movies, but it gives the possibility of copying. Johansen released DeCSS Decryption program in 2002 and when it is offered nationally. Finally more distributed, Johansen launched a DRM solution Apple iTunes (again) while he worked as a software developer in the U.S.. If there is confusion with beatings in the dismantling of high-definition format DVDs with muslix64 still anonymous, the program "backup" to HD DVD late last year and for Blu-ray Disc in January. Johansen remains the most feared renegade big media.
19. Jerry Yang, David Filo, and Terry Semel, Yahoo Executive circles
Google's product innovation and the purchase of YouTube for 1.65 billion USD may ignored Yahoo from the public, but the Web giant led by founder Yang and Filo and CEO Terry Semel is under attack. Two years ago, Yahoo took over the photo-sharing site Flickr and social bookmarking site The company is also continuing its action with the launch of new properties such as Yahoo Food and Yahoo Pipes (for creating custom data feeds). Shift Yahoo to Panama advertising platform represents another attempt to attract advertising revenue Google has mastered.
20. Jack Ma, COO
Want to do business in China without ordering a plane ticket to Shanghai? is the best bet. Founded by Jack Ma in 1999, e-marketplace business-to-business is very successful online this is the best place to meet with the parties and marketing proposals and product offers. (Ma was quoted as saying that the company had a success since he was kidnapped in Malibu and up the situation where he must help the keepers started business in China.) In 2005, Yahoo made multibillion investment in Alibaba that currently runs Yahoo China. The company is now mired in scandal, when providing information on the cause of retaining a reporter for China due to the dismantling of state secrets.
21. Brewster Kahle, Director of the Internet Archive
Since the 1996, this non-profit Internet Archive to collect thousands of bytes of data, old books, movies, music, and television. Meanwhile, another feature called the Wayback Machine, a bit taking pictures to record the history of Web browsing actions. Visit the old pictures of your favorite sites on the Internet, may feel surprised by how different the first page. Kahle joined to make the Internet Archive with the aim of "maintaining the digital heritage," but do not let the simple curator fool you. Kahle is also competing for the U.S. copyright case against Gonzales Kahle, first amendment law cases impressive.
22. Ray Ozzie, Microsoft's chief software architect
In 2006, when Bill Gates released his position as chief software architect at Microsoft after holding for 30 years, analysts welcomed the replacement of choice with a round of applause: software visionary, Ray Ozzie. Kreator collaboration software Lotus Notes and Groove are now on duty to ensure the relevance of Microsoft technologies in the era where the Web has become a threat that will replace the traditional desktop OS. Pioneer in computer-based collaboration, Ozzie seemed ready to handle the job. One suggestion spontaneous to Ray: He needs to think about lawyer's updated his blog first.
23. Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, Daily Kos Blogger
The sound left the most resounding of the Web, is Markos "Kos" Moulitsas, a political figure without identical online. Displays his blog comment from the liberal Nancy Pelosi to Jimmy Carter, and Moulitsas even launch a conference (broadcast into the action C-Span) for like-minded political activists. Support Kos is not always a success, but support to affect his opponent Ned Lamont, Joe Lieberman, who suffered defeat in the Senate primaries in Connecticut Democratic Party last year, although Lieberman won a landslide victory in general elections as independent circles. Kos did not indicate any desire for ownership-related office.
24. Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO He may launch site with the aim of developing into the largest online bookstore, but Bezos showed that the business of books and CDs in the country, only the first action. The next round: crawl toys, socks, and heavy device. And now, as a branch of business, Bezos threw himself into the Web service. Meaning? Just as the beginning of the new framework, site development, including the service "utility computing" that allow you to buy server time with the price to 10 cents an hour. While waiting for the discovery of how grid computing innovation strategy works, do not forget that Bezos will offer you the Barbie Fashion Fever Grow 'N Style Styling Head with discounts up to 50%.
25. Robert Scoble, Vice President of media development for
You know the activities of the workers is a huge success if the businessman wants to join. For big business, which bears the name of Microsoft, has done everything right. All this comes to Robert Scoble. As a Microsoft employee, he made a blog about the company and introduced the human side of the Redmond empire. A glimpse of Microsoft's core work, great technology, and intelligent people to destroy (or at least deception) stereotype Microsoft. Blog Microsoft then become an integral part of the company's communications with its users. In 2006 Scoble left Microsoft for, where Scoble Show video podcast contains interviews with the geeks. New guest star is the editor in chief PC World, Harry McCracken, who stopped to debate the eternal question: Mac or PC? Scoble also interviewed the U.S. 2008 presidential candidate John Edwards, an outspoken bloggers that made it difficult.
26. John Battelle, Entrepreneur and chairman of Federated Media Publishing
Entrepreneur and journalist John Battelle get the position in the ongoing opening of the arena when the Web 1.0, 2.0 (she became cohost the event Web 2.0 Summit conference with Tim O'Reilly, see number 36), and (in the initial phase) 3.0. In addition, he found something that is considered as Vanity Fair and People Magazine as the era of the Internet: Wired Magazine and The Industry Standard. Project teranyarnya, Federated Media Publishing, represent the main list of online content. The list of more than 50 sites includes 43 Folders, Ars Technica, BoingBoing, and TechCrunch. Battelle book published in 2005 titled The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture and his blog, Searchblog, can be read by anyone who wants to understand the stability of the development of the technology industry.
27. Lawrence Lessig, CEO of Creative Commons
Statement of status as a king in his field, Wired even called him the "Elvis of Cyberlaw", and a few other names. Lawrence Lessig is a professor at Stanford University Law School and founder and chairman of Creative Commons (CC), a nonprofit initiative that promotes free license system but without the cancellation to work online. Designed allow copyright holders to distribute and control content for CC licenses to interpret whether the holders of these rights still need another attribution, restrictions on commercial use, or allow copies of works of special attention. Musical activities such as DangerMouse and David Byrne offers songs in Sampling Plus license for the distribution of CC nonkomersil and commercial samples, while there are restrictions on advertising for it. Property media Creative Commons licensed stored in a searchable form on the page re Creative Commons Search.
28. Meg Whitman, CEO eBay
If there is no industry untouched eBay, right now we are not going to find it. Whether to include the PlayStation 3 products in the same week with the publication or trying to complete the Thundercats action suit picture, you may visit the king of all the venerable auction. But Meg Whitman, who served as CEO of eBay at this late age of 9 years (based on the era of the dot-com standards) and have many ideas from the time of GI Joe dolls and home office issues. He also became the boss system of the Web's largest online payment, PayPal, and proud of their new ownership of the most popular VoIP system, Skype.
29. Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator from Oregon
Senior U.S. Senator from Oregon from the Democratic party, has long ranked as one of the voices on Capitol Hill the most influential in the field of technology. During tenure, Wyden was a writer and author of Science and Technology Emergency Mobilization Act, the Cyber Security Research and Development Act, and the CAN-SPAM Act of controversy. Recently, Wyden introduced a bill called the Internet Nondiscrimination Act, which prevents telecommunications companies to pay more for content distribution more quickly.
30. Michael Arrington, Blogger / publisher from TechCrunch
Businessman and former lawyer who joined the Canadian government to answer to the Netflix (, Michael Arrington, diverting his attention in 2005 to issue blogging about the company's brand-new web. Almost every night he became a sensation, earning a variety of attention, licking of the dot-com candidates are usually ordered by the names like Gates and Jobs. TechCrunch property is currently developed to reach 6 domain, Arrington is sometimes tempered no doubt are workers most powerful blogger today.
31. Bruce Schneier, Cryptographer
Whether the focus is the Transportation Security Administration security procedures, or the latest password security question with certainty 12 characters, Bruce Schneier offered the most logical reflection (and most influential) on computer security can seem to find them online or offline. Schneier recent writings about the security issues associated with the war against terrorism abroad, at home, and online-is worth reading.
32. Kevin Rose, Digg Founder
Everyone who has a story on the Web network that the user wants Kevin Rose's "dig." Former TechTV host (and colleague Leo Laporte see number 47) founded in 2004, bringing the power of social networking for field coverage. Digg algorithm allow users to ask their favorite news and select it. Digg expansion beyond the news to technology to the mainstream news media in June 2006 to encourage BusinessWeek chose Rose picture look stupid in front along with the estimated supply with eyebrows that rose by EUR 60 million. Rose Whether or not a multimillionaire, the site turned out to have little influence in the Internet network.
33. David Farber, Founder, Interesting
Since early 1990, David Farber has run a mailing list Interesting-People. At first just a few simple e-mail to the friends and colleagues (the people who are interested) and transformed into a mailing list online deposits. Interesting summon Browse topics-ranging from 9 / 11 until the neutrality of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to the Net and then mature with an opinion comment from some powerful people. Farber is currently a professor of computer science and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University. Previous position as chief officer Technologist for the Federal Communications Commission.
34. John Hinderaker, Scott Johnson, and Paul Mirengoff, Powerline Author
Political candidates can not afford any longer to ignore political blogs, and Powerline is one particular blog among the most influential political. Three series of neo-conservatives are the three lawyers who met while studying at Dartmouth College, began to earn the trust of "RatherGate," when they make the argument of force in which the Killian documents, which are used Dan Rather for 60 Minutes broadcast on the National Guard's service George W. Bush, was a trick. Initially, Dan Rather and CBS News did not heed the Powerline bloggers, but eventually, the CBS recognizes the existence of these forgeries Dan Rather resigned.
35. Vinton G. Cerf, ICANN Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Vice President and chief Internet evangelist for Google
Have a role in the development of TCP / IP networking facilities depend. Vinton G. Cerf is one of the founding fathers of the Internet. Most of his work in connection protocols occurred during the era of the 1970s and early 1980s, while at that time he worked for DARPA (the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency, advanced research projects agency department of defense, red). (To appreciate his efforts, Cerf and his partner, Robert Kahn was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005.) Today, Cerf led the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), and since 2005 he became Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist of Google. He became a strong advocate for the Internet neutrality issue, especially prior to submission to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He also worked with NASA in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on an Interplanetary Internet for the benefit of space communication systems wider.
36. Tim O'Reilly, Founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media
O'Reilly is the creator of the phrase "Web 2.0," and he also helped to host (along with John Battelle, see number 26) event industry conferences Web 2.0 Summit is mandatory. Publisher Harvard output is made the foundation with a focus on computer manual. Many computer enthusiasts can immediately recognize the complexities of black and white line drawings of animals that adorned the cover of O'Reilly books. But the company grew to integrate new media-blogs, podcasts, and Barita online-support.
37. Drew Curtis, Founder of
Vulgar, coarse, and generate traffic, that's the way the community commentators in particular invited to participate in the always brutal surgery. However, this often hilarious about the hot news is sometimes new news. While this site gives green light to the news with a descriptive header row "Anna Nicole Smith's condition downgraded to dead," Reuters and other international news media then reported the facts. This enterprise is still run by a man, founder and intelligent assistant Drew Curtis. In January 2007, he launched FarkTV on SuperDeluxe comedy video site. He is also scheduled to release a book titled It's Not News, It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap as News in May 2007.
38. Gabe Rivera, Creator TechMeme
Gabe Rivera created content-analysis algorithm that can scan powerful news media and traditional blogs, identify critical narrative, and sign the form mengkategorisasikannya with the easy to read. The goal is to find the next big story narrative that is currently owned. That's why influential bloggers, decision maker, and lice news site TechMeme consider to be read. While Digg news narratives set by choice, and Slashdot (see number 44) do so based on editorial opinion, the underlying technology-and site TechMeme derivatives WeSmirch, Memorandum, and Ballbug-provides the most powerful ways in utilizing the power of the blogosphere investigation.
39. Dave Winer, Blogger and author RSS 2.0
If you spend hours a day to read a podcast, then you can thank or blame Dave Winer (it all depends on your own). He is one of the inventors podcasting, and one of the first generation bloggers. Winer started with his blog called Scripting News, which still can be read clearly, in 1997. He also coauthored SOAP protocol, an instrumental element in the Web service without the operating system. However, RSS works, which is the technology behind Web content feeds are capable of driving up his name. Products that, plus the ability to convince the New York Times to do RSS and his work can be modified so that it can support media files (podcasts delivery), making it as the father of the modern era of content distribution.
40. Mike Schroepfer, Vice President of engineering Mozilla
In the browser wars sustainability, Mike Schroepfer is a five-star general who led a huge army of open-source but is decentralized which consists of the members and volunteer engineers. His mission: to improvise the best Web browser in the world, Firefox. Environment of open-source Firefox allow development cycles for faster integration of new features and additional security. Verification of success is the adoption of Internet Explorer 7 on FireFox features like tabbed browsing.
41. Perez Hilton, Hollywood blogger
Like it or not, this controversy blogger (real name: Mario Lavandeira) changing the face of celebrity journalists. Site of the most famous Hilton all the time to offer access to news and photos of celebrities, but it was not one of the reasons why he was included in this list. Hilton experienced legal dispute with x17 photo agency, which accused him of using copyrighted images without permission. Hilton claims to post photos on their site is legitimate, simple easy use of images in the news. Furthermore, a federal lawsuit worth USD 7.6 million will be very influential blogger in any way to take advantage of digital photos online.
42. Paul Graham, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, and Jessica Livingston, founder of Y Combinator
Rather than investing in large companies that may (or not) will become another company Google's classmate, corporate investors such as Y Combinatory calculating smaller with potential to be the Google Mini. Y Combinatory do 2 rounds costs and expenses with the amount of less than $ 20,000 for the coder in an effort to fund the prototype that would generate greater profits. In return, action, Y Combinatory asks servings 2% to 10% of the company. Small firms are financed Reddit (been acquired by CondeNast), Kiko, and Weebly. These names sound funny, obviously, but you must still remember when I first heard the name YouTube?
43. Mikko H. Hypponen, director of antivirus research at F-Secure
Blog news F-Secure security, written by the director of its antivirus research, Mikko H. Hypponen, is one place on the Internet that can be visited to learn about the latest security threats. Unfortunately Sony BMG did not think like that. When directly observed by F-Secure, Sony BMG, ignoring warnings regarding Hypponen hidden rootkits in anti-piracy software used in SonyBMG audio CDs. Although F-Secure does not propagate the problem, Windows expert Mark Russinovich, detailing the rootkit discovery process in his blog. Feelings of shame that arise (and third-party lawsuits about the rootkit) might encourage Sony to take more seriously Hypponen next time.
44. Rob Malda, Founder
In 1997, Rob Malda (aka CmdrTaco) creator of Slashdot, the original blog has a news item with the priorities discussed in by readers the transfer trappers (and sometimes highly technical). In fact, the original news narratives are often available in the form of a simple subject only to the contents leap comments and discussion site (feed for links to some news narration). Even if you choose Digg (see number 32), TechMeme (see number 38), Technorati, or some other news aggregation blog, do not forget it all started with Slashdot. Writers and editors still consider it with an award if the narrative of their news "beheaded," despite an increase in competition from other sites that steal a little thunder of Slashdot.
45. Nick Denton, Gawker Media founder
Kingdom Nick Denton blog very influential and very blog that you might at least visit one of the 15 properties every day through one route or another. With titles that include alternative Gawker 6 pages of the New York City, Washington, DC, Wonkette bad news, LA commensurate with Defamer, and the technology news site, Gizmodo, Denton's empire does not need to be questioned again as an independent blogging company's most successful on the Web today, has a significant influence in the industry from Hollywood to the automobile sector advanced technologies.
46. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
What will you do after creating the World Wide Web and offers free? Consortium which aims to establish mengimprovisasikannya. British scientists are designing a Web browser, editor, and language protocol (HTTP) first while also working as a scientist for the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), and he founded the W3C in 1994. He is currently voiced his support for the neutrality of the Internet. And as the financial corporations fairly old man named EF Hutton, when Berners-Lee spoke, everyone will listen.
47. Leo Laporte, Creator podcast This Week in Tech (Twit)
At least 15 years ago, a man behind Leoville creating, guiding, and writing radio and television, the most bounce is a former TechTV Screen Savers appearance. According to personality style is demonstrated to the world that the media can also be fun technology. Action is the latest investment podcast network, viewers supported enterprise is collecting other former TechTV crew and hire them for making more than a dozen podcasts, including the headline "This Week in Tech."
48. Mohammed and Omar Fadhil, Iraq Blogging Voice
Countless bloggers who are stuck because of problems of freedom of speech with opinions about the Iraq War. But the brothers Fadhil, who create a blog about Iraq, a model that gives rise to the perspective that some other bloggers can also compete with them. They are people-based Iraqi in Baghdad. Someone will find impossible to read posts without acquiring Fadhil deeper understanding of the war, its implications, and effect thereafter. There is no better example anywhere of how indigenous journalists trying to change the world.
49. Jesse James Garrett, President of Adaptive Path
Garrett, president of web design boutique in San Francisco, USA, called Adaptive Path, did not create the Ajax, a collection of technologies and programming techniques that provide Web-based applications such as productivity applications Zoho and Google Maps like interactivity and speed of desktop software. But Ajax did not really rise until Garrett identified and mentioned it in an influential description-and he still did well for the defense with more innovative techniques that are used effectively in many sites and the best Web 2.0 services.
50. Tila Tequila, MySpace Characters
If you're friends with singer and model Tila Tequila (née Nguyen), you are not the only one. As many as 1.6 million MySpace users identify themselves similar to yours. Tequila's MySpace friends to prove it can give him the strength (support), fame, and wealth. In fact, he defines repeated the word "friend" to reach out to individuals who had never even met. Despite what you think about the talents of Ms.. Tequila, he certainly can teach courses on the Web about the economy, making the popularity of online communication channels it is in the fame level A (more precisely, level C). He posed for Stuff magazine and he took part in the film starring Adam Sandler and is currently in production phase. His MySpace page has seen a dramatic increase in the display of more than 56 million pages and comment as much as 1,734,374 units.
The medium and large rectangle square off
We took this question to our Optimization Team, who gave us insight into the strengths of each ad format:
- The 300x250 medium rectangle is a widely supported format that advertisers often use when designing their branding and rich media campaigns. Using this ad format and opting in to both text and image ads may generate more placement targeting opportunities, which will help drive up competition for your ad space and should lead to higher earnings over time.
- The 336x280 large rectangle tends to have a higher clickthrough rate due to its larger size. It often performs well on text-heavy pages where it's integrated into the content.
What's your opinion? Feel free to leave us a comment and let us know how the medium and large rectangles have performed for you.
Posted by Arlene Lee - Inside AdSense Team
Painting Business Success: Do You BELIEVE You Can Succeed?
Do you believe you are worthy of success?
Do you believe you have what it takes to succeed?
Do you believe that the economy or competition can hold you back from success?
...I could go on all day asking questions about your belief system, but the point I'm trying to make is, the level of success you ultimately gain comes down to what you believe you can achieve.
Am I full of crap or do you agree with me?
Leave a comment and let me know.
Seat Review - British Airways World Traveller Plus (Premium Economy)

Getting on Board | Score 0 |
Not sure why and it was not a factor associated with World Traveller Plus, but this was the slowest boarding I have every experienced on a 747. BA was using one door rather than two but even so there was an annoying long delaying in boarding and chaos at the gate. It felt at times like a queue for Space Mountain at Disney land, each time I eventually came around a corner I thought that it would be the last one and I would get a glimpse of the door only to be disappointed and realise there was another stretch of the gate and corner to go around. My mood was also a factor due to the nature of the trip but also because Terminal 4 at Heathrow is an abandoned wasteland with construction, closed shops and poor facilities. The BA lounge is sub-par by any measure (against competitors, against other airports and against BA’s other offering in Terminal 5). On board there is no pre-flight drink or other offering from BA in this class. Combined this contributed to me reaching my seat in an even worse mood. | |
The Seat | Score 0.5 |
There is a reason why the product of Premium Economy or World Traveller Plus is tied in its definition to the Economy product. The seat is a step above economy but it is not a leap above. Put another way this is not a product that sits in between the Economy Class and Business Class (Club World) products. Instead it is a noticeable but incremental improvement on economy. The extra seven inches of leg room is nice but not transformative. This means that you are more comfortable but is does not make for an ability to sleep for an entire sector (ie 7-8 hours). There were also some very annoying parts to the seat. Something (I think either the VOD unit or lifejacket) was placed under the seat in front in such a way that it impeded my ability to freely put my feet under the seat in front. For someone of my size (185 cm) the foot rest is useless (too high) and the leg rest is meaningless (does not come out far enough) so the benefit of the extra leg room comes from the ability to put my feet under the seat in front. This is not as possible in this BA product as it should be. Also annoying is the location of the Entertainment (VOD) remote control. I had this issue on Qantas economy also. The controller is at thy height in the arm rest. Means that each time I moved my legs, I hit the controller which paused, fast forwarded or otherwise messed up the movie I was watching. In the end had to store the controller in the magazine flap in back of the seat in front which was annoying for me and the passenger next to me when she tried to go to the bathroom. | |
The Service | Score 0.5 |
The service provided is attentive, punctual and functional but it is also procedural. That means I felt I was on the staff’s timetable with limited flexibility. I would have liked to have received a little more proactive service such as bringing me more drinks and walking around looking for passengers needing help. The trick to long haul Europe to I did like the dedicated cabin aspect. Regardless of food, seat and service, having less people fighting for air, toilets and attention is valuable. | |
The Food | Score 0.0 |
As with the seat, the food is a step above economy but two or three below business class. It is a one tray service, all packaged and very carbohydrate heavy. The last meal of the trip (breakfast) after 9 hours of flying from Bangkok was a “deli box” – something that should be more at home on a Sydney to Melbourne flight than a meal designed to break a six hour break without food. | |
The Entertainment | Score 0.5 |
The Entertainment is solid enough with a fair selection of movies and TV. But BA VOD is a step behind the leaders in this space (Cathay and (2) the location of the controller (see above); and (3) turned off tow soon – 30 minutes before landing. | |
The BOOT factor | Score 0.5 |
It my BA Business Class review (Club World) Review I expressed my annoyance that World Traveller Plus is located between door one and two giving WTP passengers a head start off the plane over business class. When in business class this annoyed me. Now I am in WTP, it is a nice bonus. BA’s other WTP twist is their “raid the larder” snack program where business and premium economy passengers can access a mini bar area with drinks, fruit, candy and sandwiches. This used to be one of my favourite parts of the BA premium product experience. But on this flight it was not as good as I remember. It could have been my grumpy mood but it did not look as enticing as previous flights. | |
Final Score | 2.0 - Bad Seat |
Details and scoring system for airline seat reviews
thanks to caribb for the photo
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How to Find Easy Money on the Internet
First, when you encounter a business that gives offers promises to be making money on the internet with your easy to notice and think with logic, what yes so can result in money or money? how it works and what system they use, do not be tempted by the appearance of mutations proof, evidence or bank transfer members also testimonials from others, it could be only lie and fabrication.
second, positive thinking and never brought passion, whether you are able to do procedures they provide to make money on the internet? person's ability to berbeda2 business. internet business for money also need perseverance and skill of the personnel themselves, so before you take the easy way to think is a good idea if you are able to do it? because there is no easy way to earn money from the internet with instant, easy is relative, if you are able to then it's easy, and if not could mean that difficult: D
Third, there is no secret to getting money from the internet, so the effort and perseverance that dominate. if you are dark eyes and eventually buy the product that you can not be at it for what? there's only regret it, they promised the secret tricks and tips is that we can get search engine, so you do not easily tempted by the promise or offer you can not be run.
conclusion to find out how to easily earn money on the internet is to learn, thorough, analysis, practice. if you have learned and understood more thoroughly if you are right it can produce? deeper analysis to you later to ensure according your practice abilities. if successful could mean that you have or know how to easily earn money on the internet.
Five Proven Benefits of Cloud Services

How can your company get started with cloud computing? Well, consider following the market leaders. With a few more months of client experience, Forrester Research recently addressed the major questions that executives have about the adoption of cloud services.
The key benefits that most early adopters report do not start with costs -- but rather with business flexibility. According to those that have deployed it, the benefits of cloud computing, in order of importance, are:
1. Improving time-to-application deployment. Cloud platforms give you the option of developing and deploying new applications on existing infrastructure as quickly as desired. Traditional platforms can take up to three or four months to procure, install, and configure, stalling the application deployment process.
2. Aligning IT budgets with application demand. How many Web applications does your organization deploy without exactly knowing how popular they’ll be or how much capacity you’ll need to accommodate that popularity? Many of the early cloud adopters host customer and public-facing Web applications with cloud providers for this reason. They can pay just for the resources they use, hour by hour.
3. Accommodating peaks in demand for data center capacity. Cloud computing is also good for handling episodic spikes in demand for computing, storage, and network resources. Rather than provision for the expected peak of the holiday shopping season, retailers can push the additional demand into a cloud environment. Big batch jobs also fit this model.
4. Delivering applications without raising the budget. Cloud computing gives you the ability to deliver new applications without having to buy systems, avoiding an investment of your firm’s capital in new equipment. Application development and delivery can all be handled using pay-as-you-go operating expenses.
5. Sharing without putting the data center at risk. Many of the early adopters of cloud computing are looking for an inexpensive and easily accessible way to share information. Medical researchers are an example. Cloud services enable these organizations to host data on public clouds, rather than making their internal data center available to external parties.
Three Questions to Ask a Cloud Service Provider
How do you know if a managed cloud service provider is a good-fit for your business? Forrester concludes that you should ask all providers the following three basic questions:
- What are your enterprise references and what kinds of applications do those organizations run in your cloud?
- For which application scenarios does your cloud environment deliver the maximum flexibility and scalability?
- What security and reliability commitments do you make to your customers?
We Are All Newbs
Sorry, I should explain. You see, I meant to sit down in a chair at a table overlooking the ocean, but instead I plopped down on top of someone's laptop.
I should explain.
I'm in Second Life. Really, as I write this post, I've got another 'me' waiting for a book-talk in SL. That's where I mistakenly sat on the laptop.
And why did I sit on the laptop rather than in the chair?
Because I'm a Newb.
Fact is: We are all Newbs.
In my case, I've been virtually paperless for three years, have been using social media since the days of BBS systems, and remember celebrating my 8th birthday by learning how to hack games on a Commodore 64. And yet I'm still a Newb.
There will always be another laptop for me to sit on.
Because if I ain't a Newb, then I ain't nothing. Because a world in which I ain't a Newb in 'something' just don't seem all that interesting to me.
And so right now, while I'm no stranger to virtual worlds -- been questing in 'em from Zork to Azeroth -- I'm still a bit shaky in SL. I was slow to get on board, and I've been critical of it, and I've come up with all kinds of excuses to try to ignore it; but really -- especially when I see some of the remarkable installations there from NASA to Princeton to NPR's Science Friday -- I realize it's really just a matter of me getting up to speed so that I can make my little corner of SL what I think it should be.
And I'll get better at it. And I'll carve out my little space.
And then something else will come along and I'll be a Newb at that.
All this Newb business, however, is making all of us pros when it comes to the most important element in this whole paradigm shift. Being a Newb is part of the process of becoming connected. From SL to Twitter to Hulu to Jing: it's all about the connection. And right now we are learning what connectedness is really all about.
There are days when I'd like to go back in time to the early days of telephone just to hear the naysayers gloat about the naivety of those mad inventors. Because in every dropped call, burnt up wire, lost voice, and ear that listened but heard only darkness, one thing persevered: the idea that we could connect.
And that's where we are today. We are the Newbs. And we are trying to connect.
This ain't the end of the road. Twitter isn't the pinnacle of human achievement. Facebook ain't gonna survive the next decade (at least not in the same form). And if you think WoW makes SL look like Pong, just wait to see what's coming down the pike.
We are all Newbs.
Thank goodness.
Right from the top, juice, soda, alcohol and coffee/tea do not count as water!
I see a lot of people counting those drinks as part of their daily intake of water, but what they really do is increase your sugar (and calorie) consumption and DEHYDRATE you even more than you already are. And to be clear, dehydration does the opposite of what water does, which is hydrate your body.
Keep in mind that your body is made up of 80% water and most of the population is severely dehydrating themselves due to their westernized way of living. So, beyond the obvious reasons, why should you be drinking water?
Nutritionist Laura D gives you 20 sure fire ways to help you get water throughout the day.
1. Get a stainless steel or glass water bottle and carry it everywhere you go.
2. Drink a 500 ml bottle (1/2 litre) immediately when you wake up. Or ladies, do so while you are drying your hair or putting on your makeup for the day.
3. Keep a full water bottle in the car and drink it to and from the office, grocery store, from picking up the kids at school or anywhere else you may be going.
4. Have a tall glass of water next to your desk or work station at all times and refill it often.
5. Make a goal to have 1.5 L before lunch, another 1.5 between lunch and dinner and then sip on water or herbal teas after dinner.
6. Add lemon to your water. Not only does it taste fantastic but it helps with digestion especially if served warm. Try Laura D’s Lemonade Recipe*
7. Make it Fruity! Try adding sliced lemon, lime, oranges and grapefruits and allowing it to steep.
8. Freeze lemon, orange, lime or grapefruit juice in your ice cube trays and add one cube to your glass of water.
9. Make it Refreshing! Try adding fresh mint sprigs and allow it to steep. For an extra delicious idea, try a combination of fresh mint and lime juice!
10. Drink between meals and not with meals so that better digestion of your food occurs when you eat.
11. Make a bet with a co-worker to see who can drink more water throughout the day. The winner buys a healthy lunch on Friday afternoon!
12. If you normally have juice, try filling half the glass with water. Instead.
13. When you feel hungry, have a glass of water first – you may actually be dehydrated and not hungry! Plus you save on calories!
14. If you get a craving, have a glass of water right away and the craving will pass.
15. There are an average of 8 hours in a work day so why not try to have one glass every hour on the hour and when your work day is done so is your minimum water quota for the day!
16. Try drinking your water with a straw - you may take bigger sips and as a result drink more.
17. When you feel the need to make a trip to the washroom, make a point to replenish your system by having another glass of water immediately afterwards.
18. Drink Herbal, decaffeinated teas freely – they too count as water. Try chamomile, mint, lemon, ginger, etc.
19. Always keep a 1 L bottle of water handy so that when you may be watching TV, doing laundry, or making dinner you get your fill or carry a small refillable water bottle and stash it in your purse or briefcase for easy access.
20. If you are exercising or in the sun remember to hydrate, hydrate and hydrate some more!
How Google tackles IT security – and what you can learn from it
Providers of cloud computing services like Google are equipped to protect millions of users' data every day – it's core to how we run our business. Our users enjoy our economies of scale at minimal expense. We also employ some of the world's best security experts to help to make sure that your data stays safe.
On October 1, join us for a live webcast with some of our top security experts who are on the front lines of fighting spam, malware, and phishing for Google Apps users, designing identity management systems for hosted web apps, and monitoring the Google network for potential threats. Register for this live webcast, “How Google Tackles IT Security – and What You Can Learn From It,” to learn about security in the cloud and get your questions answered by members of Google's Security team. Participants include:
Eran Feigenbaum – As the Director of Security for Google Apps, Eran Feigenbaum defines and implements security strategy for Google's suite of solutions for enterprises. Prior to joining Google in 2007, Eran was the US Chief Information Security Officer for PricewaterhouseCoopers.
John Flynn – John “Four” Flynn has an extensive background in network monitoring, intrusion detection, and incident response. John currently leads Google's Security Monitoring program and is a founder of Google's Security Metrics group.
Bradley Taylor – Gmail's “Spam Czar,” Brad Taylor leads Gmail's technical anti-spam, anti-abuse, and email delivery engineering efforts. Brad has played a key role in the development of Gmail's spam filter since Gmail launched in April, 2004.
Eric Sachs – Eric Sachs has over 15 years of experience with user identity and security for hosted web applications. During his years at Google, he has worked as a Product Manager for many services including Google Accounts, Google Apps, orkut, Google Health, Google Security, and Internal Systems.
While circumstances may vary, most IT departments face similar security challenges. Find out more from the people who confront these issues every day here at Google.
Join us for our live webcast to learn about the people, best practices, and technologies that we have in place to minimize security threats.
How Google Tackles IT Security – and What You Can Learn From It
Thursday, October 1, 2009
11:00 a.m. PDT / 2:00 p.m. EDT / 6:00 p.m. GMT
We hope to see you there.
Posted by Serena Satyasai, Google Apps team
Can Twitter Rake in the Ads to Justify $1 Billion Valuation?

And the answer is: It better be big. CEO Evan Williams confirmed last week that the microblogging service had finalized its new funding, reported to be $100 million, giving Twitter -- which now has no monetization program in place -- a whopping $1 billion valuation. Prior investors Spark Capital, Benchmark Capital and Institutional Venture Partners doubled down, and late-stage investors T. Rowe Price and Insight Venture Partners joined up.
With the funding, Silicon Valley and the venture community are once again setting their sites on the marketing budgets of American business to support another free "cloud" web service, in this case 140-word bursts of text. Indeed, they're counting on the exponential growth of advertising revenue in a flat market for a company that -- while certainly useful to marketers -- has yet to earn its first dollar.
"I think they can build some kind of ad business, but the more relevant question is can they build an ad business worth a billion plus dollars," said Warren Lee, VC at Canaan Partners. "That would require tremendous volumes of impressions and reasonable conversions. Lots of execution will be needed. Not impossible but unlikely."
The cash infusion (on top of $55 million already raised and the estimated $25 million Twitter has left in the tank), puts the pressure on Twitter to earn its first $100 million within the next year or two, and sparked cries of "bubble!" from the cheap seats, but that was true of AOL, Netscape, Google and Facebook.
'No precedent'
Yet Twitter is quite different. "It's the first one that's not a destination -- it's a distributed service," said Seth Goldstein, CEO of SocialMedia and investor in early Twitter backer Union Square Ventures. "There is no precedent for how to monetize it. "
Like Facebook, businesses already use Twitter to communicate with their fans and don't need to pay Twitter a thing to build followers or communicate with them. "What we see is a move away from brands using broadcast media to more engagement media," said Zephrin Lasker, CEO of sales-lead exchange Pontiflex. "If you have engagement on a one-to-one basis, extremely scalable, that's valuable."
Valuable to marketers, but is it valuable to Twitter? With the money comes an expectation of corresponding revenue, and while verified accounts, corporate services and analytics are interesting, advertising is the business that scales. While co-founder Biz Stone said there are no plans to start an ad business this year, it seems inevitable Twitter will be going toe-to-toe with Facebook in the ad market.
"What is interesting from an advertising perspective is the same thing that is interesting about Facebook: It is one of the only platforms of scale that has two-way messaging potential," said Michael Lazerow, CEO of Buddy Media, which sells ads on Facebook widgets. "But are they a $50 mil or a $1 bil business?"
Twitter could turn on revenue immediately, but appears to be in no rush to do so. Observers have, for example, long wondered why Twitter didn't start running contextual or keyword ads next to tweets, like Google. Twitter could run the ads based on the content of tweets combined with what Twitter knows about the user from their profile and registration details.
Outside factors
The problem with that is that more and more users access Twitter from third-party apps like TweetDeck or Tweetie not owned by Twitter, and those services, too, need a business model and may also incorporate advertising.
Mr. Stone said that ads won't come before 2010 and Twitter's early-stage venture backers have told Ad Age the ad business, narrowly defined, isn't that interesting to them. On its site, Twitter touts marketing success stories from Pepsi, Jetblue and Dell, which consist of the brands using the service to connect with fans.
The cash could allow Twitter to make some acquisitions; perhaps one of the URL shorteners like, one or more of the Twitter applications, or one of the many, many firms now making dashboards to manage Twitter for corporate clients.
With a valuation of $1 billion, Twitter's investors believe one or more of the following outcomes are likely: an IPO or an acquisition at a healthy price. Already Twitter has reportedly turned down bids from Facebook, Google and Microsoft.
Cloud adoption and getting voted best mid-market solution at the Mid-sized Enterprise Summit
Finally, in our breakout sessions we showcased how businesses have utilized the wide range of tools that Google offers for business – for example, Hamilton Beach, which has been able to free up IT resources and focus on its core business.
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